diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ccb4548..5e99c1f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,6 +4,26 @@ [![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=Arquisoft_lomap_en2b&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/summary/new_code?id=Arquisoft_lomap_en2b) [![Coverage](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=Arquisoft_lomap_en2b&metric=coverage)](https://sonarcloud.io/summary/new_code?id=Arquisoft_lomap_en2b) +## Introduction to Lomap + +This is an application done by a team of UniOvi students, simulating a project done by a belgian software company, for the Council of Brussels. +It is an application where the users can login with their Solid accounts and share their favourite landmarks and places all around the globe with their friends. In the application you will be able to see your friends' landmarks, and you can create landmarks on your favourite places in order to let people see what you enjoy the most about the city of Brussels and also from the whole world. + +This is a website done while we learnt some technologies like **React**, **Typescript** or an endpoint using **NodeJS** with **express**. + +
+ + + +
+ +## Team members + +Andres Cadenas Blanco UO282276@uniovi.es +Pedro Limeres Granado uo282763@uniovi.es +Diego Villanueva Berros UO283615@uniovi.es +Jorge Joaquín Gancedo Fernández UO282161@uniovi.es + ## Sections * [Quickstart guide](#quickstart-guide) @@ -74,36 +94,28 @@ npm run dev This runs the application in local, take into account you must have nodejs installed in the system. To access the webpage access in a browser write: localhost:3000 -### Testing the Webapp +### Testing the Webapp and the Restapi #### Unit tests Basically these tests make sure that each component work isolated. It is important to check that they render properly. These tests are done using jest and you can execute them with `npm run test`. A code coverage analysis is generated every time we run the tests. If properly configured, this can be exploited by tools like [SonarCloud](https://sonarcloud.io/) to create reports of code coverage. -Some tests needs to mock some parts of the application. For instance, the `EmailForm.tsx` component uses the api for adding a user. In the unitary tests we should mock these calls to make more robusts tests. You can check the file [EmailForm.test.tsx](src/components/EmailForm.test.tsx) to learn how this is done. -For instance: -```javascript -jest.spyOn(api,'addUser').mockImplementation((user:User):Promise- - - -
+### Docker image for the web app +The `Dockerfile` for the webapp is pretty simple. Just copy the app, install the dependencies, build the production version an then run a basic webserver to launch it. -This project is a basic example of website using **React** with **Typescript** and an endpoint using **NodeJS** with **express**. +In order to run the app, we need a server. `npm start` is not good for production so we are going to use [Express](https://expressjs.com/es/). Check [server.js](webapp/server.ts) in the webapp to understand the configuration. As we will run it in port 3000 (in localhost), we have to bind this port with the port in our local machine.