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Yao Yuming's Project Portfolio Page |
Unisave is a desktop finance planner app, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Given below are my contributions to the project.
Code Contributed:
- RepoSense Link
- Contributed large amount of code to transform the address book code base, including basic model, logic and Ui, to a working expense book code base. #69
- Implemented the addDes function which allows users to add a description to an existing expense
- Implemented the deleteDes function which allows users to add a description to an existing expense
- Implement expense book storage to not just store the expense list but other useful fields such as budget and currency.
- Implemented the clear function which clear the expense list.
- Overload date class with input date format.
Enhancements implemented:
- Functional Code:
- Documentation:
- Test Code: Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage. 157
User Guide:
Developer Guide:
- Added implementation details of the
Add Expense
,Edit Expense
,View Expense
andAdd description to expense
feature 275 - Added use cases for
add description
,delete description
andview category
feature 28 - Update UML diagram for
,Expense class
275 282
- Added implementation details of the
Contribution to team base tasks:
Review/mentoring contributions:
Contributions beyond the project team:
- Evidence of helping others:
- Report the bugs I found during PE-dry run issues
- Evidence of helping others: