- Meshki is 8 years old! Thank you for your everlasting support.
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What is Meshki?
- Meshki is a simple, dark-colored, responsive boilerplate to kickstart any responsive project. It is only ~20 KiB (minified) and ~30 KiB (normal), including both CSS and JS files, which makes it superb for small to medium projects. It's easy to use, clean and is just beautiful.
+ Meshki is a simple, dark-colored, responsive css library to kickstart any web UI project. It is only ~20 KiB (minified) and ~30 KiB (normal), including both CSS and JS files, which makes it superb for small to medium projects. It's easy to use, clean and is just beautiful.
It was started as a fork of Skeleton project, and it still uses the same logic. Though Meshki is considered to be a totally different project than Skeleton, and it barely resembles it when you take a look at it.
Don't be afraid to check out Meshki's source code! If you've spotted any bugs, or you want to ask for some improvements, head to our GitHub repository and open an issue or a pull request!
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Why Meshki?
Getting Started
- Meshki uses a fixed structure to lessen the burden of setting extra ids and classes. So you always need to create the same structure for all your apps. Don't worry, this structure is very basic and it does not limit you in any ways.
+ Meshki uses a fixed structure to lessen the burden of setting extra ids and classes. So you always need to create the same structure for all your apps. Don't worry, this structure is very basic and it does not limit you in any ways. You can check out the Boilerplate's source code to get started quickly.
First of all, you need to have a <div> with the sidenav class, just after the beginning of the body. Your sidenav's links will reside in here. Then, you need to create a <div> after the sidenav's div, with the container class. The rest of your body should be created inside the "container" div. Inspect the elements on this page to understand the structure. Ah! Here's a sample code:
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Form Elements
+ Simple switch
+ Primary switch
+ Success switch
+ Warning switch
+ Error switch
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[Plugin] Extra Button Colors
[Plugin] Light-mode
+ Since Meshki v3.0.0, you can take advantage of the light-mode in your designs. All you need to do is to add the following <link> tag and apply "light-mode" class to your <html> tag.
- Meshki v2.x.x is a major release and has introduced some breaking changes, which means that it's not backwards-compatible with previous versions. Make sure you read the Changelog, so you can understand the latest important changes in Meshki.
+ Meshki v3.x.x is a major release and has introduced some breaking changes, but the changes are 80% compatible with Meshki v2.x.x. Make sure you read the Changelog, so you can understand the latest important changes in Meshki.
+ Meshki v2.x.x is a major release and has introduced some breaking changes, which means that it's not backwards-compatible with previous versions. Make sure you read the Changelog, so you can understand the latest important changes in Meshki.