diff --git a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/1-Sparrow.md b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/1-Sparrow.md
index 1dce0a7..4202f32 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/1-Sparrow.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/1-Sparrow.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Sparrow Encounter
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> Hop on your sparrow and avoid the cold by finding various domes
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/2-Crypt-Security.md b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/2-Crypt-Security.md
index 42a9452..38905c8 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/2-Crypt-Security.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/2-Crypt-Security.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Crypt Security
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - Pick up operator to start
> - Kill scanner on dark side and find glowing panels
> - Operator open hallway
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/3-Atraks-1.md b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/3-Atraks-1.md
index d578a9d..f41af35 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/3-Atraks-1.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/3-Atraks-1.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Atraks
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - Four people stay on the ground floor while two go to space.
> - Once operator vandal spawns, one guardian takes it and goes up.
> - Scanner vandal appears in space, kill it and take buff.
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/4-Rapture.md b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/4-Rapture.md
index 4e305b5..ae8766c 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/4-Rapture.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/4-Rapture.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Taniks Rapture
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - Kill adds
> - Take all three augments
> - Operator shoots panel
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/5-Taniks.md b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/5-Taniks.md
index 8bfadfe..f45e842 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/5-Taniks.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Deep-Stone-Crypt/5-Taniks.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Taniks
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - Collect augments
> - Wait til Taniks floats to a zone
> - Shoot nukes off
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/1-Kalli.md b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/1-Kalli.md
index 997f00a..5bd6de1 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/1-Kalli.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/1-Kalli.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Kalli
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - Find symbols above doors
> - Stand on matching plates (don't step in the goo)
> - Kill Knights
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/2-Shuro-Chi.md b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/2-Shuro-Chi.md
index a8b3a9c..fd4ed1d 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/2-Shuro-Chi.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/2-Shuro-Chi.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Shuro Chi
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - Kill adds
> - Shoot almond lasers
> - Hurt Shuro Chi (but just a little)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Do as much damage to her as you can, but damage is gated to 1/6 of her health pe
After, she will move to the next plate where the adds + almond process will repeat once more.(1)
{ .annotate }
-1. === Fun Fact!
+1. Fun Fact!
When the raid first started, it was sometimes necessary to use a taken orb dropped by a knight to interrupt Shuro Chi to get some more damage in. This is no longer the case.
Now it's puzzle time.
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/3-Morgeth.md b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/3-Morgeth.md
index 95dc540..f27e5e5 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/3-Morgeth.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/3-Morgeth.md
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Morgeth
-> [!tldr] tl;dr
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - The team needs to gather ten **Taken Strength** between all six members over two waves.
> - One person each wave will get detained. Free them.
> - Do unholy amounts of dps to one phase Morgeth.
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/4-The-Goddamn-Vault.md b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/4-The-Goddamn-Vault.md
index dff298b..da05216 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/4-The-Goddamn-Vault.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/4-The-Goddamn-Vault.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ aliases:
**Oh God. The fucking vault**
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - Determine which plates are Ant and Pen
> - Two doors close, one opens
> - Kill **Eye of Riven** and pick up orb to get Ant or Pen buff
@@ -71,34 +71,44 @@ Whoever is on Trees or Rocks will have this symbol on their left or right. They
That person will then read *their* center symbol, and another will respond with their location and direction of the symbol, again, something like "Stairs right!".
-To be safe, all sides should be called out. You can typically get away with only calling out two though.
-There is no specific order for who gets Penumbra or Antumbra.
+To be safe, all sides should be called out. You can typically get away with only calling out two though. There is no specific order for who gets Penumbra or Antumbra.
-Also in case it needs repeating: **Penumbra is left, Antumbra is right**
+Also in case it needs repeating: **Penumbra is left, Antumbra is right**.
+Here's an example:
+=== "Step One"
+ Stairs calls out their center symbol as 8 snake. (1)
+ Trees sees this on their left and notes they are Penumbra by saying "Trees left".
+ { .annotate }
+ 1. ![8 snake](../../assets/img/LW-8snake.svg){ width="50" color="white" }
+=== "Step Two"
-> [!lookatthis] An Example!
-> 1. Stairs calls out their center symbol as 8 snake.
-> 2. Trees sees this on their left and notes they are Penumbra by saying "Trees left".
-> 3. Trees calls out that their center symbol is cloud snake.
-> 4. Rocks sees this on their right and notes they are Antumbra by saying "Rocks right"
-> 5. Rock sees their middle symbol is infinity snake
-> 6. Since Stairs is the only one left, they see this on their right and notes they are also Antumbra by saying "Stairs right"
+ Trees calls out that their center symbol is cloud snake. (1)
+ Rocks sees this on their right and notes they are Antumbra by saying "Rocks right"
+ { .annotate }
+ 1. ![8 snake](../../assets/img/LW-Cloud-Snake.svg){ width="50" color="white" }
-Note: It is best to have someone record all of this down by either writing it chat like:
+=== "Step Three"
-> `Trees Ant` or `TA`
-> `Stairs Pen` or `SP`
-or just use the website I mentioned in the intro. Up to you.
+ Rock sees their middle symbol is infinity snake (1)
+ Since Stairs is the only one left, they see this on their right and notes they are also Antumbra by saying "Stairs right"
+ { .annotate }
+ 1. ![8 snake](../../assets/img/LW-Infin-Snake.svg){ width="50" color="white" }
+Note: It is best to have someone record all of this down by either writing it chat either like `Trees Ant` / `TA` or `Stairs Pen` / `SP`. Or just use the website I mentioned in the intro. Up to you.
Now that the *basic intro* is done with, let's actually get shit started.
## Part 2: Reading and Running
Now, to start the actual encounter, we begin by all three readers stepping on their plates.
Make sure to be timely as the entrances to two of the zones will close off with one remaining open. *Call out which one is open*. These will close and open on their own and care not for the folly of guardians. Taking too long can make communication chaotic and stressful because of this.
@@ -131,7 +141,6 @@ To reiterate, **The buff needs to match the plate callout.**
This will repeat two more times to cover the remaining plates and unlock one part of the security system.
> [!careful] Why are there more?!
> So remember the sword plunging knight from earlier? Yeah... for each subsequent plate that needs the buff, an additional knight will spawn. Think of it as matching numbers.
> - First plate spawns one knight
> - Second plate spawns two knights
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/5-Riven.md b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/5-Riven.md
index 7554aae..d2aa27c 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/5-Riven.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/5-Riven.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Riven
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - Fall down to Riven
> - Go to crystal room and see if her shadow appears
> - If yes, murder
diff --git a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/6-Queenswalk.md b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/6-Queenswalk.md
index 2822c8b..3c8ba96 100644
--- a/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/6-Queenswalk.md
+++ b/docs/Raids/Last-Wish/6-Queenswalk.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- Riven's Heart
-> [!tldr]
+> [!tl-dr] tl;dr
> - Carry Riven's Heart to the end via relay race
> - People will randomly get teleported and must get Taken Strength via blights to extend the timer
diff --git a/docs/assets/img/LW-8snake.svg b/docs/assets/img/LW-8snake.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9766106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/img/LW-8snake.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b306a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/img/LW-Cloud-Snake.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f17fc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/img/LW-Infin-Snake.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ theme:
- navigation.tabs.sticky
- navigation.footer
- navigation.path
- - navigation.prune
+ # - navigation.prune
- navigation.sections
+ - content.tooltips
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