Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AmountCodePromoDiscountPerMonth | double? | The amount discounted per month | [optional] |
DiscountDurationInMonth | int? | Duration of the discount in month | [optional] |
PercentDiscount | double? | Percentage of the discount | [optional] |
PromotionalCodeValidity | PromotionalCodeValidity | [optional] | |
AmountCodePromoDiscount | double? | The discount amount | [optional] |
CouponDiscountCode | string | The discount code | [optional] |
CouponDiscountId | int? | Internal use: The discount id | [optional] |
IsCouponDiscountLinkedToCouponOffer | bool? | Is this discount is related to a coupon offer | [optional] |
CustomerHasActualDiscount | bool? | Do you have currently a discount on your contract ? | [optional] |