TODO add Build and Download info
Kafka Batch Processor reads batches of messages from Kafka and processes them as specified in the selected IBatchProcessor implementation
Provided example implementations of the IBatchProcessor are:
** ElasticSearchBatchProcessor - indexes batches into ElasticSearch - in the project
** SimpleLoggerProcessor - logs info about processed batches into log files (great for debugging your pipelines)
It is a simple Spring-based Java library - that can be easily included as a JAR dependency to your own project - and used to process events from Kafka in batches.
Main features:
** starting offsets positions per partition can be specified via configuration properties
** customizable destinations for processed batchs of messages
** customizable logical boundaries of the "batches" of events
** customizable handling and definition of recoverable vs, non-recoverable exceptions while processing events and batches
** customizable logic for when and under what conditions to commit or not commit offsets of "processed" batches
** customizable retry behavior in cases of failures
** offsets can be exposed to other systems - like JMX/monitoring or external storage
** One batch of messages is composed of all messages retrieved during one poll() call to Kafka OR it can comprised of multiple poll() messages if implemented this way in a custom IBatchProcessor implementation.
** in order to use the project - one must choose which IBatchProcessor to use:
** ** you can start with one of the provided example implementation: ESBatchProcessor or SimpleLoggerProcessor - and customize them as needed
** ** you can implement your own one: for that, you have to implement the IBatchProcessor interface and ts two main methods:
** ** ** processEvent(...) - specify how to parse/transform an individual event - and add to the outgoing batch (see provided examples for ideas)
** ** ** completePoll(...) - specify what to do with the batch of collected messages from the poll() - and whether the poll is considered "done" and offsets can be committed to Kafka
Kafka Batch Processor is highly scalable. To scale horizontally - you need to start additional instances of your application and they will form the same consumer group and share the load of event processing:
Running via Gradle
** Download the code into a $PROJECT_HOME dir
** $PROJECT_HOME/src/main/resources/config/ update all relevant properties as explained in the comments.
** $PROJECT_HOME/src/main/resources/config/logback.xml: specify directory you want to store logs in: . Adjust values of max sizes and number of log files as needed.
** $PROJECT_HOME/src/main/resources/config/kafkabatch-start-options.config - consumer start options can be configured here (Start from earliest, latest, etc), more details inside a file.
** modify $PROJECT_HOME/src/main/resources/spring/kafkabatch-context-public.xml if needed:
Specify which IBatchProcessor class you want to use: (make sure to only modify the class name, not the beans' name/scope)
<bean id="messageProcessor" class="org.bigdatadevs.kafkabatch.processor.impl.logger.SimpleLoggerProcessor" scope="prototype" p:elasticSearchBatchService-ref="elasticSearchBatchService"/>
** build the app:
./gradlew clean jar
The kafka_batch_processor-1.0.jar will be created in the $PROJECT_HOME/build/libs/ dir.
make sure your $JAVA_HOME env variable is set (use JDK1.8 or above); you may want to adjust JVM options and other values in the gradlew script and file
** run the app:
./gradlew run$PROJECT_HOME/src/main/resources/config/ -Dlogback.configurationFile=$PROJECT_HOME/src/main/resources/config/logback.xml
Kafka Version: 2.1.x
ElasticSearch: 6.2.x
JDK 1.8, 1.11+
Application properties are specified via the file - you have to adjust properties for your env: TODO add link
You can specify you own properties file via
Logging properties are specified in the logback.xml file - you have to adjust properties for your env:
You can specify your own logback config file via -Dlogback.configurationFile=/abs-path/your-logback.xml
Application Spring configuration is specified in the kafkabatch-context-public.xml
Consumer start options can be specified with system property consumer.start.option
. The value of this property can be RESTART
which applied for all partitions or CUSTOM
which requires additional property consumer.custom.start.options.file
The value of consumer.custom.start.options.file
property is an absolute path to the custom start offsets configuration file.
TODO fix links
By default RESTART
option is used for all partitions.
-Dconsumer.start.option=CUSTOM -Dconsumer.custom.start.options.file=/abs-path/
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
- Krishna Raj - creator of the original project that served as a foundation and inspiration for our further work!