- http://bestalign.github.io/2015/10/26/cartoon-intro-to-redux/
- Ducks Pattern - To me, it makes more sense for these pieces to be bundled together in an isolated module that is self contained, and can even be packaged easily into a library. if you wanna more detail, click ducks link.
- redux-box
- Redux-Thunk based on High order Function
- Redux-Saga based on Generator Function
- Redux-Obervable like Observer pattern.
- Hierarchy Tree
- a Store
- https://mobx.js.org/intro/concepts.html
- It Seems Like Excel Spreadsheets
- mobx-state-tree
- JavaScript and TypeScript finite state machines (opens new window)and statecharts (opens new window)for the modern web.
- https://xstate.js.org/docs/
- state management가 메인은 아니지만 context영역이 state management 기능을 하고 뷰 업데이트까지 하기에 해당 분류로 추가하였습니다.