To develop ever2boost, Ruby
(above 2.0.0) and bundler
is required. You can check them by the commands below:
$ ruby -v
$ gem which bundler
And setup ever2boost:
$ git clone
$ cd ever2boost
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec exec/ever2boost import
DEVELOPER_TOKEN: <your developer token>
RSpec is used for testing ever2boost.
$ rspec
And also Rubocop is used, thus you need to install Rubocop if you don't have:
$ gem install rubocop
$ rubocop -c .rubocop_todo.yml
First, you need to register your access key to rubygems. And build and release.
$ bundle exec rake build
ever2boost x.x.x built to pkg/ever2boost-0.1.0.gem.
$ bundle exec rake release
ever2boost x.x.x built to pkg/ever2boost-0.1.0.gem.
Tagged vx.x.x.
Pushed git commits and tags.
Pushed ever2boost x.x.x to