For your convinience we have made our installation steps into an single Makefile. So after cloning the vachan-api repository into your local machine you can see yourself it will have an makefile. So in order to run this makefile first you need to install
sudo apt update
sudo apt install make
with this command to you can succesfully install make which is important to run our makefile.
In order to run the makefile you need to go inside the vachan-api folder and run the following command on your terminal
cd vachan-api
Make setup
During the execution of this command, the Makefile will initiate and prompt for your permission at various stages of the setup process, which you will need to provide manually.
When running the Makefile, it is crucial to keep a few things in mind. As the Makefile automates the installation process, in case it halts midway, you have the option to rerun that particular process without restarting the entire Makefile. Consequently, it will provide you with specific commands for each process, allowing for more targeted execution and troubleshooting.
make pre-requisite
This will install python3-pip and python3-venv into your local machine.
make venv-configure
make venv-activate
make install-dependencies
This will install requirements.txt file which is important python packages we need to run for the vachan-api and it will be installed onto your virtual environment
make check-package
make installing-psql
make into-database
make environmental-variables
Provide a valid email address for the SuperAdmin username
Ensure that your password incorporates a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, special characters, and numbers
Avoid using passwords that closely resemble your username and to run it
make installing-usfmgrammar
make installing-docker
make kratosconfig