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Braille Pixel Library

Console pixel graphics library using Unicode braille characters (0x2800-0x28FF).

The canvas is 160×160. You may clear it, set and reset pixels, and show it.

To test the pixels library: sh ./

You should see this little guy (assuming Unicode font supporting Braille and UTF-8 terminal):

    ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣀⣠⠤⢤⠤⣀⠀⠀   ⢀⠔⠊⡉⠑⡄
     ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠑⠒⠁⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠉⠁


Word Signature Description
width -n Canvas width
height -n Canvas height
clear - Clear canvas
set xy- Set canvas dot
reset xy- Reset canvas dot
show - Display canvas


The idea is to use a range of Braille Unicode characters to each represent 2×4 pixels. We'll have a 160×160 pixel canvas, made from 80×20 characters. We can use this to draw interesting things in the console.

160 constant width
160 constant height

width 2 / constant columns
width height * 8 / constant size

We define the canvas width and height, and can compute the columns and total number of characters (size). These constants are computed once at compile time as opposed to say : columns width 2 / ;.

: clear size 0 do 10240 i ! loop ;

A word to clear the canvas fill each cell with the Unicode value of an empty Braille cell (10240). This should be called before drawing.

: set cell-mask or swap ! ;
: reset cell-mask swap invert and swap ! ;

We'll be using a cell-mask word, which well look at in a moment, that takes an x, y pair and returns the cell, the mask and the current value at the cell. We can set or reset individual dots. To set, we or the mask with the current value. To reset, we invert the mask (invert), then and it with the current value. In both cases we then store the value in the cell.

Now to build up to explaining cell-mask:

( init dot masks )
: init-masks 8 0 do size i + ! loop ;
128 64 32 4 16 2 8 1 init-masks 

Here we've stored a table of dot mask values just beyond the canvas buffer (at size). We push the table values, then iterate eight times, poking them into memory. These values will be used ask masks to build each of the eight dots in a single Braille character.

The reason for creating a word (init-masks) for this because the behavior of do ... loop outside of a definition is undefined in some Forths. Though it works in the Python interpreter, it may not work in future Forths we'll be creating.

: cell 4 / floor columns * swap 2 / floor + ;

Each Braille character cell contains 2×4 dots. We can compute the memory cell in which a dot on the canvas falls, given the x and y coordinates, by dividing y by 4 and adding the number of columns (jumping by rows), then add to this x divided by 2 (the column of x).

For example, 1 3 cell returns 0 because the dot falls on the bottom right corner of the first cell. However if we move to the right, 2 3 cell returns 1; the bottom left corner of the 2nd cell. Moving down, 2 4 cell returns 81; the top left corner of the second cell on the second 80-character row.

: mask 4 mod 2 * swap 2 mod + size + @ ;

To look up the mask value we mod the x coordinate by 2 and the y coordinate by 4 (2×4 dots per cell), and look in the table we built just past the canvas memory (size +).

: cell-mask 2dup cell -rot mask over @ ;

To get the cell and mask value, we can duplicate the pair of x and y coordinates with 2dup (defined in the prelude as simply over over), get the cell of one pair, rotate that out of the way and get the mask of the duplicate pair. Finally we fetch the current value at the cell with over @.

: show
  size 0 do
    i columns mod 0 = if 10 emit then  ( newline as appropriate )
    i @ emit
  loop ;

The above clear, set and reset words don't display anything on the screen. They just manipulate the buffer. To show the buffer, we walk it and emit the values, while emitting a newline (10) after each 80-character column.

Turtle Turtle

Before we get into proper turtle graphics, let's at least draw a graphic of a turtle. We'll start by making a mechanism to draw from bitmaps in code.

variable x variable y

: start clear 0 x ! 0 y ! ;
: | 0 do 35 = if x @ y @ set then 1 x +! loop 0 x ! 1 y +! ;

The +1 used above comes from the prelude. It adds and stores a value in a variable (defined as : +! dup @ rot + swap ! ;). For example, 1 x +! increments the value stored in x.

The start word clears the canvas and initializes the x/y coordinates. The | word expects to have a sequence of numbers on the stack and sets dots for each 35 encountered, which is the ASCII for a # character. The sequence should be followed by a number indicating its length.

Remember the sym word that deconstructs a token into its ASCII values followed by the length? Perfect! sym _#_#_ places 95 35 95 35 95 5 on the stack; a 35 for each # and the length we need. The | work takes this and sets the dots accordingly.

sym _#_#_ |
sym _#_#_ |
sym #___# |
sym _###_ |

Showing this tiny happy face in a few Braille characters.


In test.f is a our turtle.

: turtle start
  sym ```````````````````````````````####`` |
  sym `````````````````````````````##````#` |
  sym ```````````#######``````````#```````# |
  sym ````````####```#``##```````#````#```# |
  sym ``````##`###```###``##`````#````````# |
  sym `````##`#```#`#```#`#`#```#`````````# |
  sym ````#``#`````#`````#```#``#``````###` |
  sym ```#``#`#```#`#```#`#`#####```````#`` |
  sym ``####```###```###``##````#`````##``` |
  sym `##``#```#`#```#```#`````#`````#````` |
  sym #``#`#```#`#```#``#``````#````#`````` |
  sym #```#`#`#`#`#`#`##`````##````#``````` |
  sym #````###########`````##`````##``````` |
  sym `#``````````````````#``````##```````` |
  sym ``#```````````````##`##```#`#```````` |
  sym ``################`#```###`#````````` |
  sym `#```#````````#````#``````#`````````` |
  sym #```###```````#```#`````##`##```````` |
  sym #``#```#######````#######````#``````` |
  sym `##`````````#````#```````#```#``````` |
  sym ````````````#```#`````````###```````` |
  sym `````````````###````````````````````` |
  show ;


Next let's build a turtle graphics library with this.