diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 5514d612b..c8f5d88c2 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ language: c +dist: trusty + sudo: required diff --git a/plugins/x86/x86_lifter.ml b/plugins/x86/x86_lifter.ml index 8e774bfb5..7a465f0f2 100644 --- a/plugins/x86/x86_lifter.ml +++ b/plugins/x86/x86_lifter.ml @@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ module ToIR = struct let size_of_typ s = Size.of_int_exn !!s (** doubts here *) + + let undefine = + List.map ~f:(fun r -> Bil.(r := unknown "#undefined" (Var.typ r))) + + (* stmt helpers *) let store_s mode s t a e = @@ -239,7 +244,7 @@ module ToIR = struct where c is the carry bit from the lower four bits. Since AF = c, and we want to know the value of AF, we can rewrite as AF = c = r_4 - [(op1_4 + op2_4) mod 2]. Noting that addition and subtraction mod - 2 is just xor, we can simplify to AF = r_4 xor op1_4 xor op2_4. + 2 is just xor, we can simplify to AF = r_4 xor op1_4 xor op2_4. *) let set_apszf t s1 s2 r = @@ -302,1247 +307,1259 @@ module ToIR = struct | _ -> disfailwith "imm operand expected" in Bil.(cast signed (bitwidth_of_type t) (op2e op_typ op)) in function - | Nop -> [] - | Bswap(t, op) -> - let e = match t with - | Type.Imm 32 | Type.Imm 64 -> let (op', t') = op2e_keep_width t op in - reverse_bytes op' t' - | _ -> disfailwith "bswap: Expected 32 or 64 bit type" - in - [assn t op e] - | Retn (op, far_ret) when pref = [] || pref = [repz] || pref = [repnz]-> - let temp = tmp mt in - let load_stmt = if far_ret - then (* TODO Mess with segment selectors here *) - unimplemented "long retn not supported" - else Bil.Move (temp, load_s mode seg_ss (size_of_typ mt) rsp_e) - in - let rsp_stmts = - Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e + (Int (mi (bytes_of_width mt))))):: - (match op with - | None -> [] - | Some(t, src) -> - [Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e + (op2e t src)))] - ) in - load_stmt:: - rsp_stmts@ - [Bil.Jmp (Bil.Var temp)] - | Mov(t, dst, src, condition) -> - let c_src = (match condition with - | None -> op2e t src - | Some c -> Bil.Ite (c, op2e t src, op2e t dst)) - in - (* Find base by looking at LDT or GDT *) - let base_e e = - (* 0 = GDT, 1 = LDT *) - let ti = Bil.Extract (3, 3, e) in - let base = Bil.Ite (ti, Bil.var ldt, Bil.var gdt) in - (* Extract index into table *) - let entry_size, entry_shift = match mode with - | X86 -> reg64_t, 6 (* "1<<6 = 64" *) - | X8664 -> reg128_t, 7 (* "1<<7 = 128" *) - in - let index = Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!mt, (Extract (15, 4, e)) lsl (Int (mi entry_shift)))) in - (* Load the table entry *) - let table_entry = load_s mode None (size_of_typ entry_size) (Bil.(base + index)) in - (* Extract the base *) - concat_explist - ((match mode with - | X86 -> [] - | X8664 -> (Bil.Extract (95, 64, table_entry)) :: []) - @ (Bil.Extract (63, 56, table_entry)) - :: (Bil.Extract (39, 32, table_entry)) - :: (Bil.Extract (31, 16, table_entry)) - :: []) - in - let bs = - let dst_e = op2e t dst in - if dst = o_fs && !compute_segment_bases then [Bil.Move (fs_base, base_e dst_e)] - else if dst = o_gs && !compute_segment_bases then [Bil.Move (gs_base, base_e dst_e)] - else [] - in - assn t dst c_src :: bs - | Movs(Type.Imm _bits as t) -> - let stmts = - store_s mode seg_es t rdi_e (load_s mode seg_es (size_of_typ t) rsi_e) - :: string_incr mode t rsi - :: string_incr mode t rdi - :: [] - in - if pref = [] then - stmts - else if ints_mem pref repz || ints_mem pref repnz then - (* movs has only rep instruction others just considered to be rep *) - rep_wrap ~mode ~addr ~next stmts - else - unimplemented "unsupported prefix for movs" - | Movzx(t, dst, ts, src) -> - [assn t dst Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, op2e ts src))] - | Movsx(t, dst, ts, src) -> - [assn t dst Bil.(Cast (SIGNED, !!t, op2e ts src))] - | Movdq(ts, s, td, d, align) -> - let (s, al) = match s with - | Ovec _ | Oreg _-> op2e ts s, [] - | Oaddr a -> op2e ts s, [a] - | Oimm _ | Oseg _ -> disfailwith "invalid source operand for movdq" - in - let (d, al) = match d with - (* Behavior is to clear the xmm bits *) - | Ovec _ -> assn td d Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!td, s)), al - | Oreg _ -> assn td d s, al - | Oaddr a -> assn td d s, a::al - | Oimm _ | Oseg _ -> disfailwith "invalid dest operand for movdq" - in - (* sources tell me that movdqa raises a general protection exception - * if its operands aren't aligned on a 16-byte boundary *) - let im i = Bil.Int (int_of_mode mode i) in - let al = - if align then - List.map ~f:(fun a -> Bil.If (Bil.((a land im 15) = im 0), [], [Cpu_exceptions.general_protection])) al - else [] - in - d::al - | Movoffset((tdst, dst), offsets) -> - (* If a vex prefix is present, then extra space is filled with 0. - Otherwise, the bits are preserved. *) - let padding hi lo = - if hi < lo then [] - else if has_vex then [int_exp 0 (hi - lo + 1)] - else [Bil.Extract (hi, lo, op2e tdst dst)] - in - let offsets = List.sort ~compare:(fun {offdstoffset=o1; _} {offdstoffset=o2; _} -> Int.compare o1 o2) offsets in - let add_exp (elist,nextbit) {offlen; offtyp; offop; offsrcoffset; offdstoffset} = - Bil.Extract ((!!offlen + offsrcoffset - 1), offsrcoffset, (op2e offtyp offop)) - :: padding (offdstoffset - 1) nextbit - @ elist, offdstoffset + !!offlen - in - let elist, nextbit = List.fold_left ~f:add_exp ~init:([],0) offsets in - let elist = padding (!!tdst - 1) nextbit @ elist in - [assn tdst dst (concat_explist elist)] - | Punpck(t, et, o, d, s, vs) -> - let nelem = match t, et with - | Type.Imm n, Type.Imm n' -> n / n' - | _ -> disfailwith "invalid" - in - assert (nelem mod 2 = 0); - let nelem_per_src = nelem / 2 in - let halft = Type.Imm (!!t / 2) in - let castf = match o with - | High -> fun e -> Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!halft, e)) - | Low -> fun e -> Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!halft, e)) - in - let se, de = castf (op2e t s), castf (op2e t d) in - let st, dt = tmp halft, tmp halft in - let et' = !!et in - let mape i = - [extract_element et' (Bil.Var st) i; extract_element et' (Bil.Var dt) i] - in - let e = concat_explist (List.concat (List.map ~f:mape (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive (nelem_per_src-1) 0))) in - let dest = match vs with - | None -> d - | Some vdst -> vdst - in - [Bil.Move (st, se); - Bil.Move (dt, de); - assn t dest e] - | Ppackedbinop(t, et, fbop, _, d, s, vs) -> - let t_width = bitwidth_of_type t in - let e_width = bitwidth_of_type et in - let nops = t_width / e_width in - let byte = 8 in - let tmp_dst = tmp t in - let vdst = Option.value ~default:d vs in - let iv = tmp (Type.imm byte) in - let elt = tmp et in - let zero = Word.zero t_width in - let bits = Word.of_int ~width:byte e_width in - - let foreach_size f = List.concat @@ List.init nops ~f in - let getelement o i = - (* assumption: immediate operands are repeated for all vector - elements *) - match o with - | Oimm _ -> op2e et o - | _ -> extract_element !!et (op2e t o) i in - - List.concat Bil.[ - [tmp_dst := int zero]; - foreach_size (fun i -> [ - elt := fbop (getelement d i) (getelement s i); - iv := int @@ Word.of_int ~width:byte i; - tmp_dst := - var tmp_dst lor - ((cast unsigned t_width (var elt)) lsl (var iv * int bits)) - ] - ); - [assn t vdst (var tmp_dst)] - ] - | Pbinop(t, fbop, _s, o1, o2, vop) -> - (match vop with - | None -> [assn t o1 (fbop (op2e t o1) (op2e t o2))] - | Some vop -> [assn t o1 (fbop (op2e t vop) (op2e t o2))]) - | Pcmp (t,elet,bop,_,dst,src,vsrc) -> - let elebits = bitwidth_of_type elet in - let t_width = bitwidth_of_type t in - let ncmps = t_width / elebits in - let src = match src with - | Ovec _ -> op2e t src - | Oaddr a -> load (size_of_typ t) a - | Oreg _ | Oimm _ | Oseg _ -> disfailwith "invalid" in - let vsrc = Option.value ~default:dst vsrc in - let byte = 8 in - let tmp_dst = tmp t in - let iv = tmp (Type.imm byte) in - let elt = tmp elet in - let elt_1 = tmp elet in - let elt_2 = tmp elet in - let _one = Word.of_int ~width:elebits (-1) in - let zero = Word.zero elebits in - let bits = Word.of_int ~width:byte elebits in - let zero_long = Word.zero t_width in - let foreach_size f = - let sizes = List.init ncmps ~f:(fun i -> - let left_bit = i * elebits in - let right_bit = (i + 1) * elebits - 1 in - let i = Word.of_int ~width:byte i in - i, left_bit, right_bit) in - List.concat @@ List.map sizes ~f in - - List.concat Bil.[ - [tmp_dst := int zero_long]; - foreach_size (fun (i, left_bit, right_bit) -> [ - elt_1 := extract right_bit left_bit src; - elt_2 := extract right_bit left_bit (op2e t vsrc); - iv := int i; - if_ (binop bop (var elt_1) (var elt_2)) [ - elt := int _one; - ] [ - elt := int zero; - ]; - tmp_dst := - var tmp_dst lor - ((cast unsigned t_width (var elt)) lsl (var iv * int bits)) - ]); - [assn t dst (var tmp_dst)] ] - | Pmov (t, dstet, srcet, dst, src, ext, _) -> - let nelem = match t, dstet with - | Type.Imm n, Type.Imm n' -> n / n' - | _ -> disfailwith "invalid" - in - let getelt op i = extract_element !!srcet (op2e t op) i in - let extcast = - let open Exp in - match ext with - | UNSIGNED | SIGNED -> fun e -> Bil.Cast (ext, !!dstet, e) - | _ -> disfailwith "invalid" - in - let extend i = extcast (getelt src i) in - let e = concat_explist (List.map ~f:extend (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive (nelem-1) 0)) in - [assn t dst e] - | Pmovmskb (t,dst,src) -> - let nbytes = bytes_of_width t in - let src = match src with - | Ovec _ -> op2e t src - | _ -> disfailwith "invalid operand" - in - let get_bit i = Bil.Extract(i*8-1, i*8-1, src) in - let byte_indices = List.init ~f:(fun i -> i + 1) nbytes in (* list 1-nbytes *) - let all_bits = List.rev (List.map ~f:get_bit byte_indices) in - (* could also be done with shifts *) - let padt = Type.Imm(32 - nbytes) in - let or_together_bits = List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc i -> Bil.Concat(acc,i)) ~init:(int_exp 0 (!!padt)) all_bits in - [assn reg32_t dst or_together_bits] - | Palignr (t,dst,src,vsrc,imm) -> - let (dst_e, t_concat) = op2e_keep_width t dst in - let (src_e, t_concat') = op2e_keep_width t src in - (* previously, this code called Typecheck.infer_ast. - * We're now just preserving the widths, so here we assert - * that our 2 "preserved widths" are the same. *) - assert (!!t_concat = !!t_concat'); - let imm = op2e t imm in - let conct = Bil.(dst_e ^ src_e) in - let shift = Bil.(conct lsr (Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t_concat, imm lsl (int_exp 3 !!t)))) in - let high, low = match t with - | Type.Imm 256 -> 255, 0 - | Type.Imm 128 -> 127, 0 - | Type.Imm 64 -> 63, 0 - | _ -> disfailwith "impossible: used non 64/128/256-bit operand in palignr" + | Nop -> [] + | Bswap(t, op) -> + let e = match t with + | Type.Imm 32 | Type.Imm 64 -> let (op', t') = op2e_keep_width t op in + reverse_bytes op' t' + | _ -> disfailwith "bswap: Expected 32 or 64 bit type" + in + [assn t op e] + | Retn (op, far_ret) when pref = [] || pref = [repz] || pref = [repnz]-> + let temp = tmp mt in + let load_stmt = if far_ret + then (* TODO Mess with segment selectors here *) + unimplemented "long retn not supported" + else Bil.Move (temp, load_s mode seg_ss (size_of_typ mt) rsp_e) + in + let rsp_stmts = + Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e + (Int (mi (bytes_of_width mt))))):: + (match op with + | None -> [] + | Some(t, src) -> + [Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e + (op2e t src)))] + ) in + load_stmt:: + rsp_stmts@ + [Bil.Jmp (Bil.Var temp)] + | Mov(t, dst, src, condition) -> + let c_src = (match condition with + | None -> op2e t src + | Some c -> Bil.Ite (c, op2e t src, op2e t dst)) + in + (* Find base by looking at LDT or GDT *) + let base_e e = + (* 0 = GDT, 1 = LDT *) + let ti = Bil.Extract (3, 3, e) in + let base = Bil.Ite (ti, Bil.var ldt, Bil.var gdt) in + (* Extract index into table *) + let entry_size, entry_shift = match mode with + | X86 -> reg64_t, 6 (* "1<<6 = 64" *) + | X8664 -> reg128_t, 7 (* "1<<7 = 128" *) in - let result = Bil.Extract (high, low, shift) in - let im i = Bil.Int (int_of_mode mode i) in - let addresses = List.fold - ~f:(fun acc -> function Oaddr a -> a::acc | _ -> acc) ~init:[] [src;dst] in - (* Palignr seems to cause a CPU general protection exception if this fails. - * previously this code used the ast.ml Assert statement, which is gone, - * so it's been replaced with Bil's CpuExn *) - List.map ~f:(fun addr -> Bil.If (Bil.((addr land im 15) = im 0), - [], [Cpu_exceptions.general_protection])) addresses - @ (match vsrc with - | None -> [assn t dst result] - | Some vdst -> [assn t vdst result]) - | Pcmpstr(t,xmm1,xmm2m128,_imm,imm8cb,pcmpinfo) -> - let open Pcmpstr in - let concat elt_width exps = match exps with - | [] -> disfailwith "trying concat on empty list" - | first :: exps' -> - let len = List.length exps * elt_width in - let exp = List.fold exps' ~init:first ~f:(fun e e' -> Bil.(e ^ e')) in - let tmp = tmp (Type.imm len) in - tmp, Bil.[tmp := exp] in - - (* All bytes and bits are numbered with zero being the least - significant. This includes strings! *) - (* NOTE: Strings are backwards, at least when they are in - registers. This doesn't seem to be documented in the Intel - manual. This means that the NULL byte comes before the - string. *) - let xmm1_e = op2e t xmm1 in - let xmm2m128_e = op2e t xmm2m128 in - let regm = type_of_mode mode in - - let nelem, _nbits, elemt = match imm8cb.ssize with - | Bytes -> 16, 8, Type.imm 8 - | Words -> 8, 16, Type.imm 16 in - - (* Get element index in e *) - let get_elem = extract_element !!elemt in - let get_xmm1 = get_elem xmm1_e in - let get_xmm2 = get_elem xmm2m128_e in - - let nelem_range = - List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive (nelem-1) 0 in - - (* Build expressions that assigns the correct values to the - is_valid variables using implicit (NULL-based) string length. *) - let implicit_check is_valid_xmm_i get_xmm_i = - let f acc i = - let previous_valid = - if i = 0 then exp_true - else Bil.var (is_valid_xmm_i (i - 1)) in - let current_valid = - Bil.(get_xmm_i i <> (int_exp 0 !!elemt)) in - let x = is_valid_xmm_i i in - Bil.(x := previous_valid land current_valid) :: acc in - List.fold ~f:f ~init:[] nelem_range in - - (* Build expressions that assigns the correct values to the - is_valid variables using explicit string length. *) - let explicit_check is_valid_xmm_i sizee = - (* Max size is nelem *) - let nelem_e = Word.of_int ~width:(bitwidth_of_type regm) nelem in - let sizev = tmp ~name:"sz" regm in - let init = Bil.[ - if_ (int nelem_e < sizee) [ - sizev := int nelem_e; - ] [ - sizev := sizee; + let index = Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!mt, (Extract (15, 4, e)) lsl (Int (mi entry_shift)))) in + (* Load the table entry *) + let table_entry = load_s mode None (size_of_typ entry_size) (Bil.(base + index)) in + (* Extract the base *) + concat_explist + ((match mode with + | X86 -> [] + | X8664 -> (Bil.Extract (95, 64, table_entry)) :: []) + @ (Bil.Extract (63, 56, table_entry)) + :: (Bil.Extract (39, 32, table_entry)) + :: (Bil.Extract (31, 16, table_entry)) + :: []) + in + let bs = + let dst_e = op2e t dst in + if dst = o_fs && !compute_segment_bases then [Bil.Move (fs_base, base_e dst_e)] + else if dst = o_gs && !compute_segment_bases then [Bil.Move (gs_base, base_e dst_e)] + else [] + in + assn t dst c_src :: bs + | Movs(Type.Imm _bits as t) -> + let stmts = + store_s mode seg_es t rdi_e (load_s mode seg_es (size_of_typ t) rsi_e) + :: string_incr mode t rsi + :: string_incr mode t rdi + :: [] + in + if pref = [] then + stmts + else if ints_mem pref repz || ints_mem pref repnz then + (* movs has only rep instruction others just considered to be rep *) + rep_wrap ~mode ~addr ~next stmts + else + unimplemented "unsupported prefix for movs" + | Movzx(t, dst, ts, src) -> + [assn t dst Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, op2e ts src))] + | Movsx(t, dst, ts, src) -> + [assn t dst Bil.(Cast (SIGNED, !!t, op2e ts src))] + | Movdq(ts, s, td, d, align) -> + let (s, al) = match s with + | Ovec _ | Oreg _-> op2e ts s, [] + | Oaddr a -> op2e ts s, [a] + | Oimm _ | Oseg _ -> disfailwith "invalid source operand for movdq" + in + let (d, al) = match d with + (* Behavior is to clear the xmm bits *) + | Ovec _ -> assn td d Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!td, s)), al + | Oreg _ -> assn td d s, al + | Oaddr a -> assn td d s, a::al + | Oimm _ | Oseg _ -> disfailwith "invalid dest operand for movdq" + in + (* sources tell me that movdqa raises a general protection exception + * if its operands aren't aligned on a 16-byte boundary *) + let im i = Bil.Int (int_of_mode mode i) in + let al = + if align then + List.map ~f:(fun a -> Bil.If (Bil.((a land im 15) = im 0), [], [Cpu_exceptions.general_protection])) al + else [] + in + d::al + | Movoffset((tdst, dst), offsets) -> + (* If a vex prefix is present, then extra space is filled with 0. + Otherwise, the bits are preserved. *) + let padding hi lo = + if hi < lo then [] + else if has_vex then [int_exp 0 (hi - lo + 1)] + else [Bil.Extract (hi, lo, op2e tdst dst)] + in + let offsets = List.sort ~compare:(fun {offdstoffset=o1; _} {offdstoffset=o2; _} -> Int.compare o1 o2) offsets in + let add_exp (elist,nextbit) {offlen; offtyp; offop; offsrcoffset; offdstoffset} = + Bil.Extract ((!!offlen + offsrcoffset - 1), offsrcoffset, (op2e offtyp offop)) + :: padding (offdstoffset - 1) nextbit + @ elist, offdstoffset + !!offlen + in + let elist, nextbit = List.fold_left ~f:add_exp ~init:([],0) offsets in + let elist = padding (!!tdst - 1) nextbit @ elist in + [assn tdst dst (concat_explist elist)] + | Punpck(t, et, o, d, s, vs) -> + let nelem = match t, et with + | Type.Imm n, Type.Imm n' -> n / n' + | _ -> disfailwith "invalid" + in + assert (nelem mod 2 = 0); + let nelem_per_src = nelem / 2 in + let halft = Type.Imm (!!t / 2) in + let castf = match o with + | High -> fun e -> Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!halft, e)) + | Low -> fun e -> Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!halft, e)) + in + let se, de = castf (op2e t s), castf (op2e t d) in + let st, dt = tmp halft, tmp halft in + let et' = !!et in + let mape i = + [extract_element et' (Bil.Var st) i; extract_element et' (Bil.Var dt) i] + in + let e = concat_explist (List.concat (List.map ~f:mape (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive (nelem_per_src-1) 0))) in + let dest = match vs with + | None -> d + | Some vdst -> vdst + in + [Bil.Move (st, se); + Bil.Move (dt, de); + assn t dest e] + | Ppackedbinop(t, et, fbop, _, d, s, vs) -> + let t_width = bitwidth_of_type t in + let e_width = bitwidth_of_type et in + let nops = t_width / e_width in + let byte = 8 in + let tmp_dst = tmp t in + let vdst = Option.value ~default:d vs in + let iv = tmp (Type.imm byte) in + let elt = tmp et in + let zero = Word.zero t_width in + let bits = Word.of_int ~width:byte e_width in + + let foreach_size f = List.concat @@ List.init nops ~f in + let getelement o i = + (* assumption: immediate operands are repeated for all vector + elements *) + match o with + | Oimm _ -> op2e et o + | _ -> extract_element !!et (op2e t o) i in + + List.concat Bil.[ + [tmp_dst := int zero]; + foreach_size (fun i -> [ + elt := fbop (getelement d i) (getelement s i); + iv := int @@ Word.of_int ~width:byte i; + tmp_dst := + var tmp_dst lor + ((cast unsigned t_width (var elt)) lsl (var iv * int bits)) ] - ] in - let f acc i = - (* Current element is valid *) - let current_valid = Bil.(int_exp i !!regm < var sizev) in - let x = is_valid_xmm_i i in - Bil.(x := current_valid) :: acc in - List.fold_left ~f ~init nelem_range in - - (* Get var name indicating whether index in xmm num is a valid - byte (before NULL byte). *) - (* XXX more hashtable code *) - let is_valid = - let vh = Hashtbl.Poly.create () ~size:(2*nelem) in - (fun xmmnum index -> match Hashtbl.find vh (xmmnum,index) with - | Some v -> v - | None -> - let name = sprintf "is_valid_xmm%d_ele%d" xmmnum index in - let v = tmp ~name bool_t in - Hashtbl.add_exn vh ~key:(xmmnum,index) ~data:v; - v) in - - let is_valid_xmm1 index = is_valid 1 index in - let is_valid_xmm2 index = is_valid 2 index in - let is_valid_xmm1_e index = Bil.Var(is_valid_xmm1 index) in - let is_valid_xmm2_e index = Bil.Var(is_valid_xmm2 index) in - - let xmm1_checks, xmm2_checks = - match pcmpinfo.len with - | Implicit -> - implicit_check is_valid_xmm1 get_xmm1, - implicit_check is_valid_xmm2 get_xmm2 - | Explicit -> - explicit_check is_valid_xmm1 rax_e, - explicit_check is_valid_xmm2 rdx_e in - - let get_bit index = - match imm8cb.agg with - | EqualAny -> - (* Is xmm2[index] at xmm1[j]? *) - let check_char acc j = - let is_eql = Bil.(get_xmm2 index = get_xmm1 j) in - let is_valid = is_valid_xmm1_e j in - Bil.((is_eql land is_valid) lor acc) - in - (* Is xmm2[index] included in xmm1[j] for any j? *) - Bil.(is_valid_xmm2_e index land - (List.fold ~f:check_char ~init:exp_false nelem_range)) - | Ranges -> - (* Is there an even j such that xmm1[j] <= xmm2[index] <= - xmm1[j+1]? *) - let check_char acc j = - (* XXX: Should this be AND? *) - let ind0 = 2 * j in - let ind1 = ind0 + 1 in - let rangevalid = Bil.(is_valid_xmm1_e ind0 land is_valid_xmm1_e ind1) in - let (<=) = match imm8cb.ssign with - | Unsigned -> Bil.(<=) - | Signed -> Bil.(<=$) in - let (land) = Bil.(land) in - let inrange = - (get_xmm1 ind0 <= get_xmm2 index) land (get_xmm2 index <= get_xmm1 ind1) in - Bil.(rangevalid land (inrange lor acc)) in - Bil.(is_valid_xmm2_e index land - List.fold_left ~f:check_char ~init:exp_false (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive Pervasives.(nelem/2-1) 0)) - | EqualEach -> - (* Does xmm1[index] = xmm2[index]? *) - let xmm1_invalid = Bil.(UnOp (NOT, (is_valid_xmm1_e index))) in - let xmm2_invalid = Bil.(UnOp (NOT, (is_valid_xmm2_e index))) in - let bothinvalid = Bil.(xmm1_invalid land xmm2_invalid) in - let eitherinvalid = Bil.(xmm1_invalid lor xmm2_invalid) in - let equal = Bil.(get_xmm1 index = get_xmm2 index) in - (* both invalid -> true - one invalid -> false - both valid -> check same byte *) - Bil.(bothinvalid lor (UnOp (NOT, eitherinvalid) land equal)) - | EqualOrdered -> - (* Does the substring xmm1 occur at xmm2[index]? *) - let check_char acc j = - let equal = Bil.(get_xmm1 j = get_xmm2 Pervasives.(index+j)) in - let substrended = Bil.(UnOp (NOT, (is_valid_xmm1_e j))) in - let bigstrended = Bil.UnOp (NOT, (is_valid_xmm2_e (index+j))) in - (* substrended => true - bigstrended => false - byte diff => false - byte same => keep going *) - Bil.(substrended lor - (UnOp (NOT,bigstrended) land (equal land acc))) in - (* Is xmm1[j] equal to xmm2[index+j]? *) - List.fold_left ~f:check_char ~init:exp_true (List.range - ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive (nelem-index-1) 0) - in - let bits = List.map ~f:get_bit nelem_range in - let res, res_bil = concat 1 bits in - let int_res_1 = tmp ~name:"IntRes1" reg16_t in - let int_res_2 = tmp ~name:"IntRes2" reg16_t in - - let contains_null e = - let elts = List.init nelem ~f:(fun i -> Bil.(get_elem e i = int_exp 0 !!elemt)) in - List.fold elts ~init:exp_false ~f:(fun acc elt -> Bil.(acc lor elt)) in - - (* For pcmpistri/pcmpestri *) - let sb exp = - List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc i -> - Bil.Ite (Bil.(exp_true = Extract (i, i, exp)), - (int_exp i !!regm), acc)) - ~init:(int_exp nelem !!regm) - (match imm8cb.outselectsig with - | LSB -> List.range ~stride:(-1) ~start:`exclusive ~stop:`inclusive nelem 0 - | MSB -> List.init ~f:(fun x -> x) nelem) - in - - (* For pcmpistrm/pcmpestrm *) - let mask e = - match imm8cb.outselectmask with - | Bitmask -> Bil.(cast unsigned 128 e) - | Bytemask -> - let get_element i = - Bil.(cast unsigned !!elemt (extract i i e)) in - let range = List.range ~stride:(-1) - ~start:`exclusive ~stop:`inclusive nelem 0 in - concat_explist (List.map ~f:get_element range) in - - let res_of_cb = match imm8cb with - | {negintres1=false; _} -> Bil.(int_res_2 := var int_res_1) - | {negintres1=true; maskintres1=false; _} -> (* int_res_1 is bitwise-notted *) - Bil.(int_res_2 := unop not (var int_res_1)) - | {negintres1=true; maskintres1=true; _} -> - (* only the valid elements in xmm2 are bitwise-notted *) - (* XXX: Right now we duplicate the valid element computations - when negating the valid elements. They are also used by the - aggregation functions. A better way to implement this might - be to write the valid element information out as a temporary - bitvector. The aggregation functions and this code would - then extract the relevant bit to see if an element is - valid. *) - let validvector = - let range = List.range ~stride:(-1) - ~start:`exclusive ~stop:`inclusive nelem 0 in - let bits = List.map ~f:is_valid_xmm2_e range in - Bil.(cast unsigned 16 (concat_explist bits)) in - Bil.(int_res_2 := validvector lxor var int_res_1) in - - let res_of_pcmpinfo = match pcmpinfo.out with - | Index -> Bil.(rcx := sb (var int_res_2)) - (* FIXME: ymms should be used instead of xmms here *) - | Mask -> Bil.(ymms.(0) := mask (var int_res_2)) in - - List.concat [ - xmm1_checks; - xmm2_checks; - res_bil; - Bil.[ - int_res_1 := cast unsigned 16 (var res); - res_of_cb; - res_of_pcmpinfo; - cf := var int_res_2 <> int_exp 0 16; - zf := contains_null xmm2m128_e; - sf := contains_null xmm1_e; - oF := extract 0 0 (var int_res_2); - af := int_exp 0 1; - pf := int_exp 0 1; - ] + ); + [assn t vdst (var tmp_dst)] ] - - | Pshufd (t, dst, src, vsrc, imm) -> - let src_e = op2e t src in - let imm_e = op2e t imm in - (* XXX: This would be more straight-forward if implemented using - map, instead of fold *) - let get_dword ndword = - let high_b = 2 * (ndword mod 4) + 1 in - let low_b = 2 * (ndword mod 4) in - let index = Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, Extract (high_b, low_b, imm_e))) in - let t' = !!t in - (* Use the same pattern for the top half of a ymm register *) - (* had to stop using extract_element_symbolic, since that calls - * Typecheck.infer_ast. I believe this captures the same - * "width logic", but this is a good place to check if things start - * going wrong later. *) - let (index, index_width) = if t' = 256 && ndword > 3 then - (Bil.(index + (Int (BV.of_int ~width:(!!t) 4))), 256) - else (index, t') in - extract_element_symbolic_with_width (Type.imm 32) src_e index index_width - in - let topdword = match t with Type.Imm 128 -> 3 | _ -> 7 in - let dwords = concat_explist (List.map ~f:get_dword (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive topdword 0)) in - (match vsrc with - | None -> [assn t dst dwords] - | Some vdst -> [assn t vdst dwords]) - | Pshufb (exp_type, dst_op, src_op, vsrc) -> - let op_size = bitwidth_of_type exp_type in - let index_bits = match op_size with - | 64 -> 3 - | 128 | 256 -> 4 - | _ -> disfailwith "invalid size for pshufb" in - let foreach_byte f = List.concat @@ List.init (op_size / 8) ~f in - - let src = op2e exp_type src_op in - let dst = op2e exp_type dst_op in - let dst_op = Option.value ~default:dst_op vsrc in - let zero = Bil.int (Word.zero op_size) in - let msb_one = Bil.int (Word.of_int ~width:8 0x80) in - - let byte_t = Type.imm 8 in - let byte = int_exp 8 8 in - let iv = tmp ~name:"i" byte_t in - let mask_byte_i = tmp byte_t in - let tmp_byte = tmp exp_type in - let tmp_dst = tmp exp_type in - let ind = tmp byte_t in - - let check_mem_alignment = match src_op with - | Oaddr addr when (op_size = 128) -> - let word_size = width_of_mode mode in - let zero = Bil.int (Word.zero word_size) in - let oxf = Bil.int (Word.of_int ~width:word_size 0xf) in - [ Bil.(if_ (oxf land addr <> zero) [cpuexn 13] []) ] - | _ -> [] in - - List.concat [ - check_mem_alignment; - [Bil.move tmp_dst zero]; - foreach_byte (fun i -> - Bil.[ - iv := int (Word.of_int ~width:8 i); - mask_byte_i := extract 7 0 (src lsr (var iv * byte)); - if_ (msb_one land var mask_byte_i = msb_one) [ - tmp_byte := zero; - ] (* else *) [ - ind := cast unsigned 8 (extract index_bits 0 (var mask_byte_i)); - tmp_byte := - cast unsigned op_size (extract 7 0 (dst lsr (var ind * byte))) + | Pbinop(t, fbop, _s, o1, o2, vop) -> + (match vop with + | None -> [assn t o1 (fbop (op2e t o1) (op2e t o2))] + | Some vop -> [assn t o1 (fbop (op2e t vop) (op2e t o2))]) + | Pcmp (t,elet,bop,_,dst,src,vsrc) -> + let elebits = bitwidth_of_type elet in + let t_width = bitwidth_of_type t in + let ncmps = t_width / elebits in + let src = match src with + | Ovec _ -> op2e t src + | Oaddr a -> load (size_of_typ t) a + | Oreg _ | Oimm _ | Oseg _ -> disfailwith "invalid" in + let vsrc = Option.value ~default:dst vsrc in + let byte = 8 in + let tmp_dst = tmp t in + let iv = tmp (Type.imm byte) in + let elt = tmp elet in + let elt_1 = tmp elet in + let elt_2 = tmp elet in + let _one = Word.of_int ~width:elebits (-1) in + let zero = Word.zero elebits in + let bits = Word.of_int ~width:byte elebits in + let zero_long = Word.zero t_width in + let foreach_size f = + let sizes = List.init ncmps ~f:(fun i -> + let left_bit = i * elebits in + let right_bit = (i + 1) * elebits - 1 in + let i = Word.of_int ~width:byte i in + i, left_bit, right_bit) in + List.concat @@ List.map sizes ~f in + + List.concat Bil.[ + [tmp_dst := int zero_long]; + foreach_size (fun (i, left_bit, right_bit) -> [ + elt_1 := extract right_bit left_bit src; + elt_2 := extract right_bit left_bit (op2e t vsrc); + iv := int i; + if_ (binop bop (var elt_1) (var elt_2)) [ + elt := int _one; + ] [ + elt := int zero; ]; - tmp_dst := Bil.(var tmp_dst lor (var tmp_byte lsl (var iv * byte))); + tmp_dst := + var tmp_dst lor + ((cast unsigned t_width (var elt)) lsl (var iv * int bits)) ]); - [assn exp_type dst_op (Bil.var tmp_dst)] - ] + [assn t dst (var tmp_dst)] ] + | Pmov (t, dstet, srcet, dst, src, ext, _) -> + let nelem = match t, dstet with + | Type.Imm n, Type.Imm n' -> n / n' + | _ -> disfailwith "invalid" + in + let getelt op i = extract_element !!srcet (op2e t op) i in + let extcast = + let open Exp in + match ext with + | UNSIGNED | SIGNED -> fun e -> Bil.Cast (ext, !!dstet, e) + | _ -> disfailwith "invalid" + in + let extend i = extcast (getelt src i) in + let e = concat_explist (List.map ~f:extend (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive (nelem-1) 0)) in + [assn t dst e] + | Pmovmskb (t,dst,src) -> + let nbytes = bytes_of_width t in + let src = match src with + | Ovec _ -> op2e t src + | _ -> disfailwith "invalid operand" + in + let get_bit i = Bil.Extract(i*8-1, i*8-1, src) in + let byte_indices = List.init ~f:(fun i -> i + 1) nbytes in (* list 1-nbytes *) + let all_bits = List.rev (List.map ~f:get_bit byte_indices) in + (* could also be done with shifts *) + let padt = Type.Imm(32 - nbytes) in + let or_together_bits = List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc i -> Bil.Concat(acc,i)) ~init:(int_exp 0 (!!padt)) all_bits in + [assn reg32_t dst or_together_bits] + | Palignr (t,dst,src,vsrc,imm) -> + let (dst_e, t_concat) = op2e_keep_width t dst in + let (src_e, t_concat') = op2e_keep_width t src in + (* previously, this code called Typecheck.infer_ast. + * We're now just preserving the widths, so here we assert + * that our 2 "preserved widths" are the same. *) + assert (!!t_concat = !!t_concat'); + let imm = op2e t imm in + let conct = Bil.(dst_e ^ src_e) in + let shift = Bil.(conct lsr (Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t_concat, imm lsl (int_exp 3 !!t)))) in + let high, low = match t with + | Type.Imm 256 -> 255, 0 + | Type.Imm 128 -> 127, 0 + | Type.Imm 64 -> 63, 0 + | _ -> disfailwith "impossible: used non 64/128/256-bit operand in palignr" + in + let result = Bil.Extract (high, low, shift) in + let im i = Bil.Int (int_of_mode mode i) in + let addresses = List.fold + ~f:(fun acc -> function Oaddr a -> a::acc | _ -> acc) ~init:[] [src;dst] in + (* Palignr seems to cause a CPU general protection exception if this fails. + * previously this code used the ast.ml Assert statement, which is gone, + * so it's been replaced with Bil's CpuExn *) + List.map ~f:(fun addr -> Bil.If (Bil.((addr land im 15) = im 0), + [], [Cpu_exceptions.general_protection])) addresses + @ (match vsrc with + | None -> [assn t dst result] + | Some vdst -> [assn t vdst result]) + | Pcmpstr(t,xmm1,xmm2m128,_imm,imm8cb,pcmpinfo) -> + let open Pcmpstr in + let concat elt_width exps = match exps with + | [] -> disfailwith "trying concat on empty list" + | first :: exps' -> + let len = List.length exps * elt_width in + let exp = List.fold exps' ~init:first ~f:(fun e e' -> Bil.(e ^ e')) in + let tmp = tmp (Type.imm len) in + tmp, Bil.[tmp := exp] in + + (* All bytes and bits are numbered with zero being the least + significant. This includes strings! *) + (* NOTE: Strings are backwards, at least when they are in + registers. This doesn't seem to be documented in the Intel + manual. This means that the NULL byte comes before the + string. *) + let xmm1_e = op2e t xmm1 in + let xmm2m128_e = op2e t xmm2m128 in + let regm = type_of_mode mode in + + let nelem, _nbits, elemt = match imm8cb.ssize with + | Bytes -> 16, 8, Type.imm 8 + | Words -> 8, 16, Type.imm 16 in + + (* Get element index in e *) + let get_elem = extract_element !!elemt in + let get_xmm1 = get_elem xmm1_e in + let get_xmm2 = get_elem xmm2m128_e in + + let nelem_range = + List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive (nelem-1) 0 in + + (* Build expressions that assigns the correct values to the + is_valid variables using implicit (NULL-based) string length. *) + let implicit_check is_valid_xmm_i get_xmm_i = + let f acc i = + let previous_valid = + if i = 0 then exp_true + else Bil.var (is_valid_xmm_i (i - 1)) in + let current_valid = + Bil.(get_xmm_i i <> (int_exp 0 !!elemt)) in + let x = is_valid_xmm_i i in + Bil.(x := previous_valid land current_valid) :: acc in + List.fold ~f:f ~init:[] nelem_range in + + (* Build expressions that assigns the correct values to the + is_valid variables using explicit string length. *) + let explicit_check is_valid_xmm_i sizee = + (* Max size is nelem *) + let nelem_e = Word.of_int ~width:(bitwidth_of_type regm) nelem in + let sizev = tmp ~name:"sz" regm in + let init = Bil.[ + if_ (int nelem_e < sizee) [ + sizev := int nelem_e; + ] [ + sizev := sizee; + ] + ] in + let f acc i = + (* Current element is valid *) + let current_valid = Bil.(int_exp i !!regm < var sizev) in + let x = is_valid_xmm_i i in + Bil.(x := current_valid) :: acc in + List.fold_left ~f ~init nelem_range in + + (* Get var name indicating whether index in xmm num is a valid + byte (before NULL byte). *) + (* XXX more hashtable code *) + let is_valid = + let vh = Hashtbl.Poly.create () ~size:(2*nelem) in + (fun xmmnum index -> match Hashtbl.find vh (xmmnum,index) with + | Some v -> v + | None -> + let name = sprintf "is_valid_xmm%d_ele%d" xmmnum index in + let v = tmp ~name bool_t in + Hashtbl.add_exn vh ~key:(xmmnum,index) ~data:v; + v) in + + let is_valid_xmm1 index = is_valid 1 index in + let is_valid_xmm2 index = is_valid 2 index in + let is_valid_xmm1_e index = Bil.Var(is_valid_xmm1 index) in + let is_valid_xmm2_e index = Bil.Var(is_valid_xmm2 index) in + + let xmm1_checks, xmm2_checks = + match pcmpinfo.len with + | Implicit -> + implicit_check is_valid_xmm1 get_xmm1, + implicit_check is_valid_xmm2 get_xmm2 + | Explicit -> + explicit_check is_valid_xmm1 rax_e, + explicit_check is_valid_xmm2 rdx_e in + + let get_bit index = + match imm8cb.agg with + | EqualAny -> + (* Is xmm2[index] at xmm1[j]? *) + let check_char acc j = + let is_eql = Bil.(get_xmm2 index = get_xmm1 j) in + let is_valid = is_valid_xmm1_e j in + Bil.((is_eql land is_valid) lor acc) + in + (* Is xmm2[index] included in xmm1[j] for any j? *) + Bil.(is_valid_xmm2_e index land + (List.fold ~f:check_char ~init:exp_false nelem_range)) + | Ranges -> + (* Is there an even j such that xmm1[j] <= xmm2[index] <= + xmm1[j+1]? *) + let check_char acc j = + (* XXX: Should this be AND? *) + let ind0 = 2 * j in + let ind1 = ind0 + 1 in + let rangevalid = Bil.(is_valid_xmm1_e ind0 land is_valid_xmm1_e ind1) in + let (<=) = match imm8cb.ssign with + | Unsigned -> Bil.(<=) + | Signed -> Bil.(<=$) in + let (land) = Bil.(land) in + let inrange = + (get_xmm1 ind0 <= get_xmm2 index) land (get_xmm2 index <= get_xmm1 ind1) in + Bil.(rangevalid land (inrange lor acc)) in + Bil.(is_valid_xmm2_e index land + List.fold_left ~f:check_char ~init:exp_false (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive Pervasives.(nelem/2-1) 0)) + | EqualEach -> + (* Does xmm1[index] = xmm2[index]? *) + let xmm1_invalid = Bil.(UnOp (NOT, (is_valid_xmm1_e index))) in + let xmm2_invalid = Bil.(UnOp (NOT, (is_valid_xmm2_e index))) in + let bothinvalid = Bil.(xmm1_invalid land xmm2_invalid) in + let eitherinvalid = Bil.(xmm1_invalid lor xmm2_invalid) in + let equal = Bil.(get_xmm1 index = get_xmm2 index) in + (* both invalid -> true + one invalid -> false + both valid -> check same byte *) + Bil.(bothinvalid lor (UnOp (NOT, eitherinvalid) land equal)) + | EqualOrdered -> + (* Does the substring xmm1 occur at xmm2[index]? *) + let check_char acc j = + let equal = Bil.(get_xmm1 j = get_xmm2 Pervasives.(index+j)) in + let substrended = Bil.(UnOp (NOT, (is_valid_xmm1_e j))) in + let bigstrended = Bil.UnOp (NOT, (is_valid_xmm2_e (index+j))) in + (* substrended => true + bigstrended => false + byte diff => false + byte same => keep going *) + Bil.(substrended lor + (UnOp (NOT,bigstrended) land (equal land acc))) in + (* Is xmm1[j] equal to xmm2[index+j]? *) + List.fold_left ~f:check_char ~init:exp_true (List.range + ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive (nelem-index-1) 0) + in + let bits = List.map ~f:get_bit nelem_range in + let res, res_bil = concat 1 bits in + let int_res_1 = tmp ~name:"IntRes1" reg16_t in + let int_res_2 = tmp ~name:"IntRes2" reg16_t in + + let contains_null e = + let elts = List.init nelem ~f:(fun i -> Bil.(get_elem e i = int_exp 0 !!elemt)) in + List.fold elts ~init:exp_false ~f:(fun acc elt -> Bil.(acc lor elt)) in + + (* For pcmpistri/pcmpestri *) + let sb exp = + List.fold_left ~f:(fun acc i -> + Bil.Ite (Bil.(exp_true = Extract (i, i, exp)), + (int_exp i !!regm), acc)) + ~init:(int_exp nelem !!regm) + (match imm8cb.outselectsig with + | LSB -> List.range ~stride:(-1) ~start:`exclusive ~stop:`inclusive nelem 0 + | MSB -> List.init ~f:(fun x -> x) nelem) + in - | Lea(t, r, a) when pref = [] -> - (* See Table 3-64 *) - (* previously, it checked whether addrbits > opbits before the cast_low. - * The conclusion we came to was that - - if they were equal, the cast is basically a nop - - if it was the other way round, you want to extend it anyway. - * (I may be remembering things wrongly) *) - [assn t r Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!t, a))] - | Call(o1, ra) -> - (* If o1 is an immediate, we should syntactically have Jump(imm) - so that the CFG algorithm knows where the jump goes. Otherwise - it will point to BB_Indirect. - - Otherwise, we should evaluate the operand before decrementing esp. - (This really only matters when esp is the base register of a memory - lookup. *) - let target = op2e mt o1 in - (match o1 with - | Oimm _ -> - [Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e - (Int (mi (bytes_of_width mt))))); - store_s mode None mt rsp_e (Bil.Int ra); - Bil.Jmp target] - | _ -> - let t = tmp mt in - [Bil.Move (t, target); - Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e - (Int (mi (bytes_of_width mt))))); - store_s mode None mt rsp_e (Bil.Int ra); - Bil.Jmp (Bil.Var t)]) - | Jump(o) -> - [Bil.Jmp (jump_target mode ss has_rex o)] - | Jcc(o, c) -> - [Bil.If (c, [Bil.Jmp (jump_target mode ss has_rex o)], [])] - | Setcc(t, o1, c) -> - [assn t o1 Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, c))] - | Shift(st, s, dst, shift) -> - let old = tmp ~name:"tmp" s in - let s' = !!s in - let size = int_exp s' s' in - let s_f = Bil.(match st with - | LSHIFT -> (lsl) - | RSHIFT -> (lsr) - | ARSHIFT -> (asr) - | _ -> disfailwith "invalid shift type") in - let dste = op2e s dst in - let count_mask = Bil.(size - int_exp 1 s') in - let count = Bil.(op2e s shift land count_mask) in - let new_of = match st with - | LSHIFT -> Bil.((Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, dste)) lxor cf_e) - | RSHIFT -> Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, var old)) - | ARSHIFT -> exp_false - | _ -> disfailwith "impossible" - in - let new_cf = - (* undefined for SHL and SHR instructions where the count is greater than - or equal to the size (in bits) of the destination operand *) - match st with - | LSHIFT -> Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!bool_t, var old lsr (size - count))) - | RSHIFT | ARSHIFT -> - Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, var old lsl (size - count))) - | _ -> failwith "impossible" - in + (* For pcmpistrm/pcmpestrm *) + let mask e = + match imm8cb.outselectmask with + | Bitmask -> Bil.(cast unsigned 128 e) + | Bytemask -> + let get_element i = + Bil.(cast unsigned !!elemt (extract i i e)) in + let range = List.range ~stride:(-1) + ~start:`exclusive ~stop:`inclusive nelem 0 in + concat_explist (List.map ~f:get_element range) in + + let res_of_cb = match imm8cb with + | {negintres1=false; _} -> Bil.(int_res_2 := var int_res_1) + | {negintres1=true; maskintres1=false; _} -> (* int_res_1 is bitwise-notted *) + Bil.(int_res_2 := unop not (var int_res_1)) + | {negintres1=true; maskintres1=true; _} -> + (* only the valid elements in xmm2 are bitwise-notted *) + (* XXX: Right now we duplicate the valid element computations + when negating the valid elements. They are also used by the + aggregation functions. A better way to implement this might + be to write the valid element information out as a temporary + bitvector. The aggregation functions and this code would + then extract the relevant bit to see if an element is + valid. *) + let validvector = + let range = List.range ~stride:(-1) + ~start:`exclusive ~stop:`inclusive nelem 0 in + let bits = List.map ~f:is_valid_xmm2_e range in + Bil.(cast unsigned 16 (concat_explist bits)) in + Bil.(int_res_2 := validvector lxor var int_res_1) in + + let res_of_pcmpinfo = match pcmpinfo.out with + | Index -> Bil.(rcx := sb (var int_res_2)) + (* FIXME: ymms should be used instead of xmms here *) + | Mask -> Bil.(ymms.(0) := mask (var int_res_2)) in + + List.concat [ + xmm1_checks; + xmm2_checks; + res_bil; Bil.[ - old := dste; - assn s dst (s_f dste count); - if_ (count <> int_exp 0 s') [ - cf := new_cf; - sf := compute_sf dste; - zf := compute_zf s' dste; - pf := compute_pf s dste; - af := unknown "after-shift" bool_t; - if_ (count = int_exp 1 s') [ - oF := new_of; - ] [ - oF := unknown "after-shift" bool_t; - ] - ] []; + int_res_1 := cast unsigned 16 (var res); + res_of_cb; + res_of_pcmpinfo; + cf := var int_res_2 <> int_exp 0 16; + zf := contains_null xmm2m128_e; + sf := contains_null xmm1_e; + oF := extract 0 0 (var int_res_2); + af := int_exp 0 1; + pf := int_exp 0 1; ] - | Shiftd(st, s, dst, fill, count) -> - let was = tmp ~name:"tmp" s in - let e_dst = op2e s dst in - let e_fill = op2e s fill in - let s' = !!s in - (* Check for 64-bit operand *) - let size = int_exp s' s' in - let count_mask = Bil.(size - int_exp 1 s') in - let e_count = Bil.(op2e s count land count_mask) in - let new_cf = match st with - | LSHIFT -> Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!bool_t, var was lsr (size - e_count))) - | RSHIFT -> Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, var was lsl (size - e_count))) - | _ -> disfailwith "impossible" in - let new_of = Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, (var was lxor e_dst))) in - let unk_of = - Bil.Unknown ("OF undefined after shiftd of more then 1 bit", bool_t) in - let ret1 = match st with - | LSHIFT -> Bil.(e_fill lsr (size - e_count)) - | RSHIFT -> Bil.(e_fill lsl (size - e_count)) - | _ -> disfailwith "impossible" in - let ret2 = match st with - | LSHIFT -> Bil.(e_dst lsl e_count) - | RSHIFT -> Bil.(e_dst lsr e_count) - | _ -> disfailwith "impossible" in - let result = Bil.(ret1 lor ret2) in - (* SWXXX If shift is greater than the operand size, dst and - flags are undefined *) + ] + + | Pshufd (t, dst, src, vsrc, imm) -> + let src_e = op2e t src in + let imm_e = op2e t imm in + (* XXX: This would be more straight-forward if implemented using + map, instead of fold *) + let get_dword ndword = + let high_b = 2 * (ndword mod 4) + 1 in + let low_b = 2 * (ndword mod 4) in + let index = Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, Extract (high_b, low_b, imm_e))) in + let t' = !!t in + (* Use the same pattern for the top half of a ymm register *) + (* had to stop using extract_element_symbolic, since that calls + * Typecheck.infer_ast. I believe this captures the same + * "width logic", but this is a good place to check if things start + * going wrong later. *) + let (index, index_width) = if t' = 256 && ndword > 3 then + (Bil.(index + (Int (BV.of_int ~width:(!!t) 4))), 256) + else (index, t') in + extract_element_symbolic_with_width (Type.imm 32) src_e index index_width + in + let topdword = match t with Type.Imm 128 -> 3 | _ -> 7 in + let dwords = concat_explist (List.map ~f:get_dword (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive topdword 0)) in + (match vsrc with + | None -> [assn t dst dwords] + | Some vdst -> [assn t vdst dwords]) + | Pshufb (exp_type, dst_op, src_op, vsrc) -> + let op_size = bitwidth_of_type exp_type in + let index_bits = match op_size with + | 64 -> 3 + | 128 | 256 -> 4 + | _ -> disfailwith "invalid size for pshufb" in + let foreach_byte f = List.concat @@ List.init (op_size / 8) ~f in + + let src = op2e exp_type src_op in + let dst = op2e exp_type dst_op in + let dst_op = Option.value ~default:dst_op vsrc in + let zero = Bil.int (Word.zero op_size) in + let msb_one = Bil.int (Word.of_int ~width:8 0x80) in + + let byte_t = Type.imm 8 in + let byte = int_exp 8 8 in + let iv = tmp ~name:"i" byte_t in + let mask_byte_i = tmp byte_t in + let tmp_byte = tmp exp_type in + let tmp_dst = tmp exp_type in + let ind = tmp byte_t in + + let check_mem_alignment = match src_op with + | Oaddr addr when (op_size = 128) -> + let word_size = width_of_mode mode in + let zero = Bil.int (Word.zero word_size) in + let oxf = Bil.int (Word.of_int ~width:word_size 0xf) in + [ Bil.(if_ (oxf land addr <> zero) [cpuexn 13] []) ] + | _ -> [] in + + List.concat [ + check_mem_alignment; + [Bil.move tmp_dst zero]; + foreach_byte (fun i -> + Bil.[ + iv := int (Word.of_int ~width:8 i); + mask_byte_i := extract 7 0 (src lsr (var iv * byte)); + if_ (msb_one land var mask_byte_i = msb_one) [ + tmp_byte := zero; + ] (* else *) [ + ind := cast unsigned 8 (extract index_bits 0 (var mask_byte_i)); + tmp_byte := + cast unsigned op_size (extract 7 0 (dst lsr (var ind * byte))) + ]; + tmp_dst := Bil.(var tmp_dst lor (var tmp_byte lsl (var iv * byte))); + ]); + [assn exp_type dst_op (Bil.var tmp_dst)] + ] + + | Lea(t, r, a) when pref = [] -> + (* See Table 3-64 *) + (* previously, it checked whether addrbits > opbits before the cast_low. + * The conclusion we came to was that + - if they were equal, the cast is basically a nop + - if it was the other way round, you want to extend it anyway. + * (I may be remembering things wrongly) *) + [assn t r Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!t, a))] + | Call(o1, ra) -> + (* If o1 is an immediate, we should syntactically have Jump(imm) + so that the CFG algorithm knows where the jump goes. Otherwise + it will point to BB_Indirect. + + Otherwise, we should evaluate the operand before decrementing esp. + (This really only matters when esp is the base register of a memory + lookup. *) + let target = op2e mt o1 in + (match o1 with + | Oimm _ -> + [Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e - (Int (mi (bytes_of_width mt))))); + store_s mode None mt rsp_e (Bil.Int ra); + Bil.Jmp target] + | _ -> + let t = tmp mt in + [Bil.Move (t, target); + Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e - (Int (mi (bytes_of_width mt))))); + store_s mode None mt rsp_e (Bil.Int ra); + Bil.Jmp (Bil.Var t)]) + | Jump(o) -> + [Bil.Jmp (jump_target mode ss has_rex o)] + | Jcc(o, c) -> + [Bil.If (c, [Bil.Jmp (jump_target mode ss has_rex o)], [])] + | Setcc(t, o1, c) -> + [assn t o1 Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, c))] + | Shift(st, s, dst, shift) -> + let old = tmp ~name:"tmp" s in + let s' = !!s in + let size = int_exp s' s' in + let s_f = Bil.(match st with + | LSHIFT -> (lsl) + | RSHIFT -> (lsr) + | ARSHIFT -> (asr) + | _ -> disfailwith "invalid shift type") in + let dste = op2e s dst in + let count_mask = Bil.(size - int_exp 1 s') in + let count = Bil.(op2e s shift land count_mask) in + let new_of = match st with + | LSHIFT -> Bil.((Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, dste)) lxor cf_e) + | RSHIFT -> Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, var old)) + | ARSHIFT -> exp_false + | _ -> disfailwith "impossible" + in + let new_cf = + (* undefined for SHL and SHR instructions where the count is greater than + or equal to the size (in bits) of the destination operand *) + match st with + | LSHIFT -> Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!bool_t, var old lsr (size - count))) + | RSHIFT | ARSHIFT -> + Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, var old lsl (size - count))) + | _ -> failwith "impossible" + in + Bil.[ + old := dste; + assn s dst (s_f dste count); + if_ (count <> int_exp 0 s') [ + cf := new_cf; + sf := compute_sf dste; + zf := compute_zf s' dste; + pf := compute_pf s dste; + af := unknown "after-shift" bool_t; + if_ (count = int_exp 1 s') [ + oF := new_of; + ] [ + oF := unknown "after-shift" bool_t; + ] + ] []; + ] + | Shiftd(st, s, dst, fill, count) -> + let was = tmp ~name:"tmp" s in + let e_dst = op2e s dst in + let e_fill = op2e s fill in + let s' = !!s in + (* Check for 64-bit operand *) + let size = int_exp s' s' in + let count_mask = Bil.(size - int_exp 1 s') in + let e_count = Bil.(op2e s count land count_mask) in + let new_cf = match st with + | LSHIFT -> Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!bool_t, var was lsr (size - e_count))) + | RSHIFT -> Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, var was lsl (size - e_count))) + | _ -> disfailwith "impossible" in + let new_of = Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, (var was lxor e_dst))) in + let unk_of = + Bil.Unknown ("OF undefined after shiftd of more then 1 bit", bool_t) in + let ret1 = match st with + | LSHIFT -> Bil.(e_fill lsr (size - e_count)) + | RSHIFT -> Bil.(e_fill lsl (size - e_count)) + | _ -> disfailwith "impossible" in + let ret2 = match st with + | LSHIFT -> Bil.(e_dst lsl e_count) + | RSHIFT -> Bil.(e_dst lsr e_count) + | _ -> disfailwith "impossible" in + let result = Bil.(ret1 lor ret2) in + (* SWXXX If shift is greater than the operand size, dst and + flags are undefined *) + Bil.[ + was := e_dst; + assn s dst result; + if_ (e_count <> int_exp 0 s') [ + cf := new_cf; + sf := compute_sf e_dst; + zf := compute_zf s' e_dst; + pf := compute_pf s e_dst; + (* For a 1-bit shift, the OF flag is set if a sign change occurred; + otherwise, it is cleared. For shifts greater than 1 bit, the OF flag + is undefined. *) + if_ (e_count = int_exp 1 s') [ + oF := new_of; + ] [ + oF := unk_of; + ] + ] [] + ] + | Rotate(shift_type, exp_type, dst_op, shift_op, use_cf) -> + if use_cf then unimplemented "rotate use_vf"; + let word_size = bitwidth_of_type exp_type in + let mask_size = word_size - 1 in + let count_var = tmp exp_type in + let count = Bil.var count_var in + let zero = int_exp 0 word_size in + let one = int_exp 1 word_size in + let dst = op2e exp_type dst_op in + let shift_mask = int_exp mask_size word_size in + let size = int_exp word_size word_size in + let shift = op2e exp_type shift_op in + + if shift_type = LSHIFT then Bil.[ - was := e_dst; - assn s dst result; - if_ (e_count <> int_exp 0 s') [ - cf := new_cf; - sf := compute_sf e_dst; - zf := compute_zf s' e_dst; - pf := compute_pf s e_dst; - (* For a 1-bit shift, the OF flag is set if a sign change occurred; - otherwise, it is cleared. For shifts greater than 1 bit, the OF flag - is undefined. *) - if_ (e_count = int_exp 1 s') [ - oF := new_of; - ] [ - oF := unk_of; - ] - ] [] - ] - | Rotate(shift_type, exp_type, dst_op, shift_op, use_cf) -> - if use_cf then unimplemented "rotate use_vf"; - let word_size = bitwidth_of_type exp_type in - let mask_size = word_size - 1 in - let count_var = tmp exp_type in - let count = Bil.var count_var in - let zero = int_exp 0 word_size in - let one = int_exp 1 word_size in - let dst = op2e exp_type dst_op in - let shift_mask = int_exp mask_size word_size in - let size = int_exp word_size word_size in - let shift = op2e exp_type shift_op in - - if shift_type = LSHIFT then - Bil.[ - count_var := (shift land shift_mask) mod size; - assn exp_type dst_op ((dst lsl count) lor (dst lsr (size - count))); - if_ (count = zero) [ - cf := cast low 1 dst; - ] (* else *) [ - if_ (count = one) [ - oF := cf_e lxor (cast high 1 dst); - ] (* else *) [ - oF := unknown "OF undefined after rotate of more then 1 bit" bool_t; - ] + count_var := (shift land shift_mask) mod size; + assn exp_type dst_op ((dst lsl count) lor (dst lsr (size - count))); + if_ (count = zero) [ + cf := cast low 1 dst; + ] (* else *) [ + if_ (count = one) [ + oF := cf_e lxor (cast high 1 dst); + ] (* else *) [ + oF := unknown "OF undefined after rotate of more then 1 bit" bool_t; ] ] - else - Bil.[ - count_var := (shift land shift_mask) mod size; - assn exp_type dst_op ((dst lsr count) lor (dst lsl (size - count))); - if_ (count = zero) [ - cf := cast high 1 dst; - ] (* else *) [ - if_ (count = one) [ - oF := cast high 1 dst lxor ((cast high 1 dst) lsl int_exp 1 word_size); - ] (* else *) [ - oF := unknown "OF undefined after rotate of more then 1 bit" bool_t; - ] + ] + else + Bil.[ + count_var := (shift land shift_mask) mod size; + assn exp_type dst_op ((dst lsr count) lor (dst lsl (size - count))); + if_ (count = zero) [ + cf := cast high 1 dst; + ] (* else *) [ + if_ (count = one) [ + oF := cast high 1 dst lxor ((cast high 1 dst) lsl int_exp 1 word_size); + ] (* else *) [ + oF := unknown "OF undefined after rotate of more then 1 bit" bool_t; ] ] - | Bt(t, bitoffset, bitbase) -> - let t' = !!t in - let offset = op2e t bitoffset in - let value, shift = match bitbase with - | Oreg _ -> - let reg = op2e t bitbase in - let shift = Bil.(offset land int_exp Pervasives.(t' - 1) t') in - reg, shift - | Oaddr a -> - let offset = Bil.(cast unsigned (width_of_mode mode) offset) in - let byte = load (size_of_typ reg8_t) Bil.(a + offset lsr int_exp 3 t') in - let shift = Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!reg8_t, offset) land int_exp 7 8) in - byte, shift - | Ovec _ | Oseg _ | Oimm _ -> disfailwith "Invalid bt operand" - in - [ - Bil.Move (cf, Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!bool_t, value lsr shift))); - Bil.Move (oF, Bil.Unknown ("OF undefined after bt", bool_t)); - Bil.Move (sf, Bil.Unknown ("SF undefined after bt", bool_t)); - Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF undefined after bt", bool_t)); - Bil.Move (pf, Bil.Unknown ("PF undefined after bt", bool_t)) - ] - | Bs(t, dst, src, dir) -> - let t' = !!t in - let source_is_zero = tmp bool_t in - let source_is_zero_v = Bil.Var source_is_zero in - let src_e = op2e t src in - let bits = !!t in - let check_bit bitindex next_value = - Bil.(Ite (Extract (bitindex,bitindex,src_e) = int_exp 1 1, int_exp bitindex t', next_value)) - in - let bitlist = List.init ~f:(fun x -> x) bits in - (* We are folding from right to left *) - let bitlist = match dir with - | Forward -> (* least significant first *) bitlist - | Backward -> (* most significant *) List.rev bitlist - in - let first_one = List.fold_right ~f:check_bit bitlist - ~init:(Bil.Unknown("bs: destination undefined when source is zero", t)) in - [ - Bil.Move (source_is_zero, Bil.(src_e = int_exp 0 t')); - assn t dst first_one; - Bil.Move (zf, Bil.Ite (source_is_zero_v, int_exp 1 1, int_exp 0 1)); - ] - @ - let undef r = - Bil.Move (r, Bil.Unknown (Var.name r ^ " undefined after bsf", Var.typ r)) in - List.map ~f:undef [cf; oF; sf; af; pf] - | Hlt -> [] (* x86 Hlt is essentially a NOP *) - | Rdtsc -> - let undef reg = assn reg32_t reg (Bil.Unknown ("rdtsc", reg32_t)) in - List.map ~f:undef [o_rax; o_rdx] - | Cpuid -> - let undef reg = assn reg32_t reg (Bil.Unknown ("cpuid", reg32_t)) in - List.map ~f:undef [o_rax; o_rbx; o_rcx; o_rdx] - | Xgetbv -> - let undef reg = assn reg32_t reg (Bil.Unknown ("xgetbv", reg32_t)) in - List.map ~f:undef [o_rax; o_rdx] - | Stmxcsr (dst) -> - let dst = match dst with - | Oaddr addr -> addr - | _ -> disfailwith "stmxcsr argument cannot be non-memory" - in - [store reg32_t dst (Bil.Var mxcsr);(*(Unknown ("stmxcsr", reg32_t));*) ] - | Ldmxcsr (src) -> - let src = match src with - | Oaddr addr -> addr - | _ -> disfailwith "ldmxcsr argument cannot be non-memory" - in - [ Bil.Move (mxcsr, load (size_of_typ reg32_t) src); ] - | Fnstcw (dst) -> - let dst = match dst with - | Oaddr addr -> addr - | _ -> disfailwith "fnstcw argument cannot be non-memory" - in - [store reg16_t dst (Bil.Var fpu_ctrl); ] - | Fldcw (src) -> - let src = match src with - | Oaddr addr -> addr - | _ -> disfailwith "fldcw argument cannot be non-memory" - in - [ Bil.Move (fpu_ctrl, load (size_of_typ reg16_t) src); ] - | Fld _src -> - unimplemented "unsupported FPU register stack" - | Fst (_dst,_pop) -> - unimplemented "unsupported FPU flags" - | Cmps(Type.Imm _bits as t) -> - let t' = !!t in - let src1 = tmp t in - let src2 = tmp t in - let tmpres = tmp t in - let stmts = - Bil.Move (src1, op2e t (Oaddr rsi_e)) - :: Bil.Move (src2, op2e_s mode seg_es has_rex t (Oaddr rdi_e)) - :: Bil.Move (tmpres, Bil.(Var src1 - Var src2)) - :: string_incr mode t rsi - :: string_incr mode t rdi - :: set_flags_sub t' (Bil.Var src1) (Bil.Var src2) (Bil.Var tmpres) - in - begin match pref with - | [] -> stmts - | [single] when single = repz || single = repnz -> - rep_wrap ~mode ~check_zf:single ~addr ~next stmts - | _ -> unimplemented "unsupported flags in cmps" end - | Scas(Type.Imm _bits as t) -> - let t' = !!t in - let src1 = tmp t in - let src2 = tmp t in - let tmpres = tmp t in - let stmts = - let open Stmt in - Move (src1, Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!t, Var rax))) - :: Move (src2, op2e_s mode seg_es has_rex t (Oaddr rdi_e)) - :: Move (tmpres, Bil.(Var src1 - Var src2)) - :: string_incr mode t rdi - :: set_flags_sub t' (Bil.Var src1) (Bil.Var src2) (Bil.Var tmpres) - in - begin match pref with - | [] -> stmts - | [single] when single = repz || single = repnz -> - rep_wrap ~mode ~check_zf:single ~addr ~next stmts - | _ -> unimplemented "unsupported flags in scas" end - | Stos(Type.Imm _bits as t) -> - let stmts = [store_s mode seg_es t rdi_e (op2e t o_rax); - string_incr mode t rdi] - in - begin match pref with - | [] -> stmts - | [single] when single = repz -> rep_wrap ~mode ~addr ~next stmts - | _ -> unimplemented "unsupported prefix for stos" end - | Push(t, o) -> - let o = if is_small_imm o t then sign_extend_imm o t - else op2e t o in - let tmp = tmp t in (* only really needed when o involves esp *) - Bil.Move (tmp, o) - :: Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e - Int (mi (bytes_of_width t)))) - :: store_s mode seg_ss t rsp_e (Bil.var tmp) (* FIXME: can ss be overridden? *) - :: [] - | Pop(t, o) -> - (* From the manual: - - "The POP ESP instruction increments the stack pointer (ESP) - before data at the old top of stack is written into the - destination" - - So, effectively there is no incrementation. - *) - assn t o (load_s mode seg_ss (size_of_typ t) rsp_e) - :: if o = o_rsp then [] - else [Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e + Int (mi (bytes_of_width t))))] - | Pushf(t) -> - (* Note that we currently treat these fields as unknowns, but the - manual says: When copying the entire EFLAGS register to the - stack, the VM and RF flags (bits 16 and 17) are not copied; - instead, the values for these flags are cleared in the EFLAGS - image stored on the stack. *) - let flags_e = match t with - | Type.Imm 16 -> flags_e - | Type.Imm 32 -> eflags_e - | Type.Imm 64 -> rflags_e - | _ -> failwith "impossible" - in - Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e - Int (mi (bytes_of_width t)))) - :: store_s mode seg_ss t rsp_e flags_e - :: [] - | Popf t -> - let assnsf = match t with - | Type.Imm 16 -> assns_flags_to_bap - | Type.Imm 32 -> assns_eflags_to_bap - | Type.Imm 64 -> assns_rflags_to_bap - | _ -> failwith "impossible" - in - let tmp = tmp t in - let extractlist = - List.map - ~f:(fun i -> - Bil.(Extract (i, i, Var tmp))) - (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~start:`exclusive ~stop:`inclusive !!t 0) - in - Bil.Move (tmp, load_s mode seg_ss (size_of_typ t) rsp_e) - :: Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e + Int (mi (bytes_of_width t)))) - :: List.concat (List.map2_exn ~f:(fun f e -> f e) assnsf - extractlist) - | Popcnt(t, s, d) -> - let width = !!t in - let bits = op2e t s in - let bitvector = Array.to_list (Array.init width ~f:(fun i -> Bil.(Ite (Extract (i, i, bits), int_exp 1 width, int_exp 0 width)))) in - let count = List.reduce_exn ~f:Bil.(+) bitvector in - set_zf width bits - :: assn t d count - :: List.map ~f:(fun r -> Bil.Move (r, int_exp 0 1)) [cf; oF; sf; af; pf] - | Sahf -> - let assnsf = assns_lflags_to_bap in - let tah = tmp ~name:"AH" reg8_t in - let extractlist = - List.map - ~f:(fun i -> - Bil.(Extract (i, i, Var tah))) - (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive 7 0) - in - Bil.Move (tah, ah_e) - :: List.concat (List.map2_exn ~f:(fun f e -> f e) assnsf extractlist) - | Lahf -> - let o_ah = Oreg 4 in - [assn reg8_t o_ah lflags_e] - | Add(t, o1, o2) -> - let tmp = tmp t and tmp2 = tmp t in - Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t o1) - :: Bil.Move (tmp2, op2e t o2) - :: assn t o1 Bil.(op2e t o1 + Var tmp2) - :: let s1 = Bil.Var tmp in let s2 = Bil.Var tmp2 in let r = op2e t o1 in - set_flags_add !!t s1 s2 r - | Adc(t, o1, o2) -> - let orig1 = tmp t in - let orig2 = tmp t in - let bits = !!t in - let t' = Type.Imm (bits + 1) in - let c e = Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t', e)) in - (* Literally compute the addition with an extra bit and see - what the value is for CF *) - let s1 = Bil.Var orig1 in let s2 = Bil.Var orig2 in let r = op2e t o1 in - let bige = Bil.(c s1 + c s2 + c (Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, cf_e))) in - Bil.Move (orig1, op2e t o1) - :: Bil.Move (orig2, op2e t o2) - :: assn t o1 Bil.(s1 + s2 + Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, cf_e)) - :: Bil.Move (cf, Bil.Extract (bits, bits, bige)) - :: set_aopszf_add !!t s1 s2 r - | Inc(t, o) (* o = o + 1 *) -> - let t' = !!t in - let tmp = tmp t in - Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t o) - :: assn t o Bil.(op2e t o + int_exp 1 t') - :: set_aopszf_add t' (Bil.Var tmp) (int_exp 1 t') (op2e t o) - | Dec(t, o) (* o = o - 1 *) -> - let t' = !!t in - let tmp = tmp t in - Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t o) - :: assn t o Bil.(op2e t o - int_exp 1 t') - :: set_aopszf_sub t' (Bil.Var tmp) (int_exp 1 t') (op2e t o) (* CF is maintained *) - | Sub(t, o1, o2) (* o1 = o1 - o2 *) -> - let oldo1 = tmp t in - let oldo2 = tmp t in - let op1 = op2e t o1 in - let op2 = - if is_small_imm o2 t then sign_extend_imm o2 t - else op2e t o2 in - Bil.([ - oldo1 := op1; - oldo2 := op2; - assn t o1 (op1 - op2); - ] @ set_flags_sub (bitwidth_of_type t) (var oldo1) (var oldo2) op1) - | Sbb(t, o1, o2) -> - let tmp_s = tmp t in - let tmp_d = tmp t in - let orig_s = Bil.Var tmp_s in - let orig_d = Bil.Var tmp_d in - let sube = Bil.(orig_s + Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, cf_e)) in - let d = op2e t o1 in - let s1 = - if is_small_imm o2 t then sign_extend_imm o2 t - else op2e t o2 in - Bil.Move (tmp_s, s1) - :: Bil.Move (tmp_d, d) - :: assn t o1 Bil.(orig_d - sube) - :: Bil.Move (oF, Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, (orig_s lxor orig_d) land (orig_d lxor d)))) - (* When src = 0xffffffff and cf=1, the processor sets CF=1. - - Note that we compute dest = dest - (0xffffffff + 1) = 0, so the - subtraction does not overflow. - - So, I am guessing that CF is set if the subtraction overflows - or the addition overflows. - - Maybe we should implement this by doing the actual computation, - like we do for adc. - *) - (* sub overflow | add overflow *) - :: Bil.Move (cf, Bil.((sube > orig_d) lor (sube < orig_s))) - :: set_apszf !!t orig_s orig_d d - | Cmp(t, o1, o2) -> - let tmp = tmp t in - Bil.Move (tmp, Bil.(op2e t o1 - op2e t o2)) - :: set_flags_sub !!t (op2e t o1) (op2e t o2) (Bil.Var tmp) - | Cmpxchg(t, src, dst) -> - let t' = !!t in - let eax_e = op2e t o_rax in - let dst_e = op2e t dst in - let src_e = op2e t src in - let tmp = tmp t in - Bil.Move (tmp, Bil.(eax_e - dst_e)) - :: set_flags_sub t' eax_e dst_e (Bil.Var tmp) - @ assn t dst (Bil.Ite (zf_e, src_e, dst_e)) - :: assn t o_rax (Bil.Ite (zf_e, eax_e, dst_e)) - :: [] - | Cmpxchg8b o -> (* only 32bit case *) - let accumulator = Bil.Concat((op2e reg32_t o_rdx),(op2e reg32_t o_rax)) in - let dst_e = op2e reg64_t o in - let src_e = Bil.Concat((op2e reg32_t o_rcx),(op2e reg32_t o_rbx)) in - let dst_low_e = Bil.Extract(63, 32, dst_e) in - let dst_hi_e = Bil.Extract(31, 0, dst_e) in - let eax_e = op2e reg32_t o_rax in - let edx_e = op2e reg32_t o_rdx in - let equal = tmp bool_t in - let equal_v = Bil.Var equal in - [ - Bil.Move (equal, Bil.(accumulator = dst_e)); - Bil.Move (zf, equal_v); - assn reg64_t o (Bil.Ite (equal_v, src_e, dst_e)); - assn reg32_t o_rax (Bil.Ite (equal_v, eax_e, dst_low_e)); - assn reg32_t o_rdx (Bil.Ite (equal_v, edx_e, dst_hi_e)) ] - | Xadd(t, dst_op, src_op) -> - let tmp_res = tmp t in - let tmp_dst = tmp t in - let tmp_src = tmp t in - let dst = op2e t dst_op in - let src = op2e t src_op in - Bil.[ - tmp_src := src; - tmp_dst := dst; - tmp_res := src + dst; - assn t src_op dst; - assn t dst_op (var tmp_res); - ] @ set_flags_add !!t (Bil.var tmp_dst) (Bil.var tmp_src) dst; - | Xchg(t, src, dst) -> - let tmp = tmp t in - [ Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t src); - assn t src (op2e t dst); - assn t dst (Bil.Var tmp); ] - | And(t, o1, o2) -> - assn t o1 Bil.(op2e t o1 land op2e t o2) - :: Bil.Move (oF, exp_false) - :: Bil.Move (cf, exp_false) - :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after and", bool_t)) - :: set_pszf t (op2e t o1) - | Or(t, o1, o2) -> - let o2 = - if is_small_imm o2 t then sign_extend_imm o2 t - else op2e t o2 in - assn t o1 Bil.(op2e t o1 lor o2) - :: Bil.Move (oF, exp_false) - :: Bil.Move (cf, exp_false) - :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after or", bool_t)) - :: set_pszf t (op2e t o1) - | Xor(t, o1, o2) when o1 = o2 -> - assn t o1 Bil.(Int (BV.of_int ~width:(!!t) 0)) - :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after xor", bool_t)) - :: List.map ~f:(fun v -> Bil.Move (v, exp_true)) [zf; pf] - @ List.map ~f:(fun v -> Bil.Move (v, exp_false)) [oF; cf; sf] - | Xor(t, o1, o2) -> - assn t o1 Bil.(op2e t o1 lxor op2e t o2) - :: Bil.Move (oF, exp_false) - :: Bil.Move (cf, exp_false) - :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after xor", bool_t)) - :: set_pszf t (op2e t o1) - | Test(t, o1, o2) -> - let o2 = - if is_small_imm o2 t then sign_extend_imm o2 t - else op2e t o2 in - let tmp = tmp t in - Bil.Move (tmp, Bil.(op2e t o1 land o2)) - :: Bil.Move (oF, exp_false) - :: Bil.Move (cf, exp_false) - :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after and", bool_t)) - :: set_pszf t (Bil.Var tmp) - | Ptest(t, o1, o2) -> + | Bt(t, bitoffset, bitbase) -> + let t' = !!t in + let offset = op2e t bitoffset in + let value, shift = match bitbase with + | Oreg _ -> + let reg = op2e t bitbase in + let shift = Bil.(offset land int_exp Pervasives.(t' - 1) t') in + reg, shift + | Oaddr a -> + let offset = Bil.(cast unsigned (width_of_mode mode) offset) in + let byte = load (size_of_typ reg8_t) Bil.(a + offset lsr int_exp 3 t') in + let shift = Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!reg8_t, offset) land int_exp 7 8) in + byte, shift + | Ovec _ | Oseg _ | Oimm _ -> disfailwith "Invalid bt operand" + in + [ + Bil.Move (cf, Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!bool_t, value lsr shift))); + Bil.Move (oF, Bil.Unknown ("OF undefined after bt", bool_t)); + Bil.Move (sf, Bil.Unknown ("SF undefined after bt", bool_t)); + Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF undefined after bt", bool_t)); + Bil.Move (pf, Bil.Unknown ("PF undefined after bt", bool_t)) + ] + | Bs(t, dst, src, dir) -> + let t' = !!t in + let source_is_zero = tmp bool_t in + let source_is_zero_v = Bil.Var source_is_zero in + let src_e = op2e t src in + let bits = !!t in + let check_bit bitindex next_value = + Bil.(Ite (Extract (bitindex,bitindex,src_e) = int_exp 1 1, int_exp bitindex t', next_value)) + in + let bitlist = List.init ~f:(fun x -> x) bits in + (* We are folding from right to left *) + let bitlist = match dir with + | Forward -> (* least significant first *) bitlist + | Backward -> (* most significant *) List.rev bitlist + in + let first_one = List.fold_right ~f:check_bit bitlist + ~init:(Bil.Unknown("bs: destination undefined when source is zero", t)) in + [ + Bil.Move (source_is_zero, Bil.(src_e = int_exp 0 t')); + assn t dst first_one; + Bil.Move (zf, Bil.Ite (source_is_zero_v, int_exp 1 1, int_exp 0 1)); + ] + @ + let undef r = + Bil.Move (r, Bil.Unknown (Var.name r ^ " undefined after bsf", Var.typ r)) in + List.map ~f:undef [cf; oF; sf; af; pf] + | Hlt -> [] (* x86 Hlt is essentially a NOP *) + | Rdtsc -> + let undef reg = assn reg32_t reg (Bil.Unknown ("rdtsc", reg32_t)) in + List.map ~f:undef [o_rax; o_rdx] + | Cpuid -> + let undef reg = assn reg32_t reg (Bil.Unknown ("cpuid", reg32_t)) in + List.map ~f:undef [o_rax; o_rbx; o_rcx; o_rdx] + | Xgetbv -> + let undef reg = assn reg32_t reg (Bil.Unknown ("xgetbv", reg32_t)) in + List.map ~f:undef [o_rax; o_rdx] + | Stmxcsr (dst) -> + let dst = match dst with + | Oaddr addr -> addr + | _ -> disfailwith "stmxcsr argument cannot be non-memory" + in + [store reg32_t dst (Bil.Var mxcsr);(*(Unknown ("stmxcsr", reg32_t));*) ] + | Ldmxcsr (src) -> + let src = match src with + | Oaddr addr -> addr + | _ -> disfailwith "ldmxcsr argument cannot be non-memory" + in + [ Bil.Move (mxcsr, load (size_of_typ reg32_t) src); ] + | Fnstcw (dst) -> + let dst = match dst with + | Oaddr addr -> addr + | _ -> disfailwith "fnstcw argument cannot be non-memory" + in + [store reg16_t dst (Bil.Var fpu_ctrl); ] + | Fldcw (src) -> + let src = match src with + | Oaddr addr -> addr + | _ -> disfailwith "fldcw argument cannot be non-memory" + in + [ Bil.Move (fpu_ctrl, load (size_of_typ reg16_t) src); ] + | Fld _src -> + unimplemented "unsupported FPU register stack" + | Fst (_dst,_pop) -> + unimplemented "unsupported FPU flags" + | Cmps(Type.Imm _bits as t) -> + let t' = !!t in + let src1 = tmp t in + let src2 = tmp t in + let tmpres = tmp t in + let stmts = + Bil.Move (src1, op2e t (Oaddr rsi_e)) + :: Bil.Move (src2, op2e_s mode seg_es has_rex t (Oaddr rdi_e)) + :: Bil.Move (tmpres, Bil.(Var src1 - Var src2)) + :: string_incr mode t rsi + :: string_incr mode t rdi + :: set_flags_sub t' (Bil.Var src1) (Bil.Var src2) (Bil.Var tmpres) + in + begin match pref with + | [] -> stmts + | [single] when single = repz || single = repnz -> + rep_wrap ~mode ~check_zf:single ~addr ~next stmts + | _ -> unimplemented "unsupported flags in cmps" end + | Scas(Type.Imm _bits as t) -> + let t' = !!t in + let src1 = tmp t in + let src2 = tmp t in + let tmpres = tmp t in + let stmts = let open Stmt in - let t' = !!t in - let tmp1 = tmp t and tmp2 = tmp t in - Move (tmp1, Bil.(op2e t o2 land op2e t o1)) - :: Move (tmp2, Bil.(op2e t o2 land (exp_not (op2e t o1)))) - :: Move (af, exp_false) - :: Move (oF, exp_false) - :: Move (pf, exp_false) - :: Move (sf, exp_false) - :: Move (zf, Bil.(Var tmp1 = Int (BV.of_int ~width:t' 0))) - :: [Move (cf, Bil.(Var tmp2 = Int (BV.of_int ~width:t' 0)))] - | Not(t, o) -> - [assn t o (exp_not (op2e t o))] - | Neg(t, o) -> - let t' = !!t in - let tmp = tmp t in - let min_int = - Bil.BinOp (LSHIFT, int_exp 1 t', int_exp (t'-1) t') - in - Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t o) - ::assn t o Bil.(int_exp 0 t' - op2e t o) - ::Bil.Move (cf, Bil.(Ite (Var tmp = int_exp 0 t', int_exp 0 1, int_exp 1 1))) - ::Bil.Move (oF, Bil.(Ite (Var tmp = min_int, int_exp 1 1, int_exp 0 1))) - ::set_apszf_sub t' (Bil.Var tmp) (int_exp 0 t') (op2e t o) - | Mul (t, src) -> - (* Mul always multiplies EAX by src and stores the result in EDX:EAX - starting from the "right hand side" based on the type t of src *) - - (* The OF and CF flags are set to 0 if the upper half of the result is 0; - otherwise, they are set to 1 *) - let new_t = Type.Imm (!!t * 2) in - let assnstmts, assne = Bil.(assn_dbl t ((Cast (UNSIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t o_rax)) * (Cast (UNSIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src)))) - in - let flag = - let highbit = !!new_t - 1 in - let lowbit = !!new_t / 2 in - Bil.((Extract (highbit, lowbit, assne)) <> int_exp 0 !!t) - in - assnstmts - @ - [ - Bil.Move (oF, flag); - Bil.Move (cf, flag); - Bil.Move (sf, Bil.Unknown ("SF is undefined after Mul", bool_t)); - Bil.Move (zf, Bil.Unknown ("ZF is undefined after Mul", bool_t)); - Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after Mul", bool_t)); - Bil.Move (pf, Bil.Unknown ("PF is undefined after Mul", bool_t)) - ] - | Imul (t, (oneopform, dst), src1, src2) -> - let new_t = Type.Imm (!!t * 2) in - let mul_stmts = - (match oneopform with - | true -> - (* For one operand form, use assn_double *) - let assnstmts, assne = - assn_dbl t Bil.((Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src1)) * (Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src2))) in - let flag = - (* Intel checks if EAX == EDX:EAX. Instead of doing this, we are just - going to check if the upper bits are != 0 *) - let highbit = !!new_t - 1 in - let lowbit = !!new_t / 2 in - Bil.((Extract (highbit, lowbit, assne)) <> int_exp 0 !!t) - in - assnstmts @ - [Bil.Move (oF, flag); - Bil.Move (cf, flag)] - | false -> - (* Two and three operand forms *) - let tmp = tmp new_t in - (* Flag is set when the result is truncated *) - let flag = Bil.(Var tmp <> Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t dst)) in - [(Bil.Move (tmp, Bil.((Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src1)) * (Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src2))))); - (assn t dst Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!t, Var tmp))); - Bil.Move (oF, flag); - Bil.Move (cf, flag)] ) - in - mul_stmts@[ - Bil.Move (pf, Bil.Unknown ("PF is undefined after imul", bool_t)); - Bil.Move (sf, Bil.Unknown ("SF is undefined after imul", bool_t)); - Bil.Move (zf, Bil.Unknown ("ZF is undefined after imul", bool_t)); - Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after imul", bool_t));] - | Div(t, src) -> - let dt' = !!t * 2 in - let dt = Type.Imm dt' in - let dividend = op2e_dbl t in - let divisor = Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!dt, op2e t src)) in - let tdiv = tmp ~name:"div" dt in - let trem = tmp ~name:"rem" dt in - let assne = Bil.((Cast (LOW, !!t, Bil.Var trem)) ^ (Cast (LOW, !!t, Var tdiv))) in - Bil.If (Bil.(divisor = int_exp 0 dt'), [Cpu_exceptions.divide_by_zero], []) - :: Bil.Move (tdiv, Bil.(dividend / divisor)) - :: Bil.Move (trem, Bil.(dividend mod divisor)) - (* Overflow is indicated with the #DE (divide error) exception - rather than with the CF flag. *) - :: Bil.If (Bil.((Cast (HIGH, !!t, Var tdiv)) = int_exp 0 !!t), [], [Cpu_exceptions.divide_by_zero]) - :: fst (assn_dbl t assne) - @ (let undef r = - Bil.Move (r, Bil.Unknown ((Var.name r ^ " undefined after div"), Var.typ r)) + Move (src1, Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!t, Var rax))) + :: Move (src2, op2e_s mode seg_es has_rex t (Oaddr rdi_e)) + :: Move (tmpres, Bil.(Var src1 - Var src2)) + :: string_incr mode t rdi + :: set_flags_sub t' (Bil.Var src1) (Bil.Var src2) (Bil.Var tmpres) + in + begin match pref with + | [] -> stmts + | [single] when single = repz || single = repnz -> + rep_wrap ~mode ~check_zf:single ~addr ~next stmts + | _ -> unimplemented "unsupported flags in scas" end + | Stos(Type.Imm _bits as t) -> + let stmts = [store_s mode seg_es t rdi_e (op2e t o_rax); + string_incr mode t rdi] + in + begin match pref with + | [] -> stmts + | [single] when single = repz -> rep_wrap ~mode ~addr ~next stmts + | _ -> unimplemented "unsupported prefix for stos" end + | Push(t, o) -> + let o = if is_small_imm o t then sign_extend_imm o t + else op2e t o in + let tmp = tmp t in (* only really needed when o involves esp *) + Bil.Move (tmp, o) + :: Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e - Int (mi (bytes_of_width t)))) + :: store_s mode seg_ss t rsp_e (Bil.var tmp) (* FIXME: can ss be overridden? *) + :: [] + | Pop(t, o) -> + (* From the manual: + + "The POP ESP instruction increments the stack pointer (ESP) + before data at the old top of stack is written into the + destination" + + So, effectively there is no incrementation. + *) + assn t o (load_s mode seg_ss (size_of_typ t) rsp_e) + :: if o = o_rsp then [] + else [Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e + Int (mi (bytes_of_width t))))] + | Pushf(t) -> + (* Note that we currently treat these fields as unknowns, but the + manual says: When copying the entire EFLAGS register to the + stack, the VM and RF flags (bits 16 and 17) are not copied; + instead, the values for these flags are cleared in the EFLAGS + image stored on the stack. *) + let flags_e = match t with + | Type.Imm 16 -> flags_e + | Type.Imm 32 -> eflags_e + | Type.Imm 64 -> rflags_e + | _ -> failwith "impossible" + in + Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e - Int (mi (bytes_of_width t)))) + :: store_s mode seg_ss t rsp_e flags_e + :: [] + | Popf t -> + let assnsf = match t with + | Type.Imm 16 -> assns_flags_to_bap + | Type.Imm 32 -> assns_eflags_to_bap + | Type.Imm 64 -> assns_rflags_to_bap + | _ -> failwith "impossible" + in + let tmp = tmp t in + let extractlist = + List.map + ~f:(fun i -> + Bil.(Extract (i, i, Var tmp))) + (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~start:`exclusive ~stop:`inclusive !!t 0) + in + Bil.Move (tmp, load_s mode seg_ss (size_of_typ t) rsp_e) + :: Bil.Move (rsp, Bil.(rsp_e + Int (mi (bytes_of_width t)))) + :: List.concat (List.map2_exn ~f:(fun f e -> f e) assnsf + extractlist) + | Popcnt(t, s, d) -> + let width = !!t in + let bits = op2e t s in + let bitvector = Array.to_list (Array.init width ~f:(fun i -> Bil.(Ite (Extract (i, i, bits), int_exp 1 width, int_exp 0 width)))) in + let count = List.reduce_exn ~f:Bil.(+) bitvector in + set_zf width bits + :: assn t d count + :: List.map ~f:(fun r -> Bil.Move (r, int_exp 0 1)) [cf; oF; sf; af; pf] + | Sahf -> + let assnsf = assns_lflags_to_bap in + let tah = tmp ~name:"AH" reg8_t in + let extractlist = + List.map + ~f:(fun i -> + Bil.(Extract (i, i, Var tah))) + (List.range ~stride:(-1) ~stop:`inclusive 7 0) + in + Bil.Move (tah, ah_e) + :: List.concat (List.map2_exn ~f:(fun f e -> f e) assnsf extractlist) + | Lahf -> + let o_ah = Oreg 4 in + [assn reg8_t o_ah lflags_e] + | Add(t, o1, o2) -> + let tmp = tmp t and tmp2 = tmp t in + Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t o1) + :: Bil.Move (tmp2, op2e t o2) + :: assn t o1 Bil.(op2e t o1 + Var tmp2) + :: let s1 = Bil.Var tmp in let s2 = Bil.Var tmp2 in let r = op2e t o1 in + set_flags_add !!t s1 s2 r + | Adc(t, o1, o2) -> + let orig1 = tmp t in + let orig2 = tmp t in + let bits = !!t in + let t' = Type.Imm (bits + 1) in + let c e = Bil.(Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t', e)) in + (* Literally compute the addition with an extra bit and see + what the value is for CF *) + let s1 = Bil.Var orig1 in let s2 = Bil.Var orig2 in let r = op2e t o1 in + let bige = Bil.(c s1 + c s2 + c (Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, cf_e))) in + Bil.Move (orig1, op2e t o1) + :: Bil.Move (orig2, op2e t o2) + :: assn t o1 Bil.(s1 + s2 + Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, cf_e)) + :: Bil.Move (cf, Bil.Extract (bits, bits, bige)) + :: set_aopszf_add !!t s1 s2 r + | Inc(t, o) (* o = o + 1 *) -> + let t' = !!t in + let tmp = tmp t in + Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t o) + :: assn t o Bil.(op2e t o + int_exp 1 t') + :: set_aopszf_add t' (Bil.Var tmp) (int_exp 1 t') (op2e t o) + | Dec(t, o) (* o = o - 1 *) -> + let t' = !!t in + let tmp = tmp t in + Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t o) + :: assn t o Bil.(op2e t o - int_exp 1 t') + :: set_aopszf_sub t' (Bil.Var tmp) (int_exp 1 t') (op2e t o) (* CF is maintained *) + | Sub(t, o1, o2) (* o1 = o1 - o2 *) -> + let oldo1 = tmp t in + let oldo2 = tmp t in + let op1 = op2e t o1 in + let op2 = + if is_small_imm o2 t then sign_extend_imm o2 t + else op2e t o2 in + Bil.([ + oldo1 := op1; + oldo2 := op2; + assn t o1 (op1 - op2); + ] @ set_flags_sub (bitwidth_of_type t) (var oldo1) (var oldo2) op1) + | Sbb(t, o1, o2) -> + let tmp_s = tmp t in + let tmp_d = tmp t in + let orig_s = Bil.Var tmp_s in + let orig_d = Bil.Var tmp_d in + let sube = Bil.(orig_s + Cast (UNSIGNED, !!t, cf_e)) in + let d = op2e t o1 in + let s1 = + if is_small_imm o2 t then sign_extend_imm o2 t + else op2e t o2 in + Bil.Move (tmp_s, s1) + :: Bil.Move (tmp_d, d) + :: assn t o1 Bil.(orig_d - sube) + :: Bil.Move (oF, Bil.(Cast (HIGH, !!bool_t, (orig_s lxor orig_d) land (orig_d lxor d)))) + (* When src = 0xffffffff and cf=1, the processor sets CF=1. + + Note that we compute dest = dest - (0xffffffff + 1) = 0, so the + subtraction does not overflow. + + So, I am guessing that CF is set if the subtraction overflows + or the addition overflows. + + Maybe we should implement this by doing the actual computation, + like we do for adc. + *) + (* sub overflow | add overflow *) + :: Bil.Move (cf, Bil.((sube > orig_d) lor (sube < orig_s))) + :: set_apszf !!t orig_s orig_d d + | Cmp(t, o1, o2) -> + let tmp = tmp t in + Bil.Move (tmp, Bil.(op2e t o1 - op2e t o2)) + :: set_flags_sub !!t (op2e t o1) (op2e t o2) (Bil.Var tmp) + | Cmpxchg(t, src, dst) -> + let t' = !!t in + let eax_e = op2e t o_rax in + let dst_e = op2e t dst in + let src_e = op2e t src in + let tmp = tmp t in + Bil.Move (tmp, Bil.(eax_e - dst_e)) + :: set_flags_sub t' eax_e dst_e (Bil.Var tmp) + @ assn t dst (Bil.Ite (zf_e, src_e, dst_e)) + :: assn t o_rax (Bil.Ite (zf_e, eax_e, dst_e)) + :: [] + | Cmpxchg8b o -> (* only 32bit case *) + let accumulator = Bil.Concat((op2e reg32_t o_rdx),(op2e reg32_t o_rax)) in + let dst_e = op2e reg64_t o in + let src_e = Bil.Concat((op2e reg32_t o_rcx),(op2e reg32_t o_rbx)) in + let dst_low_e = Bil.Extract(63, 32, dst_e) in + let dst_hi_e = Bil.Extract(31, 0, dst_e) in + let eax_e = op2e reg32_t o_rax in + let edx_e = op2e reg32_t o_rdx in + let equal = tmp bool_t in + let equal_v = Bil.Var equal in + [ + Bil.Move (equal, Bil.(accumulator = dst_e)); + Bil.Move (zf, equal_v); + assn reg64_t o (Bil.Ite (equal_v, src_e, dst_e)); + assn reg32_t o_rax (Bil.Ite (equal_v, eax_e, dst_low_e)); + assn reg32_t o_rdx (Bil.Ite (equal_v, edx_e, dst_hi_e)) + ] + | Xadd(t, dst_op, src_op) -> + let tmp_res = tmp t in + let tmp_dst = tmp t in + let tmp_src = tmp t in + let dst = op2e t dst_op in + let src = op2e t src_op in + Bil.[ + tmp_src := src; + tmp_dst := dst; + tmp_res := src + dst; + assn t src_op dst; + assn t dst_op (var tmp_res); + ] @ set_flags_add !!t (Bil.var tmp_dst) (Bil.var tmp_src) dst; + | Xchg(t, src, dst) -> + let tmp = tmp t in + [ Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t src); + assn t src (op2e t dst); + assn t dst (Bil.Var tmp); ] + | And(t, o1, o2) -> + assn t o1 Bil.(op2e t o1 land op2e t o2) + :: Bil.Move (oF, exp_false) + :: Bil.Move (cf, exp_false) + :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after and", bool_t)) + :: set_pszf t (op2e t o1) + | Or(t, o1, o2) -> + let o2 = + if is_small_imm o2 t then sign_extend_imm o2 t + else op2e t o2 in + assn t o1 Bil.(op2e t o1 lor o2) + :: Bil.Move (oF, exp_false) + :: Bil.Move (cf, exp_false) + :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after or", bool_t)) + :: set_pszf t (op2e t o1) + | Xor(t, o1, o2) when o1 = o2 -> + assn t o1 Bil.(Int (BV.of_int ~width:(!!t) 0)) + :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after xor", bool_t)) + :: List.map ~f:(fun v -> Bil.Move (v, exp_true)) [zf; pf] + @ List.map ~f:(fun v -> Bil.Move (v, exp_false)) [oF; cf; sf] + | Xor(t, o1, o2) -> + assn t o1 Bil.(op2e t o1 lxor op2e t o2) + :: Bil.Move (oF, exp_false) + :: Bil.Move (cf, exp_false) + :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after xor", bool_t)) + :: set_pszf t (op2e t o1) + | Test(t, o1, o2) -> + let o2 = + if is_small_imm o2 t then sign_extend_imm o2 t + else op2e t o2 in + let tmp = tmp t in + Bil.Move (tmp, Bil.(op2e t o1 land o2)) + :: Bil.Move (oF, exp_false) + :: Bil.Move (cf, exp_false) + :: Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after and", bool_t)) + :: set_pszf t (Bil.Var tmp) + | Ptest(t, o1, o2) -> + let open Stmt in + let t' = !!t in + let tmp1 = tmp t and tmp2 = tmp t in + Move (tmp1, Bil.(op2e t o2 land op2e t o1)) + :: Move (tmp2, Bil.(op2e t o2 land (exp_not (op2e t o1)))) + :: Move (af, exp_false) + :: Move (oF, exp_false) + :: Move (pf, exp_false) + :: Move (sf, exp_false) + :: Move (zf, Bil.(Var tmp1 = Int (BV.of_int ~width:t' 0))) + :: [Move (cf, Bil.(Var tmp2 = Int (BV.of_int ~width:t' 0)))] + | Not(t, o) -> + [assn t o (exp_not (op2e t o))] + | Neg(t, o) -> + let t' = !!t in + let tmp = tmp t in + let min_int = + Bil.BinOp (LSHIFT, int_exp 1 t', int_exp (t'-1) t') + in + Bil.Move (tmp, op2e t o) + ::assn t o Bil.(int_exp 0 t' - op2e t o) + ::Bil.Move (cf, Bil.(Ite (Var tmp = int_exp 0 t', int_exp 0 1, int_exp 1 1))) + ::Bil.Move (oF, Bil.(Ite (Var tmp = min_int, int_exp 1 1, int_exp 0 1))) + ::set_apszf_sub t' (Bil.Var tmp) (int_exp 0 t') (op2e t o) + | Mul (t, src) -> + (* Mul always multiplies EAX by src and stores the result in EDX:EAX + starting from the "right hand side" based on the type t of src *) + + (* The OF and CF flags are set to 0 if the upper half of the result is 0; + otherwise, they are set to 1 *) + let new_t = Type.Imm (!!t * 2) in + let assnstmts, assne = Bil.(assn_dbl t ((Cast (UNSIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t o_rax)) * (Cast (UNSIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src)))) + in + let flag = + let highbit = !!new_t - 1 in + let lowbit = !!new_t / 2 in + Bil.((Extract (highbit, lowbit, assne)) <> int_exp 0 !!t) + in + assnstmts + @ + [ + Bil.Move (oF, flag); + Bil.Move (cf, flag); + Bil.Move (sf, Bil.Unknown ("SF is undefined after Mul", bool_t)); + Bil.Move (zf, Bil.Unknown ("ZF is undefined after Mul", bool_t)); + Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after Mul", bool_t)); + Bil.Move (pf, Bil.Unknown ("PF is undefined after Mul", bool_t)) + ] + | Imul (t, (oneopform, dst), src1, src2) -> + let new_t = Type.Imm (!!t * 2) in + let mul_stmts = + (match oneopform with + | true -> + (* For one operand form, use assn_double *) + let assnstmts, assne = + assn_dbl t Bil.((Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src1)) * (Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src2))) in + let flag = + (* Intel checks if EAX == EDX:EAX. Instead of doing this, we are just + going to check if the upper bits are != 0 *) + let highbit = !!new_t - 1 in + let lowbit = !!new_t / 2 in + Bil.((Extract (highbit, lowbit, assne)) <> int_exp 0 !!t) in - List.map ~f:undef [cf; oF; sf; zf; af; pf]) - | Idiv(t, src) -> - let dt' = !!t * 2 in - let dt = Type.Imm dt' in - let dividend = op2e_dbl t in - let divisor = Bil.(Cast (SIGNED, !!dt, op2e t src)) in - let tdiv = tmp ~name:"div" dt in - let trem = tmp ~name:"rem" dt in - let assne = Bil.((Cast (LOW, !!t, Var trem)) ^ (Cast (LOW, !!t, Var tdiv))) in - Bil.If (Bil.(divisor = int_exp 0 dt'), [Cpu_exceptions.divide_by_zero], []) - :: Bil.Move (tdiv, Bil.(dividend /$ divisor)) - :: Bil.Move (trem, Bil.(dividend %$ divisor)) - (* Overflow is indicated with the #DE (divide error) exception - rather than with the CF flag. *) - (* SWXXX For signed division make sure quotient is between smallest and - largest values. For type t, this would be -2^(t/2) to (2^(t/2) - 1). *) - :: Bil.If (Bil.((Cast (HIGH, !!t, Var tdiv)) = int_exp 0 !!t), [], [Cpu_exceptions.divide_by_zero]) - :: fst (assn_dbl t assne) - @ (let undef r = - Bil.Move (r, Bil.Unknown (Var.name r ^ " undefined after div", Var.typ r)) in - List.map ~f:undef [cf; oF; sf; zf; af; pf]) - | Cld -> - [Bil.Move (df, exp_false)] - | Leave t when pref = [] -> (* #UD if Lock prefix is used *) - Bil.Move (rsp, rbp_e) - ::to_ir mode addr next ss pref has_rex has_vex (Pop(t, o_rbp)) - | Interrupt3 -> [Bil.Special "int3"] - | Interrupt(Oimm i) -> - (** use [BV.string_of_value ~hex:true] here *) - [Bil.Special ("int " ^ Addr.string_of_value i)] - | Sysenter | Syscall -> [Bil.Special "syscall"] - (* Match everything exhaustively *) - | Leave _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Leave" - | Lea _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Lea" - | Movs _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Movs" - | Cmps _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Cmps" - | Scas _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Scas" - | Stos _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Stos" - | Retn _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Retn" - | Interrupt _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Interrupt" + assnstmts @ + [Bil.Move (oF, flag); + Bil.Move (cf, flag)] + | false -> + (* Two and three operand forms *) + let tmp = tmp new_t in + (* Flag is set when the result is truncated *) + let flag = Bil.(Var tmp <> Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t dst)) in + [(Bil.Move (tmp, Bil.((Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src1)) * (Cast (SIGNED, !!new_t, op2e t src2))))); + (assn t dst Bil.(Cast (LOW, !!t, Var tmp))); + Bil.Move (oF, flag); + Bil.Move (cf, flag)] ) + in + mul_stmts@[ + Bil.Move (pf, Bil.Unknown ("PF is undefined after imul", bool_t)); + Bil.Move (sf, Bil.Unknown ("SF is undefined after imul", bool_t)); + Bil.Move (zf, Bil.Unknown ("ZF is undefined after imul", bool_t)); + Bil.Move (af, Bil.Unknown ("AF is undefined after imul", bool_t));] + | Div(t, src) -> + let dt' = !!t * 2 in + let dt = Type.Imm dt' in + let zero = int_exp 0 dt' in + let dividend = tmp ~name:"dividend" dt in + let divisor = tmp ~name:"divisor" dt in + let tdiv = tmp ~name:"div" dt in + let trem = tmp ~name:"rem" dt in + let result = Bil.(cast low!!t (var trem) ^ cast low !!t (var tdiv)) in + let apply_result = fst (assn_dbl t result) in + Bil.[ + divisor := cast unsigned !!dt (op2e t src); + dividend := op2e_dbl t; + if_ (var divisor = zero) [ + Cpu_exceptions.divide_by_zero + ](* else *) [ + tdiv := var dividend / var divisor; + trem := var dividend mod var divisor; + if_ (cast high !!t (var tdiv) = int_exp 0 !!t) + apply_result (* else *) + [Cpu_exceptions.divide_by_zero] + ] + ] @ undefine [cf; oF; sf; zf; af; pf] + | Idiv(t, src) -> + let dt' = !!t * 2 in + let dt = Type.Imm dt' in + let zero = int_exp 0 dt' in + let dividend = tmp ~name:"dividend" dt in + let divisor = tmp ~name:"divisor" dt in + let tdiv = tmp ~name:"div" dt in + let trem = tmp ~name:"rem" dt in + let result = Bil.(cast low !!t (var trem) ^ cast low !!t (var tdiv)) in + let apply_result = fst @@ assn_dbl t result in + let lbound = + let dtm1 = dt' - 1 in + Word.(one dt' lsl of_int ~width:dt' dtm1) in + let ubound = Word.(lbound - one dt') in + Bil.[ + divisor := cast signed !!dt (op2e t src); + dividend := op2e_dbl t; + if_ (var divisor = zero) [ + Cpu_exceptions.divide_by_zero + ] (* else *) [ + tdiv := var dividend /$ var divisor; + trem := var dividend %$ var divisor; + if_ ((var tdiv >$ int ubound) lor (var tdiv <$ int lbound)) [ + Cpu_exceptions.divide_by_zero; + ] (* else *) + apply_result; + ]; + ] @ undefine [cf; oF; sf; zf; af; pf] + | Cld -> + [Bil.Move (df, exp_false)] + | Leave t when pref = [] -> (* #UD if Lock prefix is used *) + Bil.Move (rsp, rbp_e) + ::to_ir mode addr next ss pref has_rex has_vex (Pop(t, o_rbp)) + | Interrupt3 -> [Bil.Special "int3"] + | Interrupt(Oimm i) -> + (** use [BV.string_of_value ~hex:true] here *) + [Bil.Special ("int " ^ Addr.string_of_value i)] + | Sysenter | Syscall -> [Bil.Special "syscall"] + (* Match everything exhaustively *) + | Leave _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Leave" + | Lea _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Lea" + | Movs _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Movs" + | Cmps _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Cmps" + | Scas _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Scas" + | Stos _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Stos" + | Retn _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Retn" + | Interrupt _ -> unimplemented "to_ir: Interrupt" end (* ToIR *)