diff --git a/etlhelper/etl.py b/etlhelper/etl.py
index 1808026..57c865f 100644
--- a/etlhelper/etl.py
+++ b/etlhelper/etl.py
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ class FailedRow(NamedTuple):
     exception: Exception
-# iter_chunks is where data are retrieved from source database
-# All data extraction processes call this function.
 def iter_chunks(
         select_query: str,
         conn: Connection,
@@ -66,14 +64,19 @@ def iter_chunks(
     The transform function is applied to chunks of data as they are extracted
     from the database.
-    :param select_query: str, SQL query to execute
+    All data extraction functions call this function, directly or indirectly.
+    :param select_query: SQL query to execute
     :param conn: dbapi connection
-    :param parameters: sequence or dict of bind variables to insert in the query
+    :param parameters: bind variables to insert in the query
     :param row_factory: function that accepts a cursor and returns a function
                         for parsing each row
-    :param transform: function that accepts an iterable (e.g. list) of rows and
-                      returns an iterable of rows (possibly of different shape)
-    :param chunk_size: int, size of chunks to group data by
+    :param transform: function that accepts a list of rows and
+                      returns an list of rows (possibly of different shape)
+    :param chunk_size: size of chunks to group data by
+    :return: generator returning a list of objects which each
+             represent a row of data using the given row_factory
+    :raises ETLHelperExtractError: if SQL raises an error
     logger.info("Fetching rows (chunk_size=%s)", chunk_size)
     logger.debug(f"Fetching:\n\n{select_query}\n\nwith parameters:\n\n"
@@ -144,14 +147,16 @@ def iter_rows(
     Run SQL query against connection and return iterator object to loop over
     results, row-by-row.
-    :param select_query: str, SQL query to execute
+    :param select_query: SQL query to execute
     :param conn: dbapi connection
-    :param parameters: sequence or dict of bind variables to insert in the query
+    :param parameters: bind variables to insert in the query
     :param row_factory: function that accepts a cursor and returns a function
                         for parsing each row
-    :param transform: function that accepts an iterable (e.g. list) of rows and
-                      returns an iterable of rows (possibly of different shape)
-    :param chunk_size: int, size of chunks to group data by
+    :param transform: function that accepts a list of rows and
+                      returns an list of rows (possibly of different shape)
+    :param chunk_size: size of chunks to group data by
+    :return: generator returning a list of objects which each
+             represent a row of data using the given row_factory
     for chunk in iter_chunks(select_query, conn, row_factory=row_factory,
                              parameters=parameters, transform=transform,
@@ -172,13 +177,15 @@ def fetchone(
     Get first result of query.  See iter_rows for details.  Note: iter_rows is
     recommended for looping over rows individually.
-    :param select_query: str, SQL query to execute
+    :param select_query: SQL query to execute
     :param conn: dbapi connection
-    :param parameters: sequence or dict of bind variables to insert in the query
+    :param parameters: bind variables to insert in the query
     :param row_factory: function that accepts a cursor and returns a function
                         for parsing each row
-    :param transform: function that accepts an iterable (e.g. list) of rows and
-                      returns an iterable of rows (possibly of different shape)
+    :param transform: function that accepts a list of rows and
+                      returns an list of rows (possibly of different shape)
+    :param chunk_size: size of chunks to group data by
+    :return: None or a row of data using the given row_factory
         result = next(iter_rows(select_query, conn, row_factory=row_factory,
@@ -203,13 +210,16 @@ def fetchall(
         ) -> Chunk:
     Get all results of query as a list.  See iter_rows for details.
-    :param select_query: str, SQL query to execute
+    :param select_query: SQL query to execute
     :param conn: dbapi connection
-    :param parameters: sequence or dict of bind variables to insert in the query
-    :param row_factory: function that accepts a cursor and returns a function for parsing each row
-    :param transform: function that accepts an iterable (e.g. list) of rows and returns an iterable
-                      of rows (possibly of different shape)
-    :param chunk_size: int, size of chunks to group data by
+    :param parameters: bind variables to insert in the query
+    :param row_factory: function that accepts a cursor and returns a function
+                        for parsing each row
+    :param transform: function that accepts a list of rows and
+                      returns an list of rows (possibly of different shape)
+    :param chunk_size: size of chunks to group data by
+    :return: a row of data using the given row_factory
     return list(iter_rows(select_query, conn, row_factory=row_factory,
                           parameters=parameters, transform=transform,
@@ -244,15 +254,16 @@ def executemany(
     disadvantage is that investigation may be required to determine exactly
     which records have been successfully transferred.
-    :param query: str, SQL insert command with placeholders for data
+    :param query: SQL insert command with placeholders for data
     :param conn: dbapi connection
-    :param rows: List of tuples containing data to be inserted/updated
-    :param transform: function that accepts an iterable (e.g. list) of rows and
-                      returns an iterable of rows (possibly of different shape)
-    :param on_error: Function to be applied to failed rows in each chunk
-    :param commit_chunks: bool, commit after each chunk has been inserted/updated
-    :param chunk_size: int, size of chunks to group data by
-    :return processed, failed: (int, int) number of rows processed, failed
+    :param rows: an iterable of rows containing data to be inserted/updated
+    :param transform: function that accepts a list of rows and
+                      returns an list of rows (possibly of different shape)
+    :param on_error: function to be applied to failed rows in each chunk
+    :param commit_chunks: commit after each chunk has been inserted/updated
+    :param chunk_size: size of chunks to group data by
+    :return: the number of rows processed and the number of rows failed
+    :raises ETLHelperInsertError: if SQL raises an error
     logger.info("Executing many (chunk_size=%s)", chunk_size)
     logger.debug("Executing:\n\n%s\n\nagainst:\n\n%s", query, conn)
@@ -331,13 +342,12 @@ def _execute_by_row(
         ) -> list[FailedRow]:
     Retry execution of rows individually and return failed rows along with
-    their errors.  Successful inserts are committed.  This is because
-    (and other?)
+    their errors. Successful inserts are committed.
-    :param query: str, SQL command with placeholders for data
-    :param chunk: list, list of row parameters
-    :param conn: open dbapi connection, used for transactions
-    :returns failed_rows: list of (row, exception) tuples
+    :param query: SQL query with placeholders for data
+    :param conn: dbapi connection
+    :param chunk: list of rows
+    :return: a list failed rows
     failed_rows: list[FailedRow] = []
@@ -382,19 +392,19 @@ def copy_rows(
     tuples.  on_error is a function that is called at the end of each chunk,
     with the list as the only argument.
-    :param select_query: str, select rows from Oracle.
-    :param source_conn: open dbapi connection
-    :param insert_query:
-    :param dest_conn: open dbapi connection
-    :param parameters: sequence or dict of bind variables for select query
+    :param select_query: SQL query to select data
+    :param source_conn: dbapi connection
+    :param insert_query: SQL query to insert data
+    :param dest_conn: dbapi connection
+    :param parameters: bind variables to insert in the select query
     :param row_factory: function that accepts a cursor and returns a function
                         for parsing each row
-    :param transform: function that accepts an iterable (e.g. list) of rows and
-                      returns an iterable of rows (possibly of different shape)
-    :param on_error: Function to be applied to failed rows in each chunk
-    :param commit_chunks: bool, commit after each chunk (see executemany)
-    :param chunk_size: int, size of chunks to group data by
-    :return processed, failed: (int, int) number of rows processed, failed
+    :param transform: function that accepts a list of rows and
+                      returns an list of rows (possibly of different shape)
+    :param on_error: function to be applied to failed rows in each chunk
+    :param commit_chunks: commit after each chunk (see executemany)
+    :param chunk_size: size of chunks to group data by
+    :return: the number of rows processed and the number of rows failed
     rows_generator = iter_rows(select_query, source_conn,
                                parameters=parameters, row_factory=row_factory,
@@ -415,9 +425,10 @@ def execute(
     Run SQL query against connection.
-    :param query: str, SQL query to execute
+    :param query: SQL query to execute
     :param conn: dbapi connection
-    :param parameters: sequence or dict of bind variables to insert in the query
+    :param parameters: bind variables to insert in the query
+    :raises ETLHelperQueryError: if SQL raises an error
     logger.info("Executing query")
     logger.debug(f"Executing:\n\n{query}\n\nwith parameters:\n\n"
@@ -465,19 +476,18 @@ def copy_table_rows(
     tuples.  on_error is a function that is called at the end of each chunk,
     with the list as the only argument.
-    :param source_conn: open dbapi connection
-    :param dest_conn: open dbapi connection
+    :param table: name of table
+    :param source_conn: dbapi connection
+    :param dest_conn: dbapi connection
     :param target: name of target table, if different from source
     :param row_factory: function that accepts a cursor and returns a function
                         for parsing each row
-    :param transform: function that accepts an iterable (e.g. list) of rows and
-                      returns an iterable of rows (possibly of different shape)
-    :param on_error: Function to be applied to failed rows in each chunk
-    :param commit_chunks: bool, commit after each chunk (see executemany)
-    :param chunk_size: int, size of chunks to group data by
-    :param select_sql_suffix: str, SQL clause(s) to append to select statement
-                              e.g. WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT
-    :return processed, failed: (int, int) number of rows processed, failed
+    :param transform: function that accepts a list of rows and
+                      returns an list of rows (possibly of different shape)
+    :param on_error: function to be applied to failed rows in each chunk
+    :param commit_chunks: commit after each chunk (see executemany)
+    :param chunk_size: size of chunks to group data by
+    :return: the number of rows processed and the number of rows failed
@@ -513,14 +523,14 @@ def load(
     with the list as the only argument.
     :param table: name of table
-    :param conn: open dbapi connection
+    :param conn: dbapi connection
     :param rows: iterable of named tuples or dictionaries of data
-    :param transform: function that accepts an iterable (e.g. list) of rows and
-                      returns an iterable of rows (possibly of different shape)
-    :param on_error: Function to be applied to failed rows in each chunk
-    :param commit_chunks: bool, commit after each chunk (see executemany)
-    :param chunk_size: int, size of chunks to group data by
-    :return processed, failed: (int, int) number of rows processed, failed
+    :param transform: function that accepts a list of rows and
+                      returns an list of rows (possibly of different shape)
+    :param on_error: function to be applied to failed rows in each chunk
+    :param commit_chunks: commit after each chunk (see executemany)
+    :param chunk_size: size of chunks to group data by
+    :return: the number of rows processed and the number of rows failed
     # Return early if rows is empty
     if not rows:
@@ -566,8 +576,18 @@ def generate_insert_sql(
         conn: Connection
         ) -> str:
     """Generate insert SQL for table, getting column names from row and the
+    Generate insert SQL for table, getting column names from row and the
     placeholder style from the connection.  `row` is either a namedtuple or
-    a dictionary."""
+    a dictionary.
+    :param table: name of table
+    :param row: a single row as a namedtuple or dict
+    :param conn: dbapi connection
+    :return: SQL statement to insert data into the given table
+    :raises ETLHelperInsertError: if 'row' is not a namedtuple or a dict,
+                                  or if the database connection encounters a
+                                  parameter error
+    """
     helper = DB_HELPER_FACTORY.from_conn(conn)
     paramstyles = {
         "qmark": "?",
@@ -621,7 +641,9 @@ def validate_identifier(identifier: str) -> None:
     Identifiers must comprise alpha-numeric characters, plus `_` or `$` and
     cannot start with `$`, or numbers.
-    :raises ETLHelperBadIdentifierError:
+    :param identifier: a database identifier
+    :raises ETLHelperBadIdentifierError: if the 'identifier' contains invalid
+                                         characters
     # Identifier rules are based on PostgreSQL specifications, defined here:
     # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-IDENTIFIERS
@@ -644,7 +666,12 @@ def _chunker(
         ) -> Iterator[tuple[Union[Row, None], ...]]:
     """Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks.
     Code from recipe at https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/itertools.html
+    :param iterable: an iterable object
+    :param n_chunks: the number of values in each chunk
+    :return: generator returning tuples of rows, of length n_chunks,
+             where empty values are filled using None
-    # _chunker('ABCDEFG', 3) --> ABC DEF G"
+    # _chunker((A,B,C,D,E,F,G), 3) --> (A,B,C) (D,E,F) (G,None,None)
     args = [iter(iterable)] * n_chunks
     return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=None)