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File metadata and controls

123 lines (95 loc) · 4.6 KB


Everything in extra/ can be ignored for now. All of it is still in progress; I just decided to leave it on the main branch.

So the project is just two files: tio.js and util.js. If you want to use this project, you can just copy paste those two files. It's all you need!

The functions in tio.js are your interface. The functions in util.jsyou shouldn't need. A function is intended for use by you iff it's in tio.js. There are, right now, three functions there:


  • async, input, lang) -> Promise([stdout, stderr+timing, ?])
  • TIO.makeLink(languageId, header, code, footer, input, args, options, fullLink)-> link
  • TIO.parseLink(link) -> {
      "languageId": languageId,
      "header": header,
      "code": code,
      "footer": footer,
      "input": input,
      "args": args,
      "options": options
  • async string, input: string, lang: string)
      -> Promise([stdout, stderr+timing, ?]): Promise([string, string, string])
  • TIO.makeLink(languageId: string, header: string, code: string, footer: string, input: string,
                 args: [string], options: [string], fullLink: boolean)-> link: string
  • TIO.parseLink(link: string) -> {
      "languageId": languageId,
      "header": header,
      "code": code,
      "footer": footer,
      "input": input,
      "args": args,
      "options": options
    }: JSON


>> ///// /////
>>",+.", "A", "brainfuck").then(n=>console.log(n[0]))
>>",+.", "A", "brainfuck").then(n=>console.log(n[1]))
"Real time: 0.074 s\
User time: 0.039 s\
Sys. time: 0.034 s\
CPU share: 98.64 %\
Exit code: 0"
>>"console.log('stdout');console.err('stderr');", "stdin", "javascript-node").then(n=>console.log(n[0] + '-------\n' + n[1].slice(0,200)))
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { \

>> ///// TIO.makeLink /////
>> TIO.makeLink("tinylisp")
>> TIO.makeLink("apl-dyalog-classic", "∇f", "⍎⊖⍕⊃⊂|⌊-*+○⌈×÷!⌽⍉⌹~⍴⍋⍒,⍟?⍳0", "∇\nf")
>> TIO.makeLink("brain-flak", "", "", "", "", ["-h", "-d"])
>> TIO.makeLink("brain-flak", "", "", "", "", ["-h", "-d"], [], false)

>> ///// TIO.parseLink /////
>> TIO.parseLink("").languageId
>> TIO.parseLink("")
Object { languageId: "apl-dyalog-classic", header: "∇f", code: "⍎⊖⍕⊃⊂|⌊-*+○⌈×÷!⌽⍉⌹~⍴⍋⍒,⍟?⍳0", footer: "∇\nf", input: "", args: [], options: [] }
>> TIO.parseLink("").args
Array [ "-h", "-d" ]

If there is any other functionality you'd like, please submit an issue. There's no such thing as too tiny or too big an idea, at least not yet; all interaction is welcome! Other functions to interact with TIO and adding support for other online interpreters are both in scope for the library. If an issue already exists for it, please comment on it to let me know you're interested. Reacting on the issue with an emoji isn't loud enough!

Note that functions in tio.js rely on those in util.js so be sure to <src> those in first. Or if you copy/paste both into one file, put the contents of util.js first.

Also, note that the lang/languageId field in & TIO.makeLink must be the same id that TIO has in its system. It's not always self-evident what the id is. You can consult extra/ids.js, put together by @RedwolfPrograms, to find it. Here's an example:

>> var lang = "js"
>>"","", lang).then(n=>console.log(n[0]))
"The language 'js' could not be found on the server."
>> var lang = "javascript"
>>"","", lang).then(n=>console.log(n[0]))
"The language 'javascript' could not be found on the server."
>> // Hmmm, 'node' doesn't work either. Nor does 'nodejs' nor 'node-js'
>> // Running out of ideas... Consult ids.js!
>> var search = "node"
>> for (const key in TIO.IDS) { if (key.toLowerCase().includes(search)) { console.log(key + ": " + TIO.IDS[key]);} }
"JavaScript (Babel Node): javascript-babel-node\
JavaScript (Node.js): javascript-node"