A service principal with Contributor
, User Access Administrator
, Private DNS Zone Contributor
and Network Contributor
rights needs to be generated for authentication and authorization from GitHub to your Azure subscription. This is required to deploy resources to your environment.
To connect to the specific Azure subscription using Azure CLI run az account set
command. However, before using this command make sure you are connected with the Azure cloud using az login
az account set --subscription {subscriptionId}
First, go to the Azure Portal to find the ID of your subscription. Then start the Cloud Shell or Azure CLI, login to Azure, set the Azure context and execute the following commands to generate the required credentials:
# Replace {service-principal-name} and {subscription-id} with your
# Azure subscription id and any name for your service principal.
az ad sp create-for-rbac \
--name "{servicePrincipalName}" \
--role "Contributor" \
--scopes /subscriptions/{subscriptionId} \
This will generate the following JSON output:
"clientId": "<GUID>",
"clientSecret": "<GUID>",
"subscriptionId": "<GUID>",
"tenantId": "<GUID>",
Note: Take note of the output. It will be required for the next steps.
For automation purposes, more role assignments are required for the service principal - User Access Administrator
, Private DNS Zone Contributor
and Network Contributor
. To add these role assignments, you can use the Azure Portal or run the following commands using Azure CLI.
# Get Service Principal Object ID
az ad sp list --display-name "{servicePrincipalName}" --query "[].{id:id}" --output tsv
# Add role assignment
az role assignment create \
--assignee {servicePrincipalObjectId} \
--role "{roleName}" \
--scope subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Note: Repeat this step for each of the role assignment, e.g.
User Access Administrator