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moobyfr edited this page Feb 25, 2011 · 5 revisions

Using external jabber server to manage VM


Due to its design, Archipel Can use external JID to manage the VM:


Using an external xmpp server like ejabberd or Openfire is test (For openfire the ArchipelClient must ahve been build after the 25/02)
If you cannot log in,

  • verify that no firewall blocks access to port 4080 (or wathever port used in the BOSH URL) and your browser
  • verify that you can access the BOSH url from your web browser: going with a browser on the bOSH URL should give you some text, probably an Jetty: HTTP ERROR 400, bad request for openfire, or ejabberd mod_http_bind for ejabberd server

Rights Access to manage VM


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