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How to contribute

I'm really glad you're reading this, because we need active developers to help this project come to fruition. We're establishing a community process for contributors to earn RHOC working for the coop. See video 24:06 HJ explains Members Decentralized Budgeting and video RChain, Decentralized budgeting and spending.

Everyone is welcome to participate. Contributing doesn’t just mean coding; there are many different ways for you to get involved, including community activism, marketing, business development, design, and governance.


RChain has multiple channels to make easy communication possible within the growing community. There is a full list of comm channels in the FAQ but these are the collaborative channels:

  • We work together and keep each other updated through Github/RChain/Members.
  • We're experimenting with Mattermost and Gitter to create insight in who does what when and why.
  • The Telegram RChain Coop chat group is for chat, while the RChain Coop Official Announcements channel carries official announcements. For Chinese speakers there is a RChain_Official_Chat_CN group. There is also a QQ group for RChain: 530718666.
  • We've moved from Slack to a private Discord server. Discord has several channels to discuss about all kind of things (to join see Becoming a Member below). The goal is to create actionable issues in Github/Members that are handled by the community.
  • The different environments are bridged together. So you would see messages from for example Discord in Mattermost, Telegram, or Gitter.
  • We use Google Groups for interaction through email and getting access to the RChain Google drive and documents.
  • There are weekly conference calls with unedited archives on Youtube.
  • There is a weekly Member zoom meeting on Wednesdays, 06:00 PM UTC (Amsterdam +1, New York -5, Seattle -8, Beijing +8), where we discuss the issues that need to be worked upon.
  • And of course our website.


Through Github/Members issues are created by anyone. It's up to us to handle all those issues in an organized manner, based on self organization and decentralization. We trust in skills and common sense to solve the issues and get rewarded in a reasonable way in RHOC.

  • Work items are represented by issues.

  • To make one or join work on one, you need to:

    1. get/have a Github account
    2. request a Github collaborator role from @lapin7 in one of the comm channels, or mail [email protected], to get an invite
    3. then confirm the collaboration invite for the repository rchain/Members
  • It's not mandatory but it really helps to become a RChain Member and get a Discord account. This requires a $20 membership fee and KYC. See Becoming a Member below.

    1. registration
    2. This is the #bounties channel in Discord: image

Decentralized Budget Allocation

  • Budgets are allocated to work items by at least three Members. The average of three suggestions defines the budget.
  • Ops (@lapin7, HJ) explains it in the video RChain, Decentralized budgeting and spending
  • Members suggest a budget to resolve the issue.
  • Go to the spreadsheet Pub Member Budget Allocation-Spending TAB "Budget 201711" image
  • Find an issue that you want to allocate a budget to, like #115 "Community Co-Operators"
  • Type your Github-name in the yellow column, for example AR66 gets lapin7
  • Type your suggested budget, like $5000.00. The current budget becomes then $5000.00 (in K66). It's added to the budget of the previous month. image
  • The Operation manager ([email protected]) can also add comments with email assignments to the cells of the issue in this Gsheet in order to stimulate setting budgets.

Decentralized Reward Allocation

  • RHOC are distributed monthly based on invoices.
  • During the month each collaborator decides how the budget in RHOC is distributed over the collaborators as a reward for the participation. The average of three reward suggestions sets the personal reward for each collaborator.
  • Go to spreadsheet Pub Member Budget Allocation-Spending TAB "Rewards 201711" image
  • In column Q and R you see respectively the percentage distribution and the github name of the member, who gave the score according to his/her insight about the work being done by him/her self and the other ones who have done work on the issue.
  • In column M you can type your github name. Your name appears then in column Q for example.
  • In column R you can set then the percentages for yourself and the other collaborators.
  • Ops can also add comments with email assignments to the cells of the issue in this Gsheet in order to stimulate setting rewards.

Centralized Payment process

  • At the end of the month the situation will be frozen. No changes can be made anymore to either budgets or rewards. The payment process starts at the beginning of the month.
  • The collaborator receives an email with a pre-filled invoice and also the needed data if the collaborator wants to make his/her own invoice. The collaborator stores a PDF version of the pre-filled invoice or their own invoice in his/her personal Gdrive of Rchain Invoices.
  • The collaborator then emails [email protected] with a link to the PDF invoice.
  • If a member does regular work per month, then a Statement of Work can be set up. This process will be available soon.
  • If the process works well, then of course it will be decentralized further to work areas or regions.


  • RChain Coop has to comply with the tax rules of the IRS. That means that at the end of the year RChain has to provide a list of payouts to contributors, with the amounts, through form 1099.
  • If a contributor's rewards are more then $600 per year, then a Fw9 tax form has to be filled out and stored in the personal folder Tax.
  • For US aliens living outside of the USA, a form Fw4 tax form has to be filled out.
  • As soon as the Operation manager is notified of the declaration, Ops will transfer RHOC to the provided ETH-addresses.


  • Finally management reports will be generated and presented in Debriefings of RChain.

The first monthly cycle was Aug 2017. Ops, (HJ or lapin7) presented this process Aug 30 in RChain Community Debrief 40 (24:06). An overview of the budgets and rewards is available.

Becoming a Member

By joining the Cooperative you will participate in the lively conversation of the RChain community. Members can access the private Discord channel (no trolls or scammers) with direct access to the developers and governance decision making.


  • Sign up for RChain membership, upload your id document, and pay the $20 membership fee.
  • You will receive an invite link to the RChain Discord.
  • Create a Discord account if you don't have one.
  • On Discord, go to the #verification channel and request verification. A 'verifier' will contact you (depending on the time of day this might not be immediate).

4 Membership requirements

The RChain representative will check the following:

  1. Membership agreement affirmed
  2. Check the photo of govt issued ID
  3. Verify payment of membership fee
  4. Verify face on live video

Promotion to MEMBER

When the four membership requirements are met and recorded, a Discord admin will promote the user to ROLE=MEMBER and append a ':' to the member's Discord alias for proof of individuality.

Welcome to the club!