I Again accepted the #100 Days of Code Challenge to improve and learn something new every day for at least an hour. That way, I can enhance my coding skills.
π You Can Check My Previous Challenge Journey On This Repo #100 DAYS OF CODE CHALLENGE
I Will Follow Two Basic Rules:
Code for at least one hour per day for the following 100 days.
Every day I'm going to update on LinkedIn with my progress using the hashtag #100DaysOfCode.
My Exceptions Are:
If I break the streak, I will make sure that I won't break it the next day.
My college exam(10-15 Days), as well as a few emergencies, necessitates a day off.
- For daily upgrades, follow me at:
Learning Data Structure & Algorithms.
Solving Problem On DSA.
- π 03-11-2022 THRUSDAY
- Selection Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Insertataion Sort
- π 04-11-2022 FRIDAY
- Reverse a array
- Merge Two Sorted Arrays
- Move Zeroes
- Rotate Array
- π 05-11-2022 SATURDAY
- Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated
- Reverse a String
- Find sum of 2 array
- π 06-11-2022 SUNDAY
- Check If The String Is A Palindrome
- 125. Valid Palindrome
- π 07-11-2022 MONDAY
- Reverse Words in a String II
- Maximum Occurring Character
- Replace Spaces
- 1910.Remove All Occurrences of a Sub-string
- 567. Permutation in String
- 1047.Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String
- 443. String Compression
- π 08-11-2022 TUESDAY
- Print Like A Wave
- 54. Spiral Matrix
- Rotate Image
- 74. Search a 2D Matrix
- 240. Search a 2D Matrix II
- π 09-11-2022 WEDNESDAY
- 204. Count Primes using (Sieve of Eratosthenes)
- 204. Count Primes using (Segmented Sieve)
- gcd (hcf)
- Modular Exponentiation
- Pointers
- π 10-11-2022 THRUSDAY
- Double Pointers
- Reference Variable Static vs Dynamic Memory
- Dynamic Memory Allocation of 2D Arrays
- Macros
- Global Variables
- Inline Functions
- Default Args
- π 11-11-2022 FRIDAY
- Recursion
- Factorial
- Power of 2
- 509. Fibonacci Number
- Count Ways To Reach The N-th Stairs
- Say Digit's
- π 12-11-2022 SATURDAY
- Check If an Array Is Sorted Or not using recursion
- Sum of an Array using recursion
- Linear Search in an Array using recursion
- Binary Search in an Array using recursion
- Reverse a String using recursion
- Check Palindrome
- power function
- Bubble Sort using Recursion
- π 13-11-2022 SUNDAY
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- π 14-11-2022 MONDAY
- 78. Subsets
- Subsequences of String
- π 15-11-2022 TUESDAY
17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
46. Permutations
Rat in a Maze Problem - I
- π 16-11-2022 WEDNESDAY
- Time Space Complexity of Recursive Algorithms
- π 17-11-2022 THRUSDAY
- Time Space Complexity MCQ'S (Solve)
- OOP's (Revision)
- Singly Linked-list
- π 18-11-2022 FRIDAY
- Doubly Linkedklist
- Circular Linkedklist
- Doubly Circular Linked List
- π 19-11-2022 SATURDAY
- Reverse Linked List using Iteration
- Reverse Linked List using Recursively Method-1
- Reverse Linked List using Recursively Method-2
- Reverse a Doubly Linked List using Iteration
- Middle Of Linked List Method -1
- Middle Of Linked List Method -2
- π 20-11-2022 Sunday
- Reverse List In K Groups
- Check if Linkedlist is circular or not
- Detect and Remove Loop (2-Methods)
- π 21-11-2022 Monday
- Is it a Circular Linked List?
- Remove Duplicates From Sorted List
- Remove Duplicates From an Unsorted Linked List
- Sort linked list of 0s 1s 2s
- π 22-11-2022 Tuesday
- Merge Two Sorted Linked Lists
- Check if Linked List is Palindrome
- Add two numbers represented by linked lists
- π 23-11-2022 Wenesday
- Clone a linked list with next and random pointer
- Merge Sort Linked List
- π 24-11-2022 Thrusday
- Implementation of stack using array
- Implementation of stack using linkedlist
- Two Stacks
- π 25-11-2022 Friday
- Reverse a string using Stack
- Delete middle element from stack
- Valid Parentheses
- Insert An Element At Its Bottom In A Given Stack
- π 26-11-2022 Saturday
- Reverse Stack Using Recursion
- Sort a Stack
- Redundant Brackets
- Minimum Cost To Make String Valid
- Next Smaller Element
- 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram
- π 27-11-2022 Sunday
- The Celebrity Problem
- Max rectangle
- π 28-11-2022 Monday
- N Stacks In An Array
- Design a stack that supports getMin() in O(1) time and O(1) extra space
- π 29-11-2022 Tuesday
- Implementation Queue using Array
- Implement a Queue Linkedlist
- Implement a Circular Queue
- Implement Deque
- π 30-11-2022 Wednesday
- Queue Reversal
- First negative integer in every window of size k
- Reverse First K elements of Queue
- First non-repeating character in a stream
- Circular tour
- π 01-12-2022 Thrusday
- 225. Implement Stack using Queues
- Implement Stack using Only One Queues
- Interleave The First Half Of The Queue With The Second Half
- implement k Queues in a single array
- Sum of minimum and maximum elements of all sub-arrays of size k.
- π 02-12-2022 Friday
- implantation of binary tree
- Level Order Traversal
- Reverse Level Order Traversal
- Inorder , Preorder , Postorder Traversal
- π 03-12-2022 Saturday
- Count Leaf Nodes
- Height of Binary Tree
- Diameter of a Binary Tree
- Check for Balanced Tree
- 100. Same Tree
- Sum Tree
- π 04-12-2022 Sunday
- ZigZag Tree Traversal
- Boundary Traversal of binary tree
- Vertical Traversal of Binary Tree
- π 05-12-2022 Monday
- Top View of Binary Tree
- Bottom View of Binary Tree
- Left View of Binary Tree
- π 06-12-2022 Tuesday
- Right View of Binary Tree
- Sum of the Longest Bloodline of a Tree
- π 07-12-2022 Wenesday
- Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree
- π 08-12-2022 Thrusday
- K Sum Paths or 437. Path Sum III
- Kth Ancestor in a Tree
- Maximum sum of Non-adjacent nodes
- Construct Tree from Inorder & Preorder
- Tree from Postorder and Inorder
- π 09-12-2022 Friday
- Burning Tree
- Morris traversal for Inorder
- Flatten binary tree to linked list
- π 10-12-2022 Saturday
- Binary Search Tree Implementation (Insertion)
- 700. Search in a Binary Search Tree (Iterative & Recursive )
- π 11-12-2022 Sunday
- Minimum element in BST
- Maximum element in BST
- Predecessor And Successor In BST (Iterative && Recursive)
- Deletion in Binary search Tree
- π 12-12-2022 Monday
- Check for BST
- Find K-th smallest Element in BST
- Kth largest element in BST
- LCA of Two Nodes In A BST
- Find a pair with given target in BST
- Flatten BST To A Sorted List
- Normal BST To Balanced BST
- Preorder traversal of a BST
- π 13-12-2022 Tuesday
- Merge Two BSTs
- Largest BST
- π 14-12-2022 Wenesday
- Implementation of heap and its function insertion deletion
- Build max heap ( heapify )
- Build Heap
- Build Min Heap
- Heap Sort
- Priority Queue
- Kth smallest element
- Kth largest element
- π 15-12-2022 Thrusday
- Is Binary Tree Heap
- Merge two binary Max heaps
- Minimum Cost of ropes
- Convert BST to Min Heap
- π 16-12-2022 Friday
- K-th Largest Sum Subarray ( Brute-Force && Heap )
- Merge K Sorted Arrays
- Merge k sorted lists
- π 17-12-2022 Saturday
- Smallest Range From K Sorted List
- Median in a stream
- π 17-12-2022 Saturday
- HashMaps (Order Maps && Unordered Maps )
- Maximum Frequency Number
- π 18-12-2022 Monday
- Bucket Array (Theory for Hash-maps)
- Implement Trie
- longest Common Prefix
- π 19-12-2022 Tuesday
- Implement a phone directory
- π 30-12-2022 Friday
- Rat In A Maze
- N Queens
- π 31-12-2022 Saturday
- Sudoku Solver
- Graph : adjacent to list
- Creating and Printing
- π 01-01-2023 Sunday
- BFS in Graph
- π 02-01-2023 Monday
- DFS Traversal
- Cycle Detection In Undirected Graph - Using BFS
- Cycle Detection In Undirected Graph - Using DFS
- Detect Cycle In A Directed Graph
- π 03-01-2023 Tuesday
- Topological Sort Using -DFS
- Topological Sort Using - BFS/Kahn'S Algo
- Detect Cycle In A Directed Graph Using - Kahn's Algo
- Shortest path in an unweighted graph
- π 04-01-2023 Wenesday
- Shortest path in Directed Acyclic Graph
- π 05-01-2023 Thrusday
- Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm
- π 06-01-2023 Friday
- Prim's MST
- Minimum Spanning Tree Using Kruskals
- π 07-01-2023 Saturday
- Bridges In A Graph
- Articulation Point - I
- π 08-01-2023 Sunday
- Count Strongly Connected Components (Kosarajuβs Algorithm)
- Bellman Ford
- π 09-01-2023 Monday
- Nth Fibonacci Number -4 ways
- 746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs -4 ways
- π 10-01-2023 Tuesday
- Minimum Elements / Number of Coins
- Maximum sum of non-adjacent elements / Stickler Thief
- π 11-01-2023 Wenesday
- House Robber II
- Cut Into Segments
- π 12-01-2023 Thrusday
- Count derangement
- Ninja And The Fence
- π 20-02-2023 Monday
- π 21-02-2023 Tuesday
- Combination Sum IV
- Get Minimum Squares
- Ninja's Trip
- π 22-02-2023 Wenesday
- Largest square formed in a matrix
- 1039. Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon
- π 23-02-2023 Thrusday
- 1824. Minimum Sideway Jumps
- 1402. Reducing Dishes
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- 1691. Maximum Height by Stacking Cuboids
- 1388. Pizza With 3n Slices
- π 24-02-2023 Friday
- Dice throw
- Partition Equal Subset Sum
- 801. Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing
- Longest Arithmetic Progression
- 1218. Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference
- 96. Unique Binary Search Trees
- π 25-02-2023 Saturday
- 375. Guess Number Higher or Lower II
- 1130. Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values
- π 26-02-2023 Sunday
- 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
- 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
- 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
- 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee
- π 27-02-2023 Monday
- 1143. Longest Common Subsequence
- 516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence
- 72. Edit Distance
- 85. Maximal Rectangle
- 44. Wildcard Matching
- N meetings in one room
- Shop in Candy Store
- Check if it is possible to survive on Island
- Reverse words in a given string
- π 28-02-2023 Tuesday
- Introduction to HTML
- Introduction to HTML
- The Anatomy of HTML tag
- Start Building HTML personal site
- What is the HTML Boilerplate
- How to structure Text in HTML
- HTML lists
- HTML Image Elements
- HTML Links and Anchor Tags
- Intermediate HTML
- HTML Tables
- Using HTML tables for Layout
- HTML Table Code Challenge
- HTML Forms
- Create a Feedback Form with user login
- Publishing a website
- π 01-03-2023 Wenesday
- Inline CSS
- Internal CSS
- External CSS
- How to Debug CSS Code
- The Anatomy of CSS Syntax
- CSS Selectors
- Classes vs. Ids
- π 02-03-2023 Thrusday
*[x] Favicon *[x] The Box Model of Website Styling *[x] Display Property *[x] Static and Relative Positioning *[x] Absolute positioning *[x] The Dark Art of Centering Elements *[x] Font Styling
- π 03-03-2023 Friday
- CSS Font Property Challenge
- CSS Float and Clear
- Stylised Personal Site
- Final Walkthrough
- π 04-03-2023 Saturday
- What is Bootstrap
- Web Design 101 - Wireframing
- The Bootstrap Navigation Bar
- π 05-03-2023 Sunday
- Bootstrap Grid Layout System
- Adding Grid Layouts to Our Website
- Bootstrap Containers
- Bootstrap Buttons & Font Awesome
- Styling Our Website Challenges and Solutions
- π 06-03-2023 Monday
- The Bootstrap Carousel
- Bootstrap Cards
- π 07-03-2023 Tuesday
- [x]The CSS Z-Index and Stacking Order
- π 11-03-2023 Saturday
- Media Query Breakpoints
- Made the website fully responsive for Mobile as well as Tab
- π 13-03-2023 Sunday
Advanced CSS - Combining Selectors
Refactoring our Website
Advanced CSS - Selector Priority
Completing the Website
Introduction to Web Design
Understanding Colour Theory
Understanding Typography and How to Choose a Font
Manage ATTENTION with effective User Interface (UI) Design
User Experience (UX) Design
Web Design in Practice - Let's apply what we've learnt!
Javascript Alerts - Adding Behaviour to Websites
Data Types
Javascript Variables
Javascript Variables Exercise
Naming and Naming Conventions for Javascript Variables
String Concatenation
String Lengths and Retrieving the Number of Characters
Slicing and Extracting Parts of a String
- π 14-03-2023 Monday
- Basic Arithmetic and the Modulo Operator in Javascript
- Increment and Decrement Expressions
- Functions Part 1 Creating and Calling Functions
- Functions Part 1 Challenge - The Karel Robot
- Functions Part 2 Parameters and Arguments
- Life in Weeks
- Functions Part 3 Outputs & Return Values
- Challenge Create a BMI Calculator
Intermediate Java Script
- Random Number Generation in Javascript Building a Love Calculator
- Control Statements Using If-Else Conditionals & Logic
- Comparators and Equality
- Combining Comparators
- the Leap Year Code Challenge
- Collections Working with Javascript Arrays
- Adding Elements and Intermediate Array Techniques
- Who's Buying Lunch
- Control Statements While Loops
- Control Statements For Loops
- the Fibonacci Code Challenge
- π 15-03-2023 Tuesday
- The Document Object Model (DOM)
- Adding Javascript to Websites
- Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
- Selecting HTML Elements with Javascript
- Manipulating and Changing Styles of HTML Elements with Javascript
- The Separation of Concerns Structure vs Style vs Behaviour
- Text Manipulation and the Text Content Property
- Manipulating HTML Element Attributes
- Create a Dice project using previous concept
- π 16-03-2023 Wenesday
We'll Make Drum Kit
Adding Event Listeners to a Button
Higher Order Functions and Passing Functions as Arguments
How to Play Sounds on a Website
A Deeper Understanding of Javascript Objects
How to Use Switch Statements in Java script
Objects, their Methods and the Dot Notation
Using Keyboard Event Listeners to Check for Key Presses
Understanding Callbacks and How to Respond to Events
Adding Animation to Websites
- π 17-03-2023 Thrusday
What is Data
What is Information
Data Vs Information
How businesses can leverage data and Information
What is Database
What is DBMS
Why don't we use File System Instead of DBMS
What is Abstraction?
Three Schema Architecture | View of Data | Abstraction provided by DBMS
Database Instance
Importance of Logical Schema
Brief introduction to Data Models
Database Languages
How is Database accessed from Application Programs?
Database Administrator (Who is DBA?)
DBMS Application Architecture (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)
What is Entity?
What is Entity set?
What are Attributes?
What are Relationships between Entities?
Define ER Model and ER Diagram
Attribute Consistency Constraints
Types of Attributes (Composite/Multivalued/Derived Attributes)
What does NULL specifies in Database?
What are Strong and Weak Relationships?
Degree of Relationship (Unary/Binary/Ternary Relationships)
Mapping Cardinality (1:1, 1:N, N:1, N:M)
Participation Constraints (Partial & Total Participation)
What is Specialization?
What is Generalization?
Are Specialization and Generalization different in terms of ER Diagram?
Attribute inheritance
Participation inheritance
What is Aggregation?
Steps to make ER Diagram
Requirement Engineering
Step 1: Identify Entity sets
Step 2: Identify Attributes and their types
Step 3: Identify Relationships and Constraints
Final ER Diagram
- π 18-03-2023 Friday
- ON DELETE CASCADE / ON DELETE SET NULL (Referential Constraint overcome methods)
- JOIN without using JOIN keywords
- Sub-queries in SQL
- Views in SQL
- π 19-03-2023 Saturday
- 50 Most Common SQL Queries for Interviews
- π 20-03-2023 Sunday
- What is Functional Dependency?
- Armstrong's Axioms
- Why Normalisation is necessary?
- Anomalies due to redundant data
- Insertion Anomaly
- Deletion Anomaly
- Updation Anomaly
- What we actually do in Normalisation?
- Types of Normal Forms
- 1NF
- 2NF
- 3NF
- π 21-03-2023 Monday
How to Implement Atomicity and Durability?
Shadow Copy Scheme
Log based Recovery Methods
Why Indexing is used?
Primary Index / Clustering Index
Dense Index VS Sparse Index
Multi-level Index
Secondary Index
Brief introduction to NoSQL Databases
History behind NoSQL evolution
Data modeling in NoSQL
Advantages of NoSQL databases
When to use NoSQL?
Misconception about NoSQL
Types on NoSQL databases | Key Values stores
Columnar NoSQL
Document based stores
Graph based stores
Disadvantages of NoSQL
Types of Databases
Relational Databases
Object-Oriented Databases
NoSQL Databases
Hierarchical Databases
Network Databases
What is Clustering / Replication
- π 22-03-2023 Tuesday
- Database Optimisation Techniques
- Scale-up DB Optimisation
- Replica Set (Clustering)
- Partitioning for scaling out the DB
- What is Sharding?
- Query Optimisation and DB Connection Pooling
- Vertical Scaling (Scale-Up)
- Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
- Multi Primary Replication
- Partitioning of Data by Functionality
- Horizontal Scaling (Scale-out)
- Establish Multiple Data Centres
- CAP Theorem in DBMS
- Master-Slave Architecture
- π 23-03-2023 Wednesday
Opacity / Transparency
CSS Font Property Challenge
CSS Float and Clear
Background Image ,Attachment ,Repeat
Borders Padding Margin
height width
Style a website using css concept
- π 24-03-2023 Thrusday
Absolute Position
Position and Offset Properties
Fixed Position and Sticky Position
@Font Face Descriptor
Font Weight
Font Size
Font Style
Text Align
Text Transform
Text Indent
Line Height
Word Spacing and Letter Spacing
Text Decoration
Text Shadow
White Space
Text Direction
Selectors - Grouping Selectors - Universal Selector
Selectors - Class Selector
ID vs Class Selector
Style a website using CSS concept
- π 25-03-2023 Friday
- Descendant Selector ( space )
- Child Selector ( > )
- Universal Selector ( * )
- Pseudo-classes( : )
- Pseudo-elements( :: )
- Attribute Selector ( [ ] )
- π 26-03-2023 Saturday
- before selector
- after selector
- Navigation bar
- π 27-03-2023 Sunday
- Flex box
- π 28-03-2023 Monday
- Dropdown Menu
- counter-increment
- Calc()
- Gradients
- Transform
- π 29-03-2023 Tuesday
- π 30-03-2023 Wednesday
How To Make Tooltips With Only CSS
How to use CSS object-fit to control your images
Mask-image lets you do some really cool stuff
Clip an image to text with CSS