Bzzzzzz... --Sir Bob mcBobben van Bee
This is my personal Remote Bee Hive weight monitoring system.
It is made from two parts:
- BeeBox:
It works with an Arduino and a Scale which act like a server trough a SimCOM 800l GSM module, I programmed the arduino for power efficiency but you will need some form of power supply o battery.
After I finish the project I will test if the Arduino can run indefinitely with a solar panel or not. - BeeManager or BeeMan:
The BeeMan client must be installed on a server (like a Raspberry Pi) on your home LAN, no port forwarding is needed!
The BeeManager will open a website on which to see the data trough a graph, you will also have the possibility to Config the BeeBox trough the site.
BeeManager Socket. 📡
BeeManager Database. 📂
BeeManager Webserver. 📈 (Working on this now).
BeeManager Main application. 🖥️
BeeBox Proof of work. ⚙️
BeeBox socket and security features 📡.
BeeBox Power management. 🔋
Wiring and upload of schematics (I'm a CS student, I'm going to learn this when finished programming the rest).
Getting harshly insulted by a Bee.
Getting stung by a Bee while installing the BeeBox. 🐝
Wow that’s very nice, but before you start investing time in my project think about the fact that there are 10e9999 better projects not made by a CS student making shitty implementation decisions.
I know they are shitty because i made them.
But any critique is highly wellcome!