The CodeGeneration
object defines global properties that are used to drive the underlying database-driven code generation.
The CodeGeneration
object supports a number of properties that control the generated code output. These properties are separated into a series of logical categories.
Category | Description |
Infer |
Provides the special Column Name inference configuration. |
Columns |
Provides the Columns configuration. |
Path |
Provides the Path (Directory) configuration for the generated artefacts. |
DotNet |
Provides the .NET configuration. |
EntityFramework |
Provides the Entity Framework (EF) model configuration. |
Outbox |
Provides the Event Outbox configuration. |
Auth |
Provides the Authorization configuration. |
Namespace |
Provides the .NET Namespace configuration for the generated artefacts. |
Collections |
Provides related child (hierarchical) configuration. |
The properties with a bold name are those that are more typically used (considered more important).
Provides the special Column Name inference configuration.
Property | Description |
columnNameIsDeleted |
The column name for the IsDeleted capability.† Defaults to IsDeleted . |
columnNameTenantId |
The column name for the TenantId capability.† Defaults to TenantId . |
columnNameOrgUnitId |
The column name for the OrgUnitId capability.† Defaults to OrgUnitId . |
columnNameRowVersion |
The column name for the RowVersion capability.† Defaults to RowVersion . |
columnNameCreatedBy |
The column name for the CreatedBy capability.† Defaults to CreatedBy . |
columnNameCreatedDate |
The column name for the CreatedDate capability.† Defaults to CreatedDate . |
columnNameUpdatedBy |
The column name for the UpdatedBy capability.† Defaults to UpdatedBy . |
columnNameUpdatedDate |
The column name for the UpdatedDate capability.† Defaults to UpdatedDate . |
columnNameDeletedBy |
The column name for the DeletedBy capability.† Defaults to UpdatedBy . |
columnNameDeletedDate |
The column name for the DeletedDate capability.† Defaults to UpdatedDate . |
orgUnitJoinSql |
The SQL table or function that is to be used to join against for security-based OrgUnitId verification.† Defaults to [Sec].[fnGetUserOrgUnits]() . |
checkUserPermissionSql |
The SQL stored procedure that is to be used for Permission verification.† Defaults to [Sec].[spCheckUserHasPermission] . |
getUserPermissionSql |
The SQL function that is to be used for Permission verification.† Defaults to [Sec].[fnGetUserHasPermission] . |
Provides the Columns configuration.
Property | Description |
aliasColumns |
The list of Column and Alias pairs (split by a ^ lookup character) to enable column aliasing/renaming.† Each alias value should be formatted as Column + ^ + Alias ; e.g. PCODE^ProductCode . |
Provides the Path (Directory) configuration for the generated artefacts.
Property | Description |
pathBase |
The base path (directory) prefix for the Database-related artefacts; other Path* properties append to this value when they are not specifically overridden.† Defaults to Company (runtime parameter) + . + AppName (runtime parameter). For example Beef.Demo . |
pathDatabaseSchema |
The path (directory) for the Schema Database-related artefacts. † Defaults to PathBase + .Database/Schema (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Database/Schema . |
pathDatabaseMigrations |
The path (directory) for the Schema Database-related artefacts. † Defaults to PathBase + .Database/Migrations (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Database/Migrations . |
pathBusiness |
The path (directory) for the Business-related (.NET) artefacts. † Defaults to PathBase + .Business (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Business . |
Provides the .NET configuration.
Property | Description |
autoDotNetRename |
The option to automatically rename the SQL Tables and Columns for use in .NET. Valid options are: None , PascalCase , SnakeKebabToPascalCase .† Defaults SnakeKebabToPascalCase that will remove any underscores or hyphens separating each word and capitalize the first character of each; e.g. internal-customer_id would be renamed as InternalCustomerId . The PascalCase option will capatilize the first character only. |
preprocessorDirectives |
Indicates whether to use preprocessor directives in the generated output. |
collectionType |
The collection type. Valid options are: JSON , UDT .† Values are JSON being a JSON array (preferred) or UDT for a User-Defined Type (legacy). Defaults to JSON . |
Provides the Entity Framework (EF) model configuration.
Property | Description |
efModel |
Indicates whether an Entity Framework .NET (C#) model is to be generated for all tables.† This can be overridden within the Table (s). |
Provides the Event Outbox configuration.
Property | Description |
outbox |
Indicates whether to generate the event outbox SQL and .NET artefacts. † Defaults to false . |
outboxSchema |
The schema name of the event outbox table. † Defaults to Outbox (literal). |
outboxSchemaCreate |
Indicates whether to create the OutboxSchema within the database.† Defaults to true . |
outboxTable |
The name of the event outbox table. † Defaults to EventOutbox (literal). |
outboxEnqueueStoredProcedure |
The stored procedure name for the event outbox enqueue. † Defaults to spEventOutboxEnqueue (literal). |
outboxDequeueStoredProcedure |
The stored procedure name for the event outbox dequeue. † Defaults to spEventOutboxDequeue (literal). |
Provides the Authorization configuration.
Property | Description |
orgUnitImmutable |
Indicates whether the OrgUnitId column is considered immutable, in that it can not be changed once set.† This is only applicable for stored procedures. |
Provides the .NET Namespace configuration for the generated artefacts.
Property | Description |
namespaceBase |
The base Namespace (root) for the .NET artefacts. † Defaults to Company (runtime parameter) + . + AppName (runtime parameter). For example Beef.Demo . |
namespaceCommon |
The Namespace (root) for the Common-related .NET artefacts. † Defaults to NamespaceBase + .Common (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Common . |
namespaceBusiness |
The Namespace (root) for the Business-related .NET artefacts. † Defaults to NamespaceBase + .Business (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Business . |
namespaceOutbox |
The Namespace (root) for the Outbox-related Publisher .NET artefacts. † Defaults to NamespaceBusiness . |
Provides related child (hierarchical) configuration.
Property | Description |
tables |
The corresponding Table collection.A Table object provides the relationship to an existing table within the database. |
queries |
The corresponding Query collection.A Query object provides the primary configuration for a query, including multiple table joins. |