Releases: Automattic/wp-super-cache
Releases · Automattic/wp-super-cache
If the HTTP HOST is empty then don't use it in strpos to avoid a PHP warning. (#408)
Don't preload posts with permalinks that contain rejected strings. (#407)
Generate a list of archive feeds that can be deleted when the site is updated. Also fixes corrupted config file issue and fatal error with older versions of WordPress. (#403)
- REST API: Added /plugins endpoint to handle the plugins settings page. (#382)
- Minor changes to indentaion and spaces to tabs conversion (#371) (#395)
- Don't set $wp_super_cache_comments here as it's not saved. (#379)
- realpath() only works on directories. The cache_file wasn't set correctly. (#377)
- Fix problem deleting cache from admin bar because of realpath() (#381)
- Use trigger_error() instead of echoing to the screen if a config file isn't writeable. (#394)
- Added the "wpsc_enable_wp_config_edit" filter to disable editing the wp-config.php (#392)
- Fix some PHP notices when comments are edited/published/maintained. (#386)
- Minor changes to description on plugins page. (#393)
- Catch fatal errors so they're not cached, improve code that catches unknown page types. (#367)
- Fix caching on older WP installs, and if the plugin is inactive on a blog, but still caching, give feeds a short TTL to ensure they're fresh. (#366)
- When preloading don't delete sub-directories, or child pages, when caching pages. (#363)
- Avoid PHP warnings from the REST API for settings that are not yet defined. (#361)
- Added missing settings to the config file. (#360)
- Add a trailing slash to home path. Fixes problems with finding the .htaccess file.
- Delete WPCACHEHOME and WP_CACHE from wp-config.php when plugin deactivated.
- Check that WPCACHEHOME is the right path on each load of the settings page.
- Load the REST API code without using WPCACHEHOME.
- Fixed mobile browser caching when using WP-Cache caching.
- Fixed directory checks on Windows machines.
- Reverted CDN changes in 1.5.0 as they caused problems in older "WordPress in a separate directory" installs.
- Added note to CDN page when site url != home url. Site owners can use a filter to adjust the URL used.
- Stop preload quicker when requested while preloading taxonomies.
- Added more information for when updating the .htaccess file fails.
- "Served by" header is now optional. Enable it by setting $wpsc_served_header to true in the config file.