2 player deathmatch
multiplayer, space ship builder, shoot each other to death
some ascii characters are entities
no letters, numbers or control sequences
[] \|/ - light armor
= torpedo launcher (turrets, launchers can be rotated)
% - fighter ship/drone (shoots mini-torpedo)
` ~ ! - torpedo missiles
. stars
* could be explosion sparks?
() shield entities
+ (plus), # (hash) heavy armor
@ reactor
{} reactor enclosure
$ thruster exhaust?
? minigun turret
' bullet
: hangar shield door?
<> thrusters
each character has a unique set of components
create a sprite sheet for all the characters
web assembly based game
battle stage:
press a button to deploy a fighter. this has a cooldown
click and hold in open space to shoot a laser
right click and aim once to shoot a torpedo
reactor meltdown/explosion
player controlled velocity
reflect debris off mothership hulls if they collide
factor collision velocity between motherships into the integrity damage of Structure entities
decrease integrity of torpedoes when hit by a bullet
editor design stage:
build a mothership out of ascii characters
click and drag to draw lots of a type of character
Thrust to Weight Ratio speed calculation