Before opening an issue, please search the issue tracker to make sure your issue hasn't already been reported.
Visit the Issue tracker to find a list of open issues that need attention.
Clone the repo:
git clone [email protected]:instacart/Snacks.git
Then install dependencies:
cd ./Snacks
cd ./Snacks
npm install
Start stylguide locally
yarn styleguide
npm run styleguide
Go to to see all components. This environment has hot reloading and components can be added on the fly though the various doc files. Look for any file in a component's folder with .md
for examples of component code that the styeguide will run automatically.
You can also enable continous testing (linting, snapshot and unit tests) on every file save by following instructions in the testing step below.
Running the build
task will run tests and create a lib/dist.js file
yarn build
npm run build
Running the styleguide:build
command will generate a static style guide site under the styleguide
yarn styleguide:build
npm run styleguide:build
To run tests:
yarn test
npm test
To continuously watch and run tests, run the following:
yarn test:watch
npm run test:watch
- If it's a bug fix, open a new issue in the Issue tracker.
- Create a new feature branch based off the
branch. - Make sure all tests pass.
- Submit a pull request, referencing any issues it addresses.
Please try to keep your pull request focused in scope and avoid including unrelated commits.
If you're creating a new component, that component must be snapshot tested and follow the general coding practices
New components must:
- have comprehensive tests
- have comprehensive documentation
- follow our code conventions
- be reviewed and approved
- Do not use semicolons
- 2 spaces for indentation (no tabs)
- Prefer
- 120 character line length (except documentation)
- Readability over trickiness or performance
- Use the decorator pattern when applicable - ie
- Create stateless components when possible
- Create React
s if not stateless - Create es6 classes inheriting from React's
class if not pure or stateless - Always include
with as much specificity as possible - iepropTypes.shape
is better thanpropTypes.object
Linting will run when you run tests, and most of the above rules will be caught.
Tests are done using a few frameworks/libraries:
- Jest - Snapshot tests + assertion library
- Sinon - Spies for testing function calling
- Enzyme - Testing DOM interactions like clicking
Tests are co-located with their components in a __tests__
directory and are named ComponentName.spec.js
, per Jest convention.
- Reliable over comprehensive
- Simple over convoluted
- Fast over slow
Documentation is generated by React Styleguidist and can be augmented by a combination of JSDoc comments and by adding readme files for your components. Readme files for new components are required, and should be co-located with your component under a docs
directory and be named <YourComponent>.md
Running the styleguide
command will start up a local server running the style guide on http://localhost:6060
yarn styleguide
npm run styleguide
Running the styleguide:build
command will generate a static style guide site under the top-level docs
directory. This gets built and hosted at
yarn styleguide:build
npm run styleguide:build
Two factor authenticaion is required on your npm account. You'll need your authenticator code during the release step.
npm run release:build
- Go to the branch created on Github and update the description of the release branch to include a list of new components, enhancements, fixes or other important changes.
- Merge the branch into master on Github
- Draft a new release with the same description as the release branch:
npm run release:publish