In addition to the core features provided by Amplify Agents SDK around API discovery and traceability, it also provide some of the helpful utilities that developers can use while building agent as and where needed.
The agent provides support for creating HTTP clients with api package that can be used for making HTTP request and processing the response. The HTTP Client can be initialized with TLS security (config.TLSConfig) and can use proxy.
The package provides NewClient() method to create a new HTTP client. This method take an interface of config.TLSConfig and proxy URL as argument. Below is a sample of creating HTTP Client with default TLS config and no proxy configured
tlsConfig := config.NewTLSConfig()
apiClient := api.NewClient(tlsConfig, "")
The HTTP client interface provides Send() method which takes an object of api.Request struct. The api.Request identifies the HTTP request to be sent and holds following properties
- Method : Identifies the HTTP method to be used for the request. Supported values are "GET", "PUT", "POST" and "DELETE"
- URL : Specifies the target HTTP endpoint where the request will be sent
- QueryParams: : Map of key-value pairs that will be added as query parameter to HTTP request
- Headers : Map of key-value pairs that will be added as request headers
- Body: Represents the body that is used for PUT and POST requests.
The Send() method of the HTTP client returns an object of type api.Response which holds following properties
- Code : Represents the HTTP response code returned for HTTP request
- Header : Map of key-value pairs that represents HTTP response headers
- Body : Represents the body returned as HTTP response.
Below is a sample of constructing the request, use the HTTP client to send the request and receive response
query := map[string]string{
"param1": "value1",
"param2": "value2",
header := map[string]string{
"Authorization": "Bearer " + token,
"x-some-other-header": "header-value",
request := api.Request{
Method: api.GET,
URL: "http://someURL",
QueryParams: queryParams,
Headers: header
response, err := apiClient.Send(request)
log.Debug("Status : " + strconv.Itoa(response.Code))
log.Debug("Body : " + string(response.Body))
The Amplify Agents SDK provides an in-memory cache using cache package that developers can use to store items that are frequently used for faster access. The cache stores items based on key and optionally secondary key if needed by the implementation. The items can be queried using either key or secondary key assigned to the item. The Amplify Agents SDK exposes the following interface which that describes the methods provided by cache
type Cache interface {
Get(key string) (interface{}, error)
GetBySecondaryKey(secondaryKey string) (interface{}, error)
GetKeys() []string
HasItemChanged(key string, data interface{}) (bool, error)
HasItemBySecondaryKeyChanged(secondaryKey string, data interface{}) (bool, error)
Set(key string, data interface{}) error
SetWithSecondaryKey(key string, secondaryKey string, data interface{}) error
SetSecondaryKey(key string, secondaryKey string) error
Delete(key string) error
DeleteBySecondaryKey(secondaryKey string) error
DeleteSecondaryKey(secondaryKey string) error
Save(path string) error
Load(path string) error
Below is an sample demonstrating the creation of cache, storing items and then querying them
objCache = cache.New()
objCache.Set("key", object)
objCache.SetWithSecondaryKey("key-1", "sub-key-1", object1)
objCache.Set("key-2", object2)
objCache.SetSecondaryKey("key-2", "sub-key-2")
obj, err := objCache.Get("key"
obj, err := objCache.Get("key-1")
obj, err := objCache.GetBySecondaryKey("sub-key-1")
obj, err := objCache.Get("key-2")
obj, err := objCache.GetBySecondaryKey("sub-key-2")
err := objCache.Delete("key)
err := objCache.DeleteBySecondaryKey("sub-key-1)
The cache store the has of the item, so implementation can validate if the object has changed. For example
obj.prop = 111
objCache.Set("key", obj)
obj.prop = 222
isChanged, err := objCache.HasItemChanged("key", obj)
The Amplify Agents SDK implements a health check service that gets initialized during agent initialization. The service calls the list of registered callbacks to perform the check on the corresponding service. The service also exposed an endpoint over port 8080, that users can use to make HTTP based call to verify health check of the agent overall and of individual components (registered health check callbacks). The health check endpoint port is configurable using status.port config.
The health check callback function should be of CheckStatus type (described below). The callback implementation can set the status of the component/service by creating an object of type healthcheck.Status and setting Result field to represent the current status of the component. The status level can be "OK" or "FAIL"
type CheckStatus func(name string) *Status
The Amplify Agents SDK provides RegisterHealthCheck() method in healthcheck package to register the callback function which will be invoked at an interval. The interval is configurable using config status.healthCheckInterval which can be set in yaml or overridden using environment variable.
Following is a sample of callback registration and callback implementation
func run() error {
healthcheck.RegisterHealthcheck("API Manager", "apimanager", healthcheck)
func (c *v7Client) healthcheck(name string) (status *hc.Status) {
// perform the check on component
return &Status {
Result: healthcheck.FAIL
Details "Error description"
The Amplify Agents SDK utilizes logrus and provides a structured logger that can be used by agent implementation to have unified logging. The Amplify Agents SDK setup the logger during the initialization. Below are the list of configuration properties that Amplify Agents SDK provides to configure the logger. The logger supports both stdout and file outputs and can log in line or JSON format. The logger provided by Amplify Agents SDK supports log rotation based on size and can keep the configured number of backups of old log files.
Environment variable | YAML | Description |
LOG_LEVEL | log.level | The log level for output messages (debug, info, warn, error) |
LOG_FORMAT | log.format | The format to print log messages (json, line, package) |
LOG_OUTPUT | log.output | The output for the log lines (stdout, file, both) |
LOG_MASKEDVALUES | log.maskedValues | Comma-separated list of key words to identify within the agent config and used to mask its corresponding sensitive data. Key words are matched by whole words and are case sensitive |
LOG_FILE_NAME | | The name of the log files |
LOG_FILE_PATH | log.file.path | The path (relative or absolute) to save logs files, if output type file or both |
LOG_FILE_ROTATEEVERYBYTES | log.file.rotateeverybytes | The max size, in bytes that a log file can grow to |
LOG_FILE_KEEPFILES | log.file.keepfiles | The max number of log file backups to keep |
LOG_FILE_CLEANBACKUPS | log.file.cleanbackups | The max age of a backup file, in days |
The log package provides following methods that agents can call to log
func Error(args ...interface{})
func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
func Debug(args ...interface{})
func Debugf(format string, args ...interface{})
func Info(args ...interface{})
func Infof(format string, args ...interface{})
func Warn(args ...interface{})
func Warnf(format string, args ...interface{})
Some of the samples of logging using Amplify Agents SDK logger
log.Info("Some thing to log")
log.Infof("Log entry with format, %s", "additional log ~~message")
log.Debugf("No changes detected in the API %s", *azAPI.Name)
log.Trace("I got here in the code")
log.Errorf("Error in processing : %s", err.Error())
log.Warnf("Config not found: %s", missingItem)