Basic requirements
Can you open the pdf?
- No
- Yes
Is the report anonymous?
- No
- Yes
Exercise 1
Is the source code included?
- No
- Yes
Are the prior, likelihood and posterior forms reported (derivation of posterior not necessary)?
- No
- Some missing
- Yes
Is the reported resulting posterior correct ...?
- It is not reported, that the posterior distribution is a ... .
- It is reported, that the posterior distribution is ..., but numerical values for the parameters or formulas for calculating them have not been presented.
- It is reported, that the posterior distribution is ..., and numerical values for the parameters or formulas for calculating them have been presented.
For the a) part, is there at least one point estimate reported. Sample based estimates are also ok. Points should be given if the method is right, even if the result is wrong because the posterior was wrong in the first place. If the posterior was right, mean median, and mode are all approximately ....
- No
- Yes
For the a) part, is the 90% posterior interval estimate reported? Sample based estimate is also ok.
- No
- Yes
For the b) part, is the posterior probability Pr(π<0.2|y) reported? Points should be given if the method is right, even if the result is wrong because the posterior was wrong. If the posterior was right, the result should be approximately ....
- No
- Yes
For the c) part, does the report discuss ...?
- No
- No, but other reasonable assumptions are discussed
- Yes, but not quite right or some missing
- Yes
For the d) part, Is there some comparison of results obtained with alternative prior parameters and some discussion about these?
- No
- Yes, but the results and conclusions are clearly wrong
- Yes
Overall quality of the report
Does the report follow the formatting instructions?
- Not at all
- Little
- Mostly
- Yes
Justify your answers for the two questions above.