Octopus data coming in 1h late? Electricity mismatch with monitor plugs in energy dashboard #1109
I've been noticing regular negative values in my energy dashboard. First thing I did was to check the actual sensor values, and there are no outliers to clean. You can see the electricity graph, and it's all positive. But within the untracked consumption, it shows negative. After thinking a bit, I could guess it's because some of my smart plugs are reporting a certain amount of energy at 11am. Then Octopus reports the spike at 12am. So the only way HA can resolve that is showing a negative value at 11am, and then leaving the spike at 12am "untracked", when in reality, it is tracked. It just seems to be offset. Is this the case? Is it normal? Is there anything I can do to fix it? This happens once or twice every day (noticeable in the graph), but in reality I guess it's happening along the entire graph. |
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Hello. The only thing that would cause this is if the combination of your tracked sensors is more than your meter (or mini if you have one) is reporting for the same period. There is an open HA issue around this by people who don't use this integration, so i think it's a HA issue |
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Yep, I conclude it was my own mistake of disabling automatic polling, so when HA received the data after 1h it attributed it to the next hour.
Today the graph matches perfectly what's in the Octopus app and so far there are no negative untracked portions to adjust the mismatches.