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How to contribute to basin3d

Quick Links

Development Practices

  • basin3d uses the GitFlow model of branching and code versioning in git.
  • Code development will be performed in a feature/development branch of the repo. Commits will not be made directly to the master branch of basin3d repo. Developers will submit a pull request that is then merged by another team member, if another team member is available.
  • Each pull request should contain only related modifications to a feature or bug fix.
  • Sensitive information (secret keys, usernames etc) and configuration data (e.g database host port) should not be checked into the repo.
  • A practice of rebasing with the main repo should be used rather than merge commits.


Setup virtualenv for development and testing purposes. All basin3d tests are in tests/.

Create an Anaconda environment

$ conda create -y -n basin3d python=<version>

Activate the new environment and prepare it for development

$ conda activate basin3d
$ conda develop -npf -n basin3d .

Install basin3d and its dependencies

$ pip install -e ".[dev]"

Run the tests (mypy and flake8 tests executed by default)

$ pytest 

Run the tests with coverage

$ pytest --cov=basin3d

Run the tests with coverage ONLY

$ pytest --cov=basin3d tests


Sphinx is used to generate documentation. You first need to create a virtual environment for generating the docs.

$ conda activate basin3d
$ pip install -e ".[docs]"

Generate the documentation

$ cd docs
$ make html

Review the generated documentation

$ open _build/html/index.html


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

Workflow for tagging and building release:

  1. checkout the version to tag from main
  2. $ git tag -a v[version]-[release] -m "Tagging release v[version]-[release]"
  3. build distribution with $
  4. $ git push origin v[version]-[release]


Our preferred channels of communication are public. Please open a new discussion topic on Github discussions