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jamie-beardedhen edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the Android-Bootstrap wiki!

If you have any questions, issues, or just want to let us know where you're using Android Bootstrap, tweet us at @BeardedHen or email [email protected]

Quick Start

Add the following dependency to your build.gradle:

dependencies {
   compile 'com.beardedhen:androidbootstrap:2.0.1'

You should also override your application class with the following:

public class SampleApplication extends Application {
    @Override public void onCreate() {

You should then checkout the library and investigate the sample code, which covers most of the features. The sample app is also available on Google Play.

#Quick Guides

Work in progress, these pages refer to an old version of the library and may not be accurate. Checkout the sample code if you are unsure.

Bootstrap Button guide

Font Awesome Text guide

Bootstrap Edit Text guide

Bootstrap Thumbnail guide

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