This directory contain public file path for samples repository. Common public files have been encapsulated in terms of all samples. By doing so, duplicate sample files have been removed and repeated codes are reduced.
presentserver +
You can refer to the script in googlenet_imagenet_video sample for uses of presentserver.- the presentserver file contain common presentserver codes for calling presentserver.
- is the common start script for presentserver.
Common scripts used for quick integration and execution of various samples. Descriptions including common functions are as follows.Name Function Dependent variable find_model input model name to check if it exists under ${ModelPath] ModelPath target_kernel target compiler architecture None build compile according to target_kernel TargetKernel,ScriptPath running_presenter use for C++ samples and run common presentserver ScriptPath,conf_file_name,common_script_dir,running_command, data_command running_presenter_python use for python samples and run common presentserver ScriptPath,conf_file_name,common_script_dir,running_command, data_command running set ${running_command} before running image samples ScriptPath,running_command - +
Here are common scripts and verification files used in ST tests of various samples. ST tests are used for testing samples in an environment where development and execution are on the same device, for more information visit st.