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Twitter Adapter for Bot Framework SDK v4

An adapter that integrates Twitter Direct Messages with the Bot Builder. The adapter sets up the required webhooks and responds to CRC requests. The webhooks code is based on the work by Tweety with modifications to support the Premium tier of the Account Activity API.


Use nuget to add the required dependencies

dotnet add package Bot.Builder.Community.Twitter.Adapter


Basic sample bot available here.


Use the provided extensions to setup the adapter, middleware and hosted service in .NET Core

Inside ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) in your Startup class add the adapter dependencies

services.AddTwitterAdapter(x => Configuration.Bind("TwitterOptions", x));

In your void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) method register the adapter middleware


In your appsettings.json add required configuration entries. See details below for explanation on each entry.

  "TwitterOptions": {
    "WebhookUri": "",
    "AccessSecret": "",
    "AccessToken": "",
    "ConsumerKey": "",
    "ConsumerSecret": "",
    "Environment": "",
    "Tier": "PremiumFree",
    "BotUsername": "",
    "AllowedUsernames": []

That's it.

Configuration notes


This is public webhook uri that Twitter will integrate with. The adapter sets up a middleware that responds to the configred host in this Uri. The path portion of this address can be anything you like. Use Ngrok for development to test local callbacks. When deploying to the server, the configured hosted service will automatically update this webhook address if the twitter webhook and the configured webhook are different. Please note that if using the Free tier, you can only setup one webhook, so after you deploy to the server, running it locally will override the server webhook until you restart the web server.

Access tokens and secrets

Once you setup the Twitter developer account and create your app, you will find these at under Keys and tokens in your app page


The name of the environment the bot will be configured to. Set this in your developer account at under Account Activity API


This is the App owner configured in the above URL. This must be set to match the bot screen name - it used to detect and ignore messages that the bot sends to users. If the username doesn't match, the bot will send it's response back to itself and get stuck in recursive calls.


This is just a convenience configuration that allows you to restrict the twitter screen names that the bot will respond to. If you want the bot to respond to everyone, leave this as is.

Supported features

Currently, the adapter supports text and quick replies. More features coming soon. Contributions are welcome!

Future plans

I'd like to integrate Tweetinvi in place of the current Webhooks package as it is more feature complete, however due to a current bug in the library's WebhooksPlugin with namespace conflicts, this cannot be done until v5.0.