- This appliction is made by using Tkinter .
- It uses a Rest API to store the data to the DataBase . The API is made via using Flask .
- It uses the MONGO-DB as a DataBase to store all the data of this application.
- There are 3 major components of this Configration System :
.. Campus
.. Faculty
.. Department
- Each component have ability perform the CRUD operations like ;
Creating or Adding the data, Showing the Data , Updating the existing Data and Deleting the exsisting data.
- [Important to Know] :
Make sure to run the API seperately (In the seperate console or run it seperately) other-wise you may run into problems.
or Just paste this in the console [ >> python RestApi.py ]
You can Update and Delete the data via clicking on the Rows of Preview Window.
To install requirments.txt : >> pip install -r requirements.txt