- Inatalling Node and other extensions
- What is React?
- Why React?
- Create react App (cra)
- React Folder structure and lifecycle
- React Components (cbc and fbc)
- Creating a React Component
- Adding jsx text and images to a React Component
- Rendering a React Component
- Nested React Components
- passing data to a React Component (props, children)
- props with different data types
- States in react
- Stateful components (class based components)
- Stateless components (function based components)
- React Hooks
- useState, useEffect, useContext, useRef, useMemo, useReducer, etc
- Events in react, onClick, onSubmit, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onMouseOver.
- Conditional rendering using ternary operator and coalescence operator
- React Router DOM, Link, routing, useNavigate and private rounting
- Project
- Final project