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Lab: Best Practices for App Developers

This lab walks through some basic best practices for developers using AKS. In many cases, the operations and developer best practices overlap.



This lab has a number of exercises in no particular order:

Handling Base Container Images

  • It is important to select a proper base image for containers. Images should be lean to reduce size and eliminate tools that can lead to a larger attack surface.

  • It is recommended to start with super lean images such as alpine as a base image. Note that these images often exclude troubleshooting tools such as curl and do not include a full bash shell.

  • In our containers, you will notice that we used an alpine based node image for the base:

    FROM node:10.9.0-alpine
    WORKDIR /usr/src/app
    COPY package*.json ./
    RUN npm ci
    COPY . .
    ENV NODE_ENV "development"
    EXPOSE 3003
    CMD [ "npm", "run", "container" ]
  • Exec into the flights-api pod and attempt to use some typical linux tools.

    kubectl get pod -n hackfest
    NAME                                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    data-api-847ff65574-7jlg2             1/1       Running   0          1d
    flights-api-6b5d7fd7fb-842p5          1/1       Running   0          1d
    quakes-api-6fbcf77dd5-2fr98           1/1       Running   0          1d
    service-tracker-ui-68fb7d7b87-4sh4q   1/1       Running   0          1d
    weather-api-677bc7ffc6-5x725          1/1       Running   0          1d
    # this command will fail since bash is not available
    kubectl exec -it flights-api-6b5d7fd7fb-842p5 -n hackfest /bin/bash
    # try sh instead
    kubectl exec -it flights-api-6b5d7fd7fb-842p5 -n hackfest /bin/sh
    # explore various commands such as curl
    /usr/src/app $ curl
  • Use the "Builder Pattern" or multi-stage builds for Dockerfiles

    • Each instruction in a Dockerfile adds a layer which can lead to enormous images. These will be slower to start and store in registries.

    • With Docker multi-stage builds you can copy files from builder images to a final, super-slim image.

      Note: requiring Docker 17.05 or higher

    • Try it with this new Dockerfile

      # build stage (use full node image to provide tooling needed for CI)
      FROM node:12.16.0 as build-stage
      WORKDIR /usr/src/app
      COPY package*.json ./
      RUN npm ci
      COPY . /usr/src/app/
      # final stage (using slim)
      FROM node:12.16.0-slim
      WORKDIR /app
      COPY --from=build-stage /usr/src/app/ /app/
      ENV NODE_ENV "development"
      EXPOSE 3003
      CMD [ "npm", "run", "container" ]
    • Build the new image and try it out

      az acr build -t hackfest/flights-api:multistage -r $ACRNAME --no-logs labs/best-practices/appdev/flights-api
    • Check out the image scanning lab in the Best Practices for Cluster Operators section.

Version Control and Image Tags

  • Never use latest for container image tags. Just don't do it. Trust me. Stop it. Now.

  • In our labs we tagged images with a version such as hackfest/data-api:1.0. This is a simple starting point, but in best practice the image tag should map to a commit ID in source control.

  • Review the approach in the CI/CD labs in this Hackfest.

  • Ideally, the image could be tagged using details from the git commit. For example:

    def  imageTag = "${env.BRANCH_NAME}.${env.GIT_SHA}"

Readiness and Liveness Probes

In this lab, we will add code to our data-api service to provide a health check route for kubernetes to determine if the pod is alive and ready.

  • Review the code at line 39. We have added an API route for \healthz that will validate the app is up and running.

    router.get('/healthz', (req, res, next) => {
        res.json({status: 'UP'});
  • Using this source code, create a new container image

    az acr build -t hackfest/data-api:2.0 -r $ACRNAME --no-logs labs/best-practices/appdev/data-api
  • Delete the existing data-api deploy

    kubectl delete deploy data-api -n hackfest
  • Update the data-api-probes.yaml file on line 16 and set your ACR name as the prefix for the image.

    • Note the new image tag, "2.0" Eg. - - image:
  • Review the configuration of the health probes in the data-api-probes.yaml starting on line 26

        port: 3009
        path: /healthz
        port: 3009
        path: /healthz
  • Deploy the updated data-api

    kubectl apply -n hackfest -f labs/best-practices/appdev/data-api-probes.yaml
  • Validate the health check endpoint is working

    kubectl get svc data-api -n hackfest
    NAME       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
    data-api   LoadBalancer   3009:31732/TCP   2d

    Browse to http://your-ip-address:3009/healthz to validate. You should see:

        "status": "UP"

    The kubelet will use these endpoints to determine readiness and liveness for each instance of the pod.

Handling Failures

In this lab, we will update our application to handle failures gracefully and then create issues to test. For this lab, we will use the data-api service.

  • Review the code for our updated data-api in this folder. There are a few changes, but look closely at the code starting at line 58.

        user: user,
        pass: password,
        useNewUrlParser: true
    .then (() => {
      appInsights.defaultClient.trackEvent({ name: 'MongoConnSuccess' });
      console.log('connection success with CosmosDB');
    .catch ((err) => {
      appInsights.defaultClient.trackException({exception: new Error(err)});
      console.log('CosmosDB connection failed with error: ' + err);
      appInsights.defaultClient.flush({callback: (responseFromAppInsights) => {
  • If there is a failure connecting to CosmosDB, we want the pod to log an error with App Insights, log to standard out, and FAIL. This way the pod doesn't receive any traffic while not connected. Likely might include some retry logic here, but this is a good starting point.

  • Using this source code, create a new container image

    az acr build -t hackfest/data-api:error-handling -r $ACRNAME --no-logs labs/best-practices/appdev/data-api
  • Delete the existing data-api deploy

    kubectl delete deploy data-api -n hackfest
  • Update the data-api-error.yaml file on line 16 and set your ACR name as the prefix for the image.

    • Note the new image tag, "error-handling" Eg. - - image:
  • Prior to deploying, we will simulate a failure by changing the CosmosDB password in the Azure portal.

    Cosmos Reset Password

  • Deploy the updated data-api

    kubectl apply -n hackfest -f labs/best-practices/appdev/data-api-error.yaml
  • The pod should fail to start. You should be able to find the exception logged in App Insights (it can take a few minutes)

Define pod resource requests and limits

Pod requests define a set amount of CPU and memory that the pod needs. Pod limits are the maximum amount of CPU and memory that a pod can use.

  • Note that the pods deployed in our application have both of these set in the configuration.

    kubectl describe pod quakes-api-6fbcf77dd5-zjdls -n hackfest

    In the results, you will see in the output:

      cpu:     500m
      memory:  128Mi
      cpu:     100m
      memory:  64Mi

    Note: You can read more about how these values are handled here.

  • Delete the existing quakes-api deploy

    kubectl delete deploy quakes-api -n hackfest
  • Update the quakes-api.yaml file on line 16 and set your ACR name as the prefix for the image.

    • Eg. - - image:
  • Deploy the updated quakes-api

    kubectl apply -n hackfest -f labs/best-practices/appdev/quakes-api.yaml
  • Scale the deployment. You should see some pods go to Pending state.

    kubectl scale deploy quakes-api -n hackfest --replicas=5

Pod Security

In this lab, we will ensure our Pods cannot run as root and other important security settings. We will use the weather-api app for this.

  • Update the weather-api.yaml file on line 16 and set your ACR name as the prefix for the image. Eg. - - image:

  • Delete the existing deploy

    kubectl delete deploy weather-api -n hackfest
  • Note the updated settings in the weather-api.yaml file starting at line 26

      runAsUser: 1000
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
        add: ["NET_ADMIN", "SYS_TIME"]
  • Deploy the updated app

    kubectl apply -n hackfest -f labs/best-practices/appdev/weather-api.yaml
  • Exec into pod and compare to one of the other API pods. Note that the weather pod is not running as root.

    kubectl exec -it weather-api-59b64cd67b-6phkl -n hackfest /bin/sh
    /usr/src/app $ ps aux
    1     node     0:00  npm
    16    node     0:00  node ./bin/www
    33    node     0:00  /bin/sh
    38    node     0:00  ps aux
  • You can also view the status for process 1 to view the capabilities bitmap.

    cd /proc/1
    cat status

    You will see something similar to the below. Compare the same result with one of the other API pods.

    CapPrm:	0000000000000000
    CapEff:	0000000000000000
  • Review the guidance for Limiting credential exposure here.

Visual Studio Code Extension for Kubernetes

Note: This lab will require working from your local machine and NOT the Azure Cloud Shell.

  • Install VS Code on your machine. Installation here
  • Add the Kubernetes extension for VS Code. Here
  • Connect to your AKS cluster and experiment with the feature set

Develop and Debug Applications Against an AKS Cluster

Note: This lab will require working from your local machine and NOT the Azure Cloud Shell.

  • Draft

    • Draft makes it easier for developers to build applications that run on Kubernetes by doing two main things:
      • The draft create command gives developers the artifacts they need to build and run their applications in Kubernetes
      • The draft up command builds the container image for an application and deploys it to Kubernetes
    • Draft targets the "inner loop" of a developer's workflow: as they hack on code, but before code is committed to version control
    • Get started with Draft here.
  • Dev Spaces.

Troubleshooting / Debugging

Docs / References