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Diagnostic tool to monitor DSS and USS interactions


This diagnostic tool monitors UTM traffic in a specified area. This includes, when requested, remote ID Identification Service Areas and Subscriptions, and strategic deconfliction Operations, Constraints, and Subscriptions. This tool records data in a way not allowed in a standards-compliant production system, so should not be run on a production system.

Building the image

From the root folder of this repo folder, first build the tracer image:

docker build \
    -f monitoring/tracer/Dockerfile \
    -t interuss/dss/tracer \
    --build-arg version=`scripts/git/` \

Polling mode

Polling mode periodically queries the DSS regarding the objects of interest and notes when they appear, change, or disappear. The primary advantage to this mode is that it operates as a client only and does not require routing to support an externally-accessible server. One disadvantage is that fast changes are not detected. For instance, if an ISA was added and then deleted all within a single polling period, this tool would not create an record of that ISA.


docker run --name tracer_run --rm -v `pwd`/logs:/logs interuss/dss/tracer \
    python python \
    --auth=<SPEC> \
    --dss= \
    --area=34.1234,-123.4567,34.4567,-123.1234 \
    --output-folder=/logs \
    --rid-isa-poll-interval=15 \
    --scd-operation-poll-interval=15 \

The auth SPEC defines how to obtain access tokens to access the DSS instances and USSs in the network. See the auth spec documentation for examples and more information.

Subscribe mode

Subscribe mode emplaces Subscriptions in the DSS and listens for incoming notifications of changes from other USSs. The two primary advantages to this mode are that no ongoing polling is necessary and details of Entities are delivered automatically -- the only outgoing requests happen at initialization and shutdown. The disadvantages include requiring an external route to this, probably with TLS unless the TLS check is disabled in the DSS, and that information logging is dependent on USSs behaving correctly and sending notifications upon DSS prompting.


Make a copy of and edit the arguments as appropriate. Then simply run your copy of that script (./ To stop this container gracefully (so that Subscriptions are removed): docker container kill --signal=INT tracer_subscribe

External route

One important argument in subscribe mode is --base-url. This should be the URL at which the tracer container can be reached externally. Note that this URL will probably need to use https (to satisfy DSS validation), but the tracer container only serves via http. This means a user will need to provide their own TLS termination for the external endpoint and forward traffic to the tracer container in order to use tracer in subscribe mode.

Log viewer

While tracer is running in subscribe mode, visit /logs relative to the base URL (e.g., to see a list of log entries recorded by tracer while the current session has been running.