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Data Types

Javier Molina edited this page May 17, 2019 · 11 revisions

Data types

Each object in the dataModel element above should have the following structure:

    "dataType": <data type>
    "name": <string>
    "constraints": <array or computed expression>
    "computed": <computed expression object>
    "validate": <list of validation strings>

General data type parameters

Each data type parameter is described in the section Supported data types below with the particulars of its use however parameters that are applicable to every data type are described here and are called general parameters.

  • name
  • computed
  • validate


String. The field name. It is used as the value for source in a view type. It must be unique in the JSON dataModel section.

Supported data types

  • text
  • stringList
  • number
  • date
  • time
  • set
  • list
  • species
  • image
  • boolean
  • document
  • feature
  • geoMap
  • photoPoints



Stores a list of strings

View types that can use it

  • selectMany
  • select2Many
  • selectManyCombo



Optional list that constrain the possible values contained in each entry of the stringList


[SelectMany View Type and stringList Data Type Example](# View types Each object in the viewModel element above should have the following structure:

    "type":<view type. On of the supported view types described below>
    "source":<reference to the name field in a dataType definition or a literal string>
    "items":<array of nested view items or literals>
    "title":<Label displayed for the element>
    "boxed":<boolean. If true will display this element within a box> 

View types categories

An element can be a display element or a view of an item in the dataModel.

Layout elements are used to format or layout the form and group elements in a more readable fashion.

The layout elements are row, col, template, section, repeat, table and grid

The literal type element can be used to display fixed text or HTML and is not tied to a source data type.

Any other element type is used to render a data type.

General view type parameters

Each view type parameter is described in the section Supported view types below with the particulars of its use however parameters that are applicable to every view type are described here and are called general parameters.


String. Used to specify the CSS class to be added to the HTML rendered for a view type.

When using this parameter you must ensure that the classes are defined in the web application hosting the form.


String. This parameter will translate to width HTML attribute, as such it must be used with the sporadically, class would be preferred).

It will be handy usually for the columns view types for a table where more precise control of the column widths is required.


String. The name of the field.


Boolean. Whether the field should be readonly when the form is in edit mode. Useful for computed fields.


String. Name of the data type bound to this view type. In the case of nested view types, like a table, source must be a type that allow nested data types like list.

Supported view types

  • literal
  • row
  • col
  • section
  • repeat
  • table
  • text
  • textarea
  • readOnlyText
  • selectOne
  • selectManyCombo (text)
  • select2 (text)
  • link (text)
  • selectMany (stringList)
  • select2Many (stringList)
  • selectManyCombo (stringList)
  • number (number)
  • currency (number)
  • wordCloud (set)
  • image (image)
  • imageDialog (image)
  • embeddedImage (image)
  • document (document)
  • autocomplete (species)
  • speciesSelect (species)
  • speciesSearchWithImagePreview (species)
  • date (date)
  • time (date)
  • geoMap (geoMap)
  • feature (feature)



Display text in source element, including html verbatim

Supported model types

None. This view type does not use any backing data type.



String. If absent or the value is 'edit' the value won't be displayed in read only mode. Thi is designed to allow to display instructional text when filling in forms, such instructions ase not required while viewing forms.


              "source": "<a href='' target='_blank'>Species identification FAQ</a>",
              "type": "literal"



Contained items for this type will be displayed in a separate row. It corresponds with Bootstrap row-fluid element.

Supported model types

None. This view type does not use any backing data type.



List of view types to be displayed each in a separate row


          "computed": null,
          "type": "row",
          "items": [
              "source": "<a href='' target='_blank'>Species identification FAQ</a>",
              "type": "literal"



Contained items for this type will be displayed in a separate column. To achieve its intended purpose, a col type should be nested within a row type. It corresponds with Bootstrap span-n element. The actual value for n will be calculated by the parent row divided by the number of siblings (items) for this col.

Supported model types

None. This view type does not use any backing data type.



List of view types to be displayed each in a separate column


  "type": "row",
  "items": [{
    "type": "col",
    "items": [{
      "type": "row",
      "items": [{
        "type": "col",
        "items": [{
          "preLabel": "Recorded by",
          "source": "recordedBy",
          "type": "text"
    }, {
      "type": "row",
      "items": [{
        "type": "col",
        "items": [{
          "preLabel": "Date",
          "source": "surveyDate",
          "type": "date"
    }, {
      "type": "row",
      "items": [{
        "type": "col",
        "items": [{
          "preLabel": "Time",
          "source": "surveyStartTime",
          "type": "time"
    }, {
      "type": "row",
      "items": [{
        "type": "col",
        "items": [{
          "preLabel": "Individuals",
          "source": "individualCount",
          "type": "number"
  }, {
    "type": "col",
    "items": [{
      "preLabel": "Notes",
      "source": "notes",
      "type": "textarea",
      "rows": 5



Contained items for this type will be displayed within a box.

The purpose of this type is to facilitate grouping different elements of the form into "visual" groups or sections.

Depending on whether boxed parameter is available and set to true it will change the CSS styles for the generated HTML output.

Supported model types

None. This view type does not use any backing data type.



List of view types contained within this section


Boolean. Display a border for this section.


Example 1

      "boxed": true,
      "title": "Location",
      "type": "section",
      "items": [{
        "computed": null,
        "type": "row",
        "items": [{
          "orientation": "horizontal",
          "source": "location",
          "type": "geoMap",

In Example 1, given that boxed is true the form generated will have a containing div element with CSS style boxed-heading the title will be contained in the attribute data-content that can be used by the style to output the style as it suits.

The HTML output for the above example will look like this below:

<div class="boxed-heading" data-content="Location">

Example 2

      "boxed": false,
      "title": "Location",
      "type": "section",
      "items": [{
        "computed": null,
        "type": "row",
        "items": [{
          "orientation": "horizontal",
          "source": "location",
          "type": "geoMap",

In Example 2, given that boxed is false the form generated will have a containing div element with CSS style row-fluid output-section the title will be prepended in an HTML h4 element. As with the previous example the CSS styles can be customised to suit your needs.

The HTML output for the above example will look like this below:

<div class="row-fluid output-section">



repeat is used to display a data list of elements and when in edit mode it provides controls to add and remove elements.

Supported model types




Boolean that controls whether elements can be added/removed to its data model list


Text to display for remove button, only applicable when userAddedRows is set to true and form is in edit mode. Default value Remove Section


Text to display for remove button, only applicable when userAddedRows is set to true and form is in edit mode. Default value Add


      "source": "outcomes",
      "items": [
          "items": [
              "items": [
                  "source": "outcome",
                  "preLabel": {
                    "computed": "\\'Outcome \\' || (index + 1)"
                  "type": "text",
                  "readonly": true
                  "source": "status",
                  "preLabel": "Status of outcome",
                  "type": "selectOne"
                  "source": "outcomeNotAchievedReason",
                  "preLabel": "If the outcome was not achieved, what are the reasons?",
                  "type": "textarea"
                  "source": "outcomeResult",
                  "preLabel": "Describe the state of change detected between the baseline established at the commencement and follow-up monitoring",
                  "type": "textarea"
              "type": "col"
          "class": "output-section",
          "type": "row"



table is used to display a data list of elements in a tabular fashion. Each element of source list will be displayed in a separate row. What columns get displayed are specified by the columns section. A table can optionally display additional rows, used as summary for example, by using the footer parameter.

Finally a table can display a footer.

Supported model types




It's an array of nested view model elements.

The elements source refer to nested elements of the source domain model for the table.

The columns parameter will drive 2 aspects of the table:

  1. Table Headers
  2. Contents for each column
Table Headers

For each element of columns array the following will be used to display a header for a column:

  • title Is the text for the header
  • width Is the column width expressed as percentage. The sum for all elements should add up to 100%
  • The tooltip text for the help is sourced from the description property for the source dataType.
Contents for each column

The columns for each row will be displayed as per the standard format used for each view type.

It is worth nothing that data layout types can't be used as a column element.


The only element of footer is the element array rows


####### columns Very similar to the top level columns parameter for a table, this is an array of view types. The type of each element should not be a layout element.

More often than not each entry in columns will be a literal type or a type that can be computed in order for example to display and store aggregate data.


Integer. Number of rows to print when printing a blank form.


Boolean. Enable buttons to edit rows.


Boolean. Add controls to delete rows.

If the form itself is in read only mode this parameter has no effect.


Boolean. Hides button at the bottom of the table to load data into a table from a file.


Boolean. Shows button at the bottom of the table to add rows to the table.



Table View Type Example



Display a text box.

Supported model types



This view type has no specific parameters


Test Output Form



Display a text area.

This view type has no specific parameters

Supported model types




Integer. Number of rows to display. Applicable only in edit mode.


Integer. Number of rows to display. Applicable only in edit mode.


Textarea View Type Example



Display the value of a text data model.

This is useful when displaying computed fields.

The difference between using readonlyText and literal is that the later is only for static text not bound to a data model field.

Supported model types



This view type has no specific parameters


TBC Example does not show anything, possibly defaultValue need some KO trigger/event to be fired to be shown in the form.

Readonly View Type Example



Allows to select a value from a text list.

The source must specify the list of accepted values as part of the constraints parameter.

Supported model types



This view type has no specific parameters


SelectOne View Type Example

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