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Part 1. Interoperable API for Cocos-BCX Chain System-BCXJS

The Javascript API for integration with COCOS-BCX-based blockchain using the COCOS-BCX RPC API.


Node.js 8.9.3 or higher version.


Use npm install to install local dependencies. Run building npm run dev.

Browser Distribution

Use the building to issue npm run release. The unpacked building shall be found at ./build.


Use the building to issue npm run release-npm. The unpacked building shall be found at./build-npm.



 <script type="text/javascript" src="bcx.min.js"></script>


NPM, which works well with modules packagers such as webpack or Browserify, is highly recommended when building large applications with bcxjs.

# The latest stable version
$ npm install bcxjs-api

ES6 module syntax import is supported when there is a converter like Babel.

import BCX from "bcxjs-api"


Instantiating the class library object

var bcx=new BCX({
		default_ws_node:”ws://XXXXXXXXX” //node rpc address, optional. If you do not specify this, it will automatically connect to the fastest node in ws_node_list
		ws_node_list:[{url:"ws://xxxxxxx",name:"xxxxx"}]//API server node list, required
		faucet_url:"", //Registration
			core_asset:"xxx",//core asset symbol
			chain_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"//chain id 
		auto_reconnect:false,//Whether to connect automatically when RPC is disconnected, the default is true
		app_keys:["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"],//Contract authorization. Do not need to configure this if there is no contract authorization
		real_sub:true//true:real-time subscription,false:blockchain subscription,the frequency of subscription notification is the frequency block production  
		sub_max_op:13//Maximum number of OP processed at subscription

Instance of call - transfer

     console.log('transferAsset res',res);

API User Guide

1.There is one optional parameter callback unless otherwise specified

The result returned by callback is an Object with an structure of {code:0,message:""}. If it is code=1, it means the result is success, and there is no message status description. If it is Code!=1, it means that the result is failure, the message is the description of the failure status.

2.There is only one parameter unless otherwise specified. The parameter is an object that contains all relevant parameters, including callback.



3.In addition to the subscription interface, other interfaces return a promise object when not passing callback parameter.

4.The parameter type of the interface is a string unless otherwise specified.

5.The parameter of the interface cannot be empty unless otherwise specified. Callback is an optional parameter.

6.The searching interface returns a data instance: {code:1,data:[]}

7.The data returned by other interfaces will have an additional data field trxData with a value of one object.


 block_num:*****,//Block height
 trx_id:"************************"//Transaction ID

8.If a non-query interface involves associated ID business (such as the ID generated by creating the NH asset), the data returned will contain the data object.


  real_running_time: 387//Running time
  result: "4.2.288"//Associated business id

Status Code

code message Description API
300 Chain sync error, please check your system clock Chain sync error, please check your system clock *
301 RPC connection failed. Please check your network RPC connection failed. Please check your network *
1 None Operation succeeded * 
0 failed The operation failed, and the error status description is not fixed. You can directly prompt res.message or to prompt the operation failure * 
101 Parameter is missing Parameter is missing * 
1011 Parameter error Parameter error *
102 The network is busy, please check your network connection The network is busy, please check your network connection *
103 Please enter the correct account name(/^a-z{4,63}/$) Please enter the correct account name(/^a-z{4,63}/$) CreateAccountWithPassword
104 XX not found XX not found passwordLogin etc
105 wrong password wrong password passwordLogin,unlockAccount
106 The account is already unlocked The account is already unlocked unlockAccount
107 Please import the private key Please import the private key unlockAccount
108 User name or password error (please confirm that your account is registered in account mode, and the account registered in wallet mode cannot be logged in using account mode) User name or password error (please confirm that your account is registered in account mode, and the account registered in wallet mode cannot be logged in using account mode) passwordLogin
109 Please enter the correct private key Please enter the correct private key keyLogin
110 The private key has no account information The private key has no account information keyLogin
111 Please login first Please login first changePassword
112 Must have owner permission to change the password, please confirm that you imported the ownerPrivateKey Must have owner permission to change the password, please confirm that you imported the ownerPrivateKey changePassword
113 Please enter the correct original/temporary password Please enter the correct original/temporary password changePassword
114 Account is locked or not logged in. Account is locked or not logged in changePasswor、transferAsset、getPrivateKey etc.
115 There is no asset XX on block chain There is no asset XX on block chain transferAsset etc.
116 Account receivable does not exist Account receivable does not exist transferAsset etc.
117 The current asset precision is configured as X ,and the decimal cannot exceed X The current asset precision is configured as X ,and the decimal cannot exceed X transferAsset etc.
118 Encrypt memo failed Encrypt memo failed transferAsset etc.
119 Expiry of the transaction Expiry of the transaction transferAsset etc.
120 Error fetching account record Error fetching account record queryAccountOperations
121 block and transaction information cannot be found block and transaction information cannot be found queryBlockTXID
122 Parameter blockOrTXID is incorrect Parameter blockOrTXID is incorrect queryBlockTXID
123 Parameter account can not be empty Parameter account can not be empty queryAccountInfo
124 Receivables account name can not be empty Receivables account name can not be empty transferAsset
125 Users do not own XX assets Users do not own XX assets queryAccountBalances
127 No reward available No reward available getVestingBalances,claimVestingBalance
129 Parameter 'memo' can not be empty Parameter ‘memo’ can not be empty decodeMemo
130 Please enter the correct contract name(/^a-z{4,63}$/) Please enter the correct contract name(/^a-z{4,63}$/) createContract
131 Parameter 'worldView' can not be empty Parameter ‘worldView’ can not be empty creatWorldView
133 Parameter 'toAccount' can not be empty Parameter ‘toAccount’ can not be empty transferNHAsset
135 Please check parameter data type Please check parameter data type creatNHAssetOrder
136 Parameter 'orderId' can not be empty Parameter ‘orderId’ can not be empty cancelNHAssetOrder
137 Parameter 'NHAssetHashOrIds' can not be empty Parameter ‘NHAssetHashOrIds’ can not be empty lookupNHAssets
138 Parameter 'url' can not be empty Parameter ‘url’ can not be empty switchAPINode
139 Node address must start with ws:// or wss:// Node address must start with ws:// or wss:// addAPINode
140 API server node address already exists API server node address already exists switchAPINode
141 Please check the data in parameter NHAssets Please check the data in parameter NHAssets creatNHAsset
142 Please check the data type of parameter NHAssets Please check the data type of parameter NHAssets creatNHAsset
144 Your current batch creation / deletion / transfer number is X , and batch operations can not exceed X Your current batch creation / deletion / transfer number is X , and batch operations can not exceed X creatNHAsset、deleteNHAsset、transferNHAsset
145 XX contract not found XX contract not foun callContractFunction, queryContract, queryAccountContractData
146 The account does not contain information about the contract The account does not contain information about the contract queryAccountContractData
147 NHAsset do not exist NHAsset do not exist queryNHAssets
148 Request timeout, please try to unlock the account or login the account Request timeout, please try to unlock the account or login the account queryVotes
149 This wallet has already been imported This wallet has already been imported importPrivateKey
150 Key import error Key import error importPrivateKey
151 File saving is not supported File saving is not supported backupDownload
152 Invalid backup to download conversion Invalid backup to download conversion backupDownload
153 Please unlock your wallet first Please unlock your wallet first importPrivateKey
154 Please restore your wallet first Please restore your wallet first backupDownload、unlockAccount
155 Your browser may not support wallet file recovery Your browser may not support wallet file recovery loadWalletFile
156 The wallet has been imported. Do not repeat import The wallet has been imported. Do not repeat import restoreWallet
157 Can't delete wallet, does not exist in index Can't delete wallet, does not exist in index deleteWallet
158 Imported Wallet core assets can not be XX , and it should be XX Imported Wallet core assets can not be XX , and it should be XX restoreWallet
159 Account exists Account exists createAccountWithWallet
160 You are not the creator of the Asset XX . You are not the creator of the Asset XX issueAsset
161 Orders do not exist Orders do not exist fillNHAssetOrder
162 The asset already exists The asset already exists createAsset
163 The wallet already exists. Please try importing the private key The wallet already exists. Please try importing the private key restoreWallet
164 worldViews do not exist worldViews do not exist queryWorldViews
165 There is no wallet account information on the chain There is no wallet account information on the chain restoreWallet
166 The Wallet Chain ID does not match the current chain configuration information. The chain ID of the wallet is: XX The Wallet Chain ID does not match the current chain configuration information. The chain ID of the wallet is: XX restoreWallet
167 The current contract version ID was not found The current contract version ID was not found queryContract
168 This subscription does not exist This subscription does not exist unsubscribe
169 Method does not exist Method does not exist unsubscribe

Part 2. Interoperable API for Blockchain Systems

Wallet mode

Create an account

Function: To create an account with a wallet. The account created with the wallet cannot be logged in with account name and password. If an account already exists with the wallet, this operation will create a sub-account, which requires the account to be a lifetime member first.
account:Account name registration rules, /^[a-z][a-z0-9.-]{4,63}$/, begin with lowercase letters + digits or lowercase letters or dots or dashes -, with a length of 4 to 63 characters
callback:callback function

Backup wallet

Method: backupDownload
Function: To back up the wallet. Calling this API will generate a wallet file, which will be downloaded automatically
callback:callback function

Load backup wallet file

Function:For the web, the change event is bound to the file input to read the wallet file.
file: The host environment triggers the returned event object, files[0] if the change event in web => file input
callback: callback function

Restore wallet from backup file

Method: restoreWallet
Function: To back up the wallet. Calling this API will generate a wallet file, which will be downloaded automatically. After the API is called, the wallet is locked.
password: the wallet password of the backup file
callback: callback function

Import private key

Method: importPrivateKey
Function: To import private key to the wallet
privateKey: unencrypted private key
password: If the wallet has been created or the wallet has been restored, the password is that of the original wallet, otherwise it is a temporary password that can be filled in freely.
callback: callback function

Delete wallet

Method: deleteWallet
Function: To delete the wallet. In the account mode, it’s better to delete the wallet first
callback: callback function

Get a list of wallet accounts

Method: getAccounts
Function: To get a list of wallet accounts
callback: Return data directly, the example format is:

		"accounts": ["tom0002"],  
		"currentAccount": {  
			"account_id": "1.2.20",  
			"locked": true,  
			"account_name": "tom0002"  

Switch account

Method: setCurrentAccount
Function: To switch current account in wallet mode
account: the account to be switched to
callback: callback function

Unlock account

Method: unlockAccount
Function: This method can be used to unlock your account by importing private key or in the wallet mode.
Password: the temporary password set when importing the private key
Callback: callback function

Lock account

Method: lockAccount
Function: Lock the account
callback: callback function

Account Mode

Create an account

Method: createAccountWithPassword
Function: To create an account. If there’s already an account logged in under account mode, this operation will create a sub-account, which requires the account to be a lifetime member first
account: Account name registration rules, /^[a-z][a-z0-9.-]{4,63}$/, begin with lowercase letters + digits or lowercase letters or dots or dashes -, with a length of 4 to 63 characters
password: password
autoLogin: Boolean type. it specifies whether to log in automatically with the default value of false
callback: callback function

Account login

Method: passwordLogin
Function: To login the account
account: account name
password: password
callback: callback function

Private key login

Method: privateKeyLogin
Function: Previously, this API was just a transition. Strictly speaking, importing a private key exists only in the wallet mode. Now, this API is temporarily left here and is still available for calling for compatility.
privateKey: Private key
password: Temporary password
callback: callback function


Method: logout
Function: This method will clear the user-related cache, including clearing the encrypted ciphertext key.
callback: callback function

Change password

Method: changePassword
Function: The password can be changed only in the account mode; after the password is successfully changed, the API will automatically call the logout.
oldPassword: old password
newPassword: new password
callback: callback function

Get current account information

Method: getAccountInfo
Function: When the account is unlocked, the return data will contain the account name
Parameters: None

Account operation

Public Key + Account Sign Up User

Method: createAccountWithPublicKey
Function: To create an account with a random generated public key and account name. If an account already exists with the account mode, this operation will create a sub-account, which requires the account to be a lifetime member first.
account(string):Account name registration rules, /^[a-z][a-z0-9.-]{4,63}$/, begin with lowercase letters + digits or lowercase letters or dots or dashes -, with a length of 4 to 63 characters
ownerPubkey(string):Account permission public key
activePubkey(string):fund permission public key
callback: callback function

Upgrade to a lifetime membership account

Method: upgradeAccount
Function: After purchasing a lifetime membership account, you can create a sub-account, which requires a certain fee.
onlyGetFee: Whether to get this operation fee only
callback: callback function

Export user private key

Method: getPrivateKey
Function: Get the user’s active_private_key. This key can be used to sign all the expenditures of the account. The returned owner_private_key: can modify various settings related to the account, including permission settings.
callback: Set the callback function after successfully get the private key

Query account record

Method: queryAccountOperations
Function: To query user’s recent operation history
account: account name
limit: Number of records queried
startId: The first account record id to be queried. If the query scope is the entire account record, the initial account record is startId.
endId: The last account record id to be queried. If the scope of the query is the entire account record, the latest account record is the endId.
callback: See the unified API parameter description

Subscribe to operation record changes

Method: subscribeToAccountOperations
Function: To subscribe to operation record changes
account: account name
callback: Call this callback whenever the user action record changes

Query account information

Method: queryAccountInfo
Function: The account information includes information such as the user id username.
account: account name
callback: See the unified API parameter description

Token operation interface

Token asset transfer

Method: transferAsset
Function: Send tokens to the recipient
fromAccount: The sender's account name. it is not a proposal
toAccount: The recipient’s account name
amount: Amount of tokens sent
assetId: Asset ID (e.g. X.X.X) or token symbol (e.g. BTC)
memo: Transfer memo
feeAssetId: Token asset symbol used to pay for transfer fee
isPropose: Whether to propose
onlyGetFee(boolean): Whether to get the transaction fee for this operation
callback: Set the callback function after the transfer

Create an asset

Method: createAsset
Function: To create a token
assetId: Asset symbol, regular ^[.A-Z]+$
precision: precise to decimal digit
maxSupply: Maximum asset supply
description: Asset description, optional
onlyGetFee: Set to return only the fee required for this call
callback: See the unified API parameter description

			quoteAmount: quote asset(Created token, default 1),  
			baseAmount: base asset (Core asset, default 1)  

Update assets

Method: updateAsset
Function: Update token
assetId: Asset symbol, regular ^[.A-Z]+$
maxSupply: Maximum asset supply
newIssuer: Update issuer
description: Asset description, optional
onlyGetFee: Set to return only the fee required for this call
callback: See the unified API parameter description
coreExchangeRate(Object): Fee exchange rate

		quoteAmount: quote asset  
		baseAmount: base asset  

Burn asset

Method: reserveAsset
Function: Burn token assets
assetId: Asset symbol
amount: Amount to be destroyed
onlyGetFee: Set to return only the fee required for this call
callback: callback function

Issue asset

Method: issueAsset
Function: To issue token asset
toAccount: Issue object
amount: Amount to be issued
assetId: Asset symbol
memo: memos, optional
onlyGetFee: Set to return only the fee required for this call
callback: callback function

Asset fund fee pool

Method: assetFundFeePool
Function: All fees will eventually be paid using the core asset token. The fee pool is used to cover the fee for the exchange from the secondary asset token to the core asset token so that the user can use the secondary token to pay the fee. If the balance in the funds pool is used up, the user will not be able to continue to use the secondary asset token to pay the transaction fee. Currently, the APIs that supports the use of secondary asset tokens as a fee include “transfer, vote, lifetime membership upgrade, asset issuance”, which will be expanded.
assetId: Secondary asset token symbol requiring fund injection
amount: Amount of core asset tokens to be injected
onlyGetFee: Set to return only the fee required for this call
callback: callback function

Collect asset fees

Method: assetClaimFees
Function: The asset issuer can collect the accumulated fees here.
assetId: Secondary asset token symbol to be collected
amount: Amount of secondary asset tokens
onlyGetFee: Set to return only the fee required for this call
callback: callback function

Query the assets issued on the blockchain

Method: queryAsset
Function: Token asset query
assetId: Asset symbol, if this parameter is empty, all assets issued on the chain will be queried
callback: callback function

Query specified asset balance of the account

Method: queryAccountBalances
Function: Get the digital asset corresponding to the user. If the assetId is empty, all the tokens of the user will be returned.
assetId: Asset ID or token symbol. Asset ID: the unique token ID of the digital token (e.g. "X.X.X"), token symbol (e.g. "BTC")
account: Account name
callback: callback function

Query the list of all asset balances in the account

Method: queryAccountAllBalances
Function: Query the list of all assets owned by the user, including the conversion value of the asset to the unit of account. Core asset with a balance of 0 will be returned when the account has no asset balance
unit: the unit of account will be exchanged to the asset, asset ID or token symbol based on the fee rate or the market price. Asset ID: The unique token ID of the digital token (e.g. "X.X.X"), token symbol (e.g. "BTC")
account: account name
callback: callback function

NH asset operation

Register as a developer

Method: registerCreator
Function: Register your current account as a developer

Create a worldview

Method: creatWorldView
Function: Create a supported NH asset worldview and register the current account (usually the game's account) with the blockchain system to support the NH asset worldview
worldView: Worldview name, case sensitive

Create NH asset

Method: creatNHAsset
Function: Create a unique NH asset. This interface is for use only by NH asset manufacturers (blacksmiths)
assetId: The applicable asset ID when the current NH asset is traded;
worldView: worldview
baseDescribe: The specific content description of the current NH assets, as defined by the creator;
ownerAccount: Specify the NH asset owner (NH asset ownership account, the default is NH asset creator)
NHAssetsCount (Number): Create the amount of NH assets, the default value is 1, only type 0 to create the same NH asset to take effect
type: Create the type of NH asset mode. The default value is 0. A value of 0 creates the same NH asset by default, and a value of 0 creates a different NH asset.
NHAssets (Array) example:

	 "assetId": "X.X.X",  
	 "worldView": "TEST",  
	 "baseDescribe": "{name:\"预言家\"}",  
	 "ownerAccount": "test2"  
	}, {  
	 "assetId": "X.X.X",  
	 "worldView": "TEST",  
	 "baseDescribe": "{name:\"女巫\"}",  
	 "ownerAccount": "test2"  
	}, {  
	 "assetId": "X.X.X",  
	 "worldView": "TEST",  
	 "baseDescribe": "{name:\"猎人\"}",  
	 "ownerAccount": "test2"  

Delete NH assets

Method: deleteNHAsset
Function: . the entire NH asset data record, which is usually used when the product is to be destroyed (only the user can authorize the destruction of the data).
NHAssetIds (Array): Unique ID of the NH asset instance; example: [X.X.X, X.X.X]

Transfer of NH assets

Method: transferNHAsset
Function: Users can transfer their NH assets to another user
toAccount: Account name the NH asset is transferred to
NHAssetIds(Array): An array of multiple NH asset ids, example: [X.X.X, X.X.X]

Propose to link worldviews

Method: proposeRelateWorldView
Function: Propose to link to a certain worldview, which requires the approval of the creator of the worldview
worldView: Worldview to be linked

Approve the proposal to link a worldview

Method: approvalProposal
Function: Approve proposals of other users to link with the worldview
proposalId: Proposal ID

Get the proposal received by the current user

Method: getAccountProposals
Function: Get the proposal received by the current operation user

NH asset transaction interfaces

Create an NH asset sales order

Method: creatNHAssetOrder
Function: Sell NH assets (you can call the queryAccountGameItems function before the transaction, listing the user's NH assets so that the user can choose an asset to sell)
otcAccount: OTC transaction platform account, used to collect the pending order fee; (filled in the OTC platform)
orderFee: Pending order fee, the pending order fee paid by the user to the OTC platform account; (filled in the OTC platform)
NHAssetId: The unique identifier ID of the NH asset instance; (filled in by users)
price: Pending order price; (filled in by users)
priceAssetId: The token type for the price of the pending order; (filled in by users)
expiration: Order time, such as 3600 (seconds), is 1 hour
memo: Memo for the pending order
callback: Set the callback function after executing the pending order

Purchase order NH assets

Method: fillNHAssetOrder
Function: Buy NH assets, pay the token for purchasing game equipment, and modify the product data owned by the user. This is a multi-step atomic operation, where the NH asset data of the user account is updated while paying the fee. If any action in the updating of the assets data is not recognized by the block of the main chain, the entire transaction will be rolled back to avoid abnormal transaction.
orderId: order ID
callback: callback function

Cancel the NH asset sales order

Method: cancelNHAssetOrder
Function: Cancel NH asset sale order
orderId: order ID callback: callback function

NH asset query interfaces

Query the NH asset sales orders of the network users

Method: queryNHAssetOrders
Function: Query the NH asset sales orders of the network users
assetIds(array): Asset symbol or id screening
worldViews (array): Version name or version id screening
baseDescribe(string): basic description pageSize: Page size
page: Number of pages

Query the NH asset sales order of the specified user

Method: queryAccountNHAssetOrders
Function: Query the NH asset sales order of the specified user
account: Query account name or account ID
pageSize: Page size
page: Number of pages
callback: callback function

Query the NH assets of the item under the account

Method: queryAccountNHAssets
Function: Read all NH assets under the current user account that can be used in the corresponding game
account: Account name or account ID
worldViews (array): Set of worldviews
page: Number of pages
pageSize: Page size, number of data per page
callback: Return value. Example:

Query the worldview linked with the developer

Method: queryNHCreator
Function: Query the worldview linked with the developer
account: Account name or account ID
callback: callback function

Query the NH assets created by the developer

Method: queryNHCreator
Function: Query the NH assets created by the developer
aaccount: Account name or account ID
callback: callback function

Query the details of NH asset

Method: queryNHAssets
Function: Query the details of NH asset
NHAssetIds(Array): NH asset id or hash
callback: callback function

Query the details of worldview

Method: lookupWorldViews
Function: Query the details of worldview
worldViews (array): Worldview name or id
callback: callback function

Node vote

Query the data of node votes

Method: queryVotes
Function: Query the data of node votes
callback: callback function

User submits voting information

Method: publishVotes
Function: The proxy account is set when saving, which will be followed by the user’s voting information.
witnessesIds(array): Set of node account ids. The query node vote data will have the account ID of each node
proxyAccount: Proxy account name
callback: callback function

Blockchain explorer interface

Query the block

Method: queryBlock
Function: Query block information by block height
block: Block height

Query the transaction

Method: queryTransaction
Function: Query transaction information by transaction id (ie transaction hash)
transactionId: Transaction id

Query information by ids

Method: queryDataByIds Function: Query related data by id
ids(Array): Set of ID array

Subscribe to the blocks

Method: subscribeToBlocks
Function: Monitor real-time block information
isReqTrx: Whether the subscribed block contains transaction information, which is included by default.
callback: callback function

Subscribe to blockchain transactions

Method: subscribeToChainTranscation
Function: Monitor blockchain transactions across the network
callback: callback function

View the block generation information of the node

Method: lookupWitnessesForExplorer
Function: The key point is to refer to the demo parsing block generation data of the node.
callback: callback function

View block rewards of the account node

Method: lookupBlockRewards
Function: Analyze data with reference to demo
callback: callback function

Collect block reward

Method: claimVestingBalance
Function: Collect block reward
id: Reward ID. The ID will be included in the query block rewards.
callback: callback function

API server node related interface

BCX initialization

Method: init
Function: Initialization includes RPC connection, reloading Indexedb data, etc.
refresh: Optional, after the first init, the second init will use the cache information. Data will be reloaded and the RPC module will be reinitialized only if the refresh is true
autoReconnect: Optional, whether to reconnect after the RPC is disconnected
subscribeToRpcConnectionStatusCallback: Optional, monitor RPC connection status, return status=>closed: rpc connection is closed, error: rpc connection error, realopen: rpc connection is successful. There will provide a separate method for monitoring.
callback: optional, callback function

View the list of API server nodes

Method: lookupWSNodeList
Function: View the list of API server nodes
refresh: Whether to refresh the ping. This can only refresh the non-current connection node, if you want to refresh all, call init({refresh: true})
callback: callback function

Connect to the API server node

Method: switchAPINode
Function: Switch node
url: API server node address, this address must be the websoket address in the API server node list
callback: callback function

Add a new API server node

Method: addAPINode
Function: Add a new API server node
name: New node name
url: API server node websoket address
callback: callback function

Delete API server node

Method: deleteAPINode
Function: Delete node
url: API server node websoket address
callback: callback function

Monitor connection state changes with API server nodes

Method: subscribeToRpcConnectionStatus
Function: Monitor rpc connection status changes
callback: The callback returns status, including the following results:
closed: Rpc connection closed
error: Rpc connection error
realopen: Rpc connection succeeded


Generate private key/public key (randomly generated)

Method: generateKeys
Function: Randomly generate a pair of public and private keys, which will be used when creating a contract with permissions. The generated private key is used for API initialization to authorize the contract, which will be returned directly without callback

Create a contract

Method: createContract
Function: Create a smart contract. If you want to set permissions on the contract, you must add a specific lua code when creating the contract, and call the contract function set_permissions_flag => contract authority code: function my_change_contract_authority( publickey) assert(is_owner()) change_contract_authority( publickey) end function set_permissions_flag(flag) assert(is_owner()) set_permissions_flag(flag) end
authority: Contract authority (public key publicKey in a pair of public and private keys), the developer can configure the private key when using the API initialization, and configure the private key corresponding to the public key to call the contract.
name: Contract name, regular /^[az][a-z0-9.-]{4,63}$/, beginning with the letter + letters or numbers or dot. or dash -, length 4 to 63 data: contract lua Code
onlyGetFee: Set to return only the fee required for this operation
callback: See the unified API parameter description

Update the contract

Method: updateContract
Function: Update contract code
nameOrId: Contract name or Id,Example: contract.test02
data: Contract lua code
onlyGetFee: Set to return only the fee for this operation

Contract call

Method: callContractFunction
Function: Call contract function interface
nameOrId: Contract name or Id,Example: contract.test02
functionName: Function name in the contract,my_nht_describe_change(Modify item properties)
valueList(array): Call the parameter list of the contract function, example: [4.2.0,{"size": "large"}] , If the parameter passes a json string, the contract needs to call cjson parsing. If the object is passed, no cjson parsing is required.
runtime: The time (in milliseconds) to run the contract function with a default of 5
onlyGetFee: Set to return only the fee for this operation with a default of false
callback: callback function

Query contract information

Method: queryContract
Function: Query contract information data
nameOrId: Contract name or Id
callback: callback function

Query account contract data

Method: queryAccountContractData
Function: Query data generated in the account contract
account: Account name or Id
contractNameOrId: Contract name or Id
callback: callback function


API Parameter Configuration

Method: apiConfig
Function:API parameter configuration
API initialization related parameters


Method: unsubscribe
Function: Unsubscribe
method(Array): Cancel the method name of the specified subscription, such as unsubscribing to block and blockchain transactions ['subscribeToBlocks','subscribeToBlocks'], without passing this parameter, cancel all subscriptions. This method returns a promise without passing a callback. Note: If you need to specify to cancel a user's subscription, the parameter is ['subscribeToAccountOperation|account']
callback: callback function

Decode transaction memo

Method: decodeMemo
Function: There is no callback, the result is returned directly, and the result is an object containing the memo text. The method is passed directly, but not the wrapped options object parameter. Example: bcl.decodeMemo(raw_data.memo) where raw_data is the transaction raw data.

Get the transaction base fee

Method: queryTransactionBaseFee
Function: Get the transaction type base fee
transactionType: transaction type, example: transfer
feeAssetId: Select the token type asset symbol or ID to pay the fee
callback: See the unified API description

transactionType list

transactionType Corresponding API
transfer transferAsset
account_create createAccountWithPassword
account_update changePassword
account_upgrade upgradeAccount
asset_create createAsset
asset_issue issueAsset
proposal_update submitProposal
vesting_balance_withdraw claimVestingBalance
contract_create createContract
call_contract_function callContractFunction
register_creator registerCreator
creat_world_view creatWorldView
propose_relate_world_view proposeRelateWorldView
creat_nh_asset creatNHAsset
delete_nh_asset delete_nh_asset
transfer_nh_asset transferNHAsset
creat_nh_asset_order creatNHAssetOrder
cancel_nh_asset_order cancelNHAssetOrder
fill_nh_asset_order fillNHAssetOrder
limit_order_create createLimitOrder
limit_order_cancel cancelLimitOrder


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