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Bayesian Subspace Multinomial Model (BaySMM)

  • Model for learning document embeddings (i-vectors) along with their uncertainties.
  • Gaussian linear classifier exploiting the uncertainties in document embeddings.
  • See paper


  • Python >= 3.7

  • PyTorch >= 1.1

  • scipy >= 1.3

  • numpy >= 1.16.4

  • scikit-learn >= 0.21.2

  • h5py >= 2.9.0

  • See for detailed instructions.

Data preparation - sample from 20Newsgroups

  • We will sample a subset with documents from 3 categories: alt.atheism,,

python src/ sample_data/

Training the model

  • For help:

    python src/ --help

  • To train on GPU set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_ID where the $GPU_ID is the free GPU index

  • Following code trains the model for 1000 VB iterations and saves the model in an automatically created sub-directory: exp/s_1.00_rp_1_lw_1e+01_l1_1e-03_50_adam/

    python src/ train \
        sample_data/train.mtx \
        sample_data/vocab \
        exp/ \
        -K 50 \
        -trn 1000 \
        -lw 1e+01 \
        -var_p 1e+01 \
        -lt 1e-03
  • ELBO and KLD for every iteration, log file, etc are saved in the sub-directory.

Extracting the posterior distributions of embeddings

  • Extract embeddings [mean,] for 1000 iterations for each of the stats file present in sample_data/mtx.flist file list.

  • Using -nth 100 argument, embeddings for every 100th iteration are also saved.

    python src/ extract \
        sample_data/mtx.flist \
        exp/s_1.00_rp_1_lw_1e+01_l1_1e-03_50_adam/model_T1000.h5 \
        -xtr 1000 \
        -nth 100
  • Extracted embedding posterior distributions are saved in exp/*/ivecs/ sub-directory with appropriate names.

Training and testing the classifier

  • Three classifiers can be trained on these embeddings.
  • Use --final option to train and test classifier on embeddings from the final iteration.
  1. Gaussian linear classifier - uses only the mean parameter

    python src/ exp/s_1.00_rp_1_lw_1e+01_l1_1e-03_50_adam/ivecs/train_model_T1000_e1000.h5 sample_data/train.labels glc

  2. Multi-class logistic regression - uses only the mean parameter

    python src/ exp/s_1.00_rp_1_lw_1e+01_l1_1e-03_50_adam/ivecs/train_model_T1000_e1000.h5 sample_data/train.labels lr

  3. Gaussian linear classifier with uncertainty - uses full posterior distribution

    python src/ exp/s_1.00_rp_1_lw_1e+01_l1_1e-03_50_adam/ivecs/train_model_T1000_e1000.h5 sample_data/train.labels glcu

  • All the results and predicted classes are saved in exp/*/results/

Topic discovery

  • Using the trained model and extracted embeddings, you can discover the topics in the dataset. Each topic is be represented by a set of words.

  • The topic discovery relies on k-means clustering.

  • Below, we will cluster the embeddings into k=20 clusters. Then consider only topn=8 dense clusters and display topk=10 most representative words per cluster.

python src/ \
        sample_data/vocab.json \
        exp/s_1.00_rp_1_lw_1e+01_l1_1e-03_50_adam/config.json \
        -ivecs_h5 exp/s_1.00_rp_1_lw_1e+01_l1_1e-03_50_adam/ivecs/test_model_T1000_e1000.h5
        -k 20 \
        -topn 8 \
        -topk 10
  • Sample output is below (note that the original topics for the same data are: alt.atheism,,
Cluster   8: geology, retrieve, sfsuvax1, arthurc, chandler, sfsu, contacts, francisco, starflight, arthur,

Cluster  13: libemc, insurance, brigham, byuvm, geico, refund, dx, pointers, dealer, farm,

Cluster   6: bil, conner, osrhe, okcforum, theist, atheist, deliberately, theistic, validate, trustworthy,

Cluster   3: clutch, damaged, tires, miles, valve, prelude, tranny, milage, rod, chevy,

Cluster  18: oxides, gasses, depended, 626, 908, player, alex, delco, delcoelect, harvey,

Cluster   2: koresh, coutesy, follower, kaflowitz, campollo, wwc, 734928689, trilemma, gut, maddi,

Cluster   1: 60s, westminster, barlas, jkjec, shazad, toys, headlights, mliggett, crx, pontiac,

Cluster  10: servicing, grapple, usingthe, edo, costar, tug, hst, stow, unstow, gyros, ```