DataOne Innovation Labs interview challenge for Software Engineering Intern - Front End Candidate
This repository contains an intro challange for software engineers who want to join DataOne Innovation Labs.
Create an application for client management using React JS.
Details needs to be recorded for client:
- Client ID, First name, last name, email, phone number, business name, bank account number, Address (Street1, Street2, City, State, Country, pincode), status( 'Active', 'passive', 'pipeline', 'prospect')
Following are the features which should be there:
- Add, edit, view and delete client - Create an API service for these operations, load initial data from JSON file, for this app data won't be persistent so you can initialize an array from json on addition push an element to array, on edit, array element should be edited and same way for delete
- Create a Dashboard. It should show cards for total number of clients and separate tile for each status
- Below cards, show table with following details
- Client ID, name (Firstname + lastname), Business name, Email, Phone, city, Actions
- Actions field will contain icons for edit, view and delete
- On dashboard page header, put a button to add new client
- Separate pages for add, edit and view client
- View client should have link to dashboard and delete option
- Table fields should be sortable
- Create a zip file for this project and send us the google drive/dropbox link when you're done.
- Organize your code according to framework guidelines
- Must provide readme file with instructions to execute the project (It should work on any linux based machine)
Feel free to ask questions.
Reference image for dashboard is attached.