This folder contains examples on how MEWpy can be used to perform phenotype simulations and Computational Strain Optimization.
- The simulation and optimization notebooks, illustrate how MEWpy may be used to perform basic analysis tasks, phenotype simulations and optimizations using GSMMs.
- The kinetic illustrates how MEWpy may be use to load and work with kinetic models.
- The ROUProblem example illustrates how MEWpy may be used to identify reaction bounds modifications that favor the production of the aromatic amino acid (AAA) L-tyrosine in yeast.
- The GOUProblem example aims to increase the production of the same AAA in E. coli by modifying genes expression.
- The GeckoKOProblem, also targets the same goal in yeast by exploiting a GECKO model and by deleting enzymatic.
- The CoFactorSwap illustrates how to swap co-factors to optimize the production of a metabolite.
- The Community provides examples on how to use MEWpy to build community models.
- The CrossFeeding illustrated how to use MEWpy to design strains that favor crossfeeding.
- The GERM_Models example illustrates how to work with GERM models in MEWpy.
- The GERM_Models_analysis example illustrates how to work with GERM models analysis in MEWpy. proteins.
- Examples on how to load models and get a model specific phenotype simulator.
- Examples on how to run CSO thar modify genes expression.
- Examples on how to evaluate GPRs.
- Examples on how to run phenotype simulations on GECKO models.
- Examples on how to run CSOs using the original GECKO model.
- Examples on how to run CSOs using the original the REFRAME based GECKO model.
- Compares the performance of distincts MOEAs on solving a GECKO OU problem.
- Examples on how to run CSOs using sMOMENT and AUTOPACMEN GECKO like models for E.coli.
- Example on how to use MEWpy for strain design using a kinetic model.
- OptORF examples.
- OptRAM example.
- Examples on how to perform GERM Model analysis in MEWpy.
More information can be found in the MEWpy documentation