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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

💾 Cat: Orks
💾 Cat: Orks
💾 Cat: Raven Guard
💾 Cat: Raven Guard
💾 Cat: Salamanders
💾 Cat: Salamanders
💾 Cat: Space Marines
💾 Cat: Space Marines
💾 Cat: Space Wolves
💾 Cat: Space Wolves
💾 Cat: T'au Empire
💾 Cat: T'au Empire
💾 Cat: Thousand Sons
💾 Cat: Thousand Sons
💾 Cat: Titanicus Traitoris
💾 Cat: Titanicus Traitoris
💾 Cat: Tyranids
💾 Cat: Tyranids
💾 Cat: Ultramarines
💾 Cat: Ultramarines
Cat: Unaligned Forces
Cat: Unaligned Forces
💾 Cat: White Scars
💾 Cat: White Scars
💾 Cat: World Eaters
💾 Cat: World Eaters
💾 Cat: Ynnari
💾 Cat: Ynnari
Planned or requested upgrade
💾 Lib: Aeldari Library
💾 Lib: Aeldari Library
💾 Lib: Astra Militarum - Library
💾 Lib: Astra Militarum - Library
💾 Lib: Chaos Daemon Library
💾 Lib: Chaos Daemon Library
💾 Lib: Chaos Knights Library
💾 Lib: Chaos Knights Library
💾 Lib: Imperial Knights - Library
💾 Lib: Imperial Knights - Library
💾 Lib: Library - Astartes Heresy Legends
💾 Lib: Library - Astartes Heresy Legends
💾 Lib: Library - Titans
💾 Lib: Library - Titans
💤 Pending: check required
💤 Pending: check required
Requires checking validity of issue/problem source
💤 Pending: in progress
💤 Pending: in progress
Will take time, but planned or already in progress
💤 Pending: input needed
💤 Pending: input needed
Some additional input required to proceed
💤 Pending: investigating
💤 Pending: investigating
The viability of solving is being investigated
⛔ Problem: needs FAQ/ambiguous
⛔ Problem: needs FAQ/ambiguous
⛔ Problem: not reproducing
⛔ Problem: not reproducing
⛔ Problem: vague report
⛔ Problem: vague report
✔ Res: by design
✔ Res: by design
The current design is a concious and correct behavior