color |
Color |
Color |
/color/ |
Bixal has a robust color palette, but no more than two brand colors should be used at any given time. Black or white may be used as a tertiary color in some instances. For example, a PowerPoint presentation can utilize many colors, but there should only be two per slide. |
heading |
image-source |
alt-text |
body |
The Dark Palette |
Dark palette colors |
The dark palette amplifies the maturity and confidence of the Bixal brand. The dark palette should be paired with either light or medium hues, and should be offset with white body text. |
heading |
image-source |
alt-text |
body |
The Medium Palette |
Medium palette colors |
The medium palette includes a few of the most striking tones in the overall color library. The medium palette may be paired with either light or dark palette hues, and should be offset with white body text. |
heading |
image-source |
alt-text |
body |
The Light Palette |
Light palette colors |
The light palette brings a sense of approachability and delight to the overall color library. The light palette should be paired with the dark palette for contrast, and should be matched to black body text. |
heading |
background-color |
hex |
pms-coated |
pms-uncoated |
Bixal Orange |
orange |
FDA305 |
137 C |
123 U |
heading |
background-color |
hex |
pms-coated |
pms-uncoated |
Bixal Green |
green |
396 C |
396 U |
heading |
background-color |
hex |
pms-coated |
pms-uncoated |
Bixal Light Blue |
light-blue |
BEE9F6 |
7457 C |
7457 U |
heading |
background-color |
hex |
pms-coated |
pms-uncoated |
Bixal Teal |
teal |
06C5BC |
3262 C |
3262 U |
heading |
background-color |
hex |
pms-coated |
pms-uncoated |
Bixal Red |
red |
E02F00 |
485 C |
2347 U |
heading |
background-color |
hex |
pms-coated |
pms-uncoated |
text-white |
Bixal Maroon |
maroon |
55052A |
7421 C |
7421 U |
true |
heading |
background-color |
hex |
pms-coated |
pms-uncoated |
text-white |
Bixal Purple |
purple |
7D0096 |
2602 C |
2592 U |
true |
heading |
background-color |
hex |
pms-coated |
pms-uncoated |
text-white |
Bixal Navy |
navy |
172D6A |
294 C |
280 U |
true |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
light-blue |
maroon |
55052A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
green |
maroon |
55052A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
orange |
maroon |
55052A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
teal |
maroon |
55052A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
light-blue |
navy |
172D6A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
green |
navy |
172D6A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
maroon |
light-blue |
BEE9F6 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
navy |
light-blue |
BEE9F6 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
maroon |
green |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
navy |
green |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
maroon |
orange |
FDA305 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
light-blue |
purple |
7D0096 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
green |
purple |
7D0096 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
orange |
purple |
7D0096 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
teal |
navy |
172D6A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
orange |
navy |
172D6A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
maroon |
teal |
06C5BC |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
navy |
teal |
06C5BC |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
purple |
green |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
purple |
light-blue |
BEE9F6 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
navy |
orange |
FDA305 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
purple |
red |
E02F00 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
light-blue |
red |
E02F00 |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
red |
navy |
172D6A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
red |
maroon |
55052A |
text-color |
background-color |
color-code |
red |
light-blue |
BEE9F6 |