📱Android App to get your City's Latest Local News 🗞️ , write and share your articles ✍🏻
ScreenShot 1 | ScreenShot 2 | ScreenShot 3 | ScreenShot 4 |
The DiaryApp project uses many popular libraries and tools in the Android Ecosystem:
- Android KTX - helps to write more concise, idiomatic Kotlin code.
- Coroutines and Kotlin Flow - used to manage the local storage i.e.
writing to and reading from the database
. Coroutines help in managing background threads and reduces the need for callbacks. - Jetpack Navigation - navigate between Screnns while taking advantage of the NavController which keeps track of the back stack that make up the screens in your app.
- Dagger Hilt - used for Dependency Injection.
- Glide - an image loading library for Android
- Firebase Storage - Firebase Cloud Storage is a scalable and reliable cloud storage solution used in the app for storing and retrieving photos and videos associated with News, Articles, etc entries.
- Firebase Auth - Firebase Authentication provides a secure and easy-to-use authentication system, allowing users to sign in and access their diary entries securely.
- Firebase Dynamic Urls - Firebase Dynamic Urls integrated for users to be taken directly to the linked content like News in native app.
- NewsData.IO API - API used to fetch Indian and World News
- Retrofit - Used for Networking