diff --git a/api b/api index 2ba642fb1e..8b0679e494 100755 --- a/api +++ b/api @@ -3080,6 +3080,18 @@ apt.armbian.com")" elif cat /proc/version | grep -qi Microsoft || cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease | grep -qi WSL || [[ -f "/run/WSL" ]] || [[ -f "/etc/wsl.conf" ]] || [ -n "$WSL_DISTRO_NAME" ]; then echo "Pi-Apps is not supported on WSL." return 1 + elif [ "$(date --help 2>&1 | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}')" == BusyBox ] || [ "$(ps --help 2>&1 | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}')" == BusyBox ];then + datecommand="$(command -v date)" + pscommand="$(command -v ps)" + if [ "$datecommand" != /usr/bin/date ] || [ "$pscommand" != /usr/bin/ps ];then + echo "Your system has BusyBox commands overriding your main distro's commands. The BusyBox versions of ps, grep, date, and many other commands are missing options that Pi-Apps relies on. +You must fix this issue. Take a look at the directory the commands are stored in, and either remove it or rename it: $(echo "$(dirname "$datecommand" ; dirname "$pscommand")" | sort -u)" + return 1 + else + echo "Your system has BusyBox commands in place of the expected linux commands. ps, grep, date, and many other commands are missing options that Pi-Apps relies on. +You must fix this problem before Pi-Apps can function correctly." + return 1 + fi elif ([ "$__os_id" == "Debian" ] || [ "$__os_id" == "Raspbian" ]) && [ -f /etc/rpi-issue ] && [ "$__os_release" == 10 ]; then echo "Pi-Apps is no longer supported on your Pi OS ${__os_codename^} operating system. Consider installing Pi OS Bookworm. https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/bookworm-the-new-version-of-raspberry-pi-os/" return 1