diff --git a/2024 - Angels of Death.cat b/2024 - Angels of Death.cat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fea3d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024 - Angels of Death.cat
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 3/5
+ Range 8", Piercing 1
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 4/5
+ Range 8", Hot, Lethal 5+, Piercing 1
+ 5
+ 4+
+ 5/7
+ Brutal
+ 5
+ 3+
+ 4/5
+ -
+ 5
+ 3+
+ 4/6
+ Lethal 5+
+ 5
+ 4+
+ 5/6
+ Shock, Stun
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 3/4
+ Range 8", Piercing Crits 1
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 3/4
+ -
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 3/4
+ Piercing Crits 1
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 3/4
+ Torrent 1"
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 3/5
+ Heavy (**Dash** only), Lethal 5+, Piercing Crits 1
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 3/4
+ -
+ ⌖
+ ⚔
+ ▶
+ ◆
+ 3
+ 6"
+ 3+
+ 15
+ Once per turning point, you can use a firefight ploy for 0CP if this is the specified ANGEL OF DEATH operative (excluding Command Re-roll), or the Adjust Doctrine firefight ploy for 0CP if this operative is in the killzone and not within control range of enemy operatives.
+ Once per battle, when an attack dice inflicts Normal Dmg on this operative, you can ignore that inflicted damage.
+ 3
+ 6"
+ 3+
+ 15
+ Whenever you would use the Combat Doctrine strategic ploy and then select Assault or Tactical, if this operative is in the killzone, it costs you 0CP.
+ At the end of the Select Operatives step, if this operative is selected for deployment, select one additional **CHAPTER TACTIC** for it to have for the battle. Unlike primary and secondary **CHAPTER TACTICS**, you don’t have to select the same one for each battle in a campaign or tournament.
+ 4
+ 2+
+ 3/3
+ Range 6", Saturate, Torrent 1"
+ 3
+ 6"
+ 3+
+ 15
+ Whenever you would use the Combat Doctrine strategic ploy and then select Devastator or Tactical, if this operative is in the killzone, it costs you 0CP.
+ At the end of the Select Operatives step, if this operative is selected for deployment, select one additional **CHAPTER TACTIC** for it to have for the battle. Unlike primary and secondary **CHAPTER TACTICS**, you don’t have to select the same one for each battle in a campaign or tournament.
+ 3
+ 6"
+ 3+
+ 14
+ This operative can use frag and krak grenades (see universal equipment). Doing so doesn’t count towards any limited uses you have (i.e. if you also select those grenades from equipment for other operatives). Whenever it’s doing so, improve the Hit stat of that weapon by 1.
+ 3
+ 6"
+ 3+
+ 14
+ 3
+ 7"
+ 3+
+ 12
+ Whenever an operative is shooting this operative, ignore the Saturate weapon rule. This operative has the Stealthy **CHAPTER TACTIC**. If you selected that **CHAPTER TACTIC**, you can do both of its options (i.e. retain two cover saves – one normal and one critical success).
+ ▶ Until the start of this operative’s next activation, whenever it’s shooting, enemy operatives cannot be obscured.
+◆ This operative cannot perform this action while within control range of an enemy operative.
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 3/4
+ Range 8"
+ 4
+ 2+
+ 2/4
+ Blast 1, Heavy (**Dash** only), Silent
+ 4
+ 2+
+ 3/4
+ Heavy (**Dash** only), Saturate, Seek Light, Silent
+ 4
+ 2+
+ 3/3
+ Devastating 3, Heavy (**Dash** only), Piercing 1, Silent
+ 5
+ 3+
+ 4/5
+ Piercing Crits 1
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 4/5
+ Piercing Crits 1, Torrent 1"
+ 3
+ 4"
+ 3+
+ 18
+ 3
+ 6"
+ 3+
+ 14
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 2/4
+ Blast 2"
+ 4
+ 3+
+ 4/5
+ Piercing 1
+ 3
+ 6"
+ 3+
+ 14
+ Once per turning point, when a friendly **ANGEL OF DEATH** operative is shooting, fighting or retaliating, if you roll two or more fails, you can discard one of them to retain another as a normal success instead.
+ You can use the Wrath of Vengeance firefight ploy for 0CP if the specified friendly operative has an Engage order.
+ Once per turning point, when a friendly **ANGEL OF DEATH** operative is fighting or retaliating, after your opponent rolls their attack dice, you can use this rule. If you do, your opponent cannot retain attack dice results of less than 6 as critical successes during that sequence (e.g. as a result of the Lethal, Rending or Severe weapon rules).
+ Once per turning point, when a friendly **ANGEL OF DEATH** operative performs the Shoot action and you’re selecting a valid target, you can use this rule. If you do, until the end of the activation/counteraction, enemy operatives within 8" of that friendly operative cannot be obscured.
diff --git a/2024 - Kill Team.gst b/2024 - Kill Team.gst
index deb1976..921c997 100644
--- a/2024 - Kill Team.gst
+++ b/2024 - Kill Team.gst
@@ -20,18 +20,7 @@
@@ -175,9 +164,6 @@
Select a valid target as normal as the primary target, then select any number of other valid targets within *x* of the first valid target as secondary targets, e.g. Torrent 2". Shoot with this weapon against all of them in an order of your choice (roll each sequence separately).
diff --git a/2024 - Ork Kommandos.cat b/2024 - Kommandos.cat
similarity index 92%
rename from 2024 - Ork Kommandos.cat
rename to 2024 - Kommandos.cat
index fffb9b6..c55f510 100644
--- a/2024 - Ork Kommandos.cat
+++ b/2024 - Kommandos.cat
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ This operative cannot perform this action while within control range of an enemy
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ This operative cannot perform this action while within control range of an enemy
+ ▶
+ ◆