template | thumbnail |
true |
./thumbnail.png |
This example provides you with a basic setup for video chatting. You have exactly one room, anyone can join the conversation with either their microphone, webcam or both.
- webcam
- microphone
- nodeJS
- see package.json
npx degit AtelierNum/boilerplates/webRTC#main myWebRTCExample
cd myWebRTCExample
npm install && npm run dev
Given the complexity of this one it's only reasonable to point you to these resources and tell you to reach out if you need further help.
- MDN doc : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API
- Shim to make it cross-browser : https://github.com/webrtcHacks/adapter
- More expample projects : https://webrtc.github.io/samples/
- This wasn't considered at the time of writing but should be looked into and maybe used for the next iteration : https://peerjs.com/index.html