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Jeff Mitchell edited this page May 16, 2013 · 18 revisions

This section groups all common problems you may have installing or using Archipel.

It seems that X doesn't work

First of all, and before continuing, update your copy or Archipel Agent doing # easy_install -U archipel-agent Then try using for the GUI or get the latest nightly build from, then try again. If problem is still present, you can continue to read this FAQ.

What navigator can run Archipel GUI ?

You can use :

  • Chromium (All platform) : best choice
  • WebKit (Mac OS) : the other best choice
  • Chrome (All platform)
  • Safari (Mac OS)
  • Firefox (All platform)
  • ReKonq

I use Internet Explorer and X doesn't seems to work

Are you kidding ?

I have a 501 error when try to do X

501 error means "Not Implemented". This is because your agent can't process the request (i.e. your request has not been catches by any XMPP handlers). There are several reasons:

  • One of the agent's module has not been loaded for some reason. Read carefully the beginning of archipel.log to track down for ERROR at early initialization process. Most of these errors are due to missing configuration tokens.
  • Or, you are not up to date. Even if you think so, that's wrong. You are not. Try to Reset EGG installation.

I have a "XMLNotWellFormed" error when connecting to the server on Ubuntu

Install the xmpppy package with easy_install, at least the package in Ubuntu is too old

When I want to launch Archipel GUI and I look at the Debug Console, I have a lot of error telling "Info.plist" not found

This is not a problem. This is the way Cappuccino determines if a folder is a bundle or a framework or just a standard folder. It tries to get Info.plist from folders and this can result as a 404 error displayed in the console.

I'm logged on with my XMPP admin account, but I have no right to do anything.

Your XMPP admin account SHOULD to be called "admin" (for example [email protected]). Otherwise, you need to add your admin account name in to the Resources/admin-accounts.js file, in the client folder being served by your web server.

I get "No connection has been defined for this thread or process" from the archipel server's log

you get something like ERROR ::2011-01-14 16:09:09::<archipelHypervisor.TNArchipelHypervisor instance at 0x14ab5f0>.iq_get_permission: exception raised is : No connection has been defined for this thread or process. This mean you use a too old version of python SQLAlchemy. You MUST use the easy_install package of SQLAlchemy, not the one eventually packaged in your distribution. Remove any installation of this egg, and reinstall it with # easy_install SQLAlchemy

I have sucessfully installed archipel, I'm connected, and I have added the hypervisor in the roster, but it is displayed as "Offline"

You probably have manually created the hypervisor account using ejabberdctl which is bad. You have now two solutions:

  • change the account of the hypervisor of the token hypervisor_xmpp_jid in the archipel.conf file and restart Archipel.
  • unregister the account using ejabberdctl unregister hypervisor FQDN and restart Archipel.

YOU MUST NOT CREATE ANY XMPP ACCOUNT FOR ARCHIPEL ENTITIES. Manually account can be created for users

I run easy_install archipel-agent and I have error: byte-compiling is disabled

export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE as empty value first and rerun easy_install # export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE= # easy_install archipel-agent

The ''New VM'' button is not working: "Nobody has answered your request"

New VM button is a future feature stuff. Do not use it at the moment. To create a VM, go to an hypervisor, "Virtual Machine" tab and click on the "+" button.

For hackerz: You can use our fork of ejabberd with needed fixes, see

I can't connect to VNC screen from Archipel!

Most of the time, you will get some error in the console saying "Unable to connect to". This is because for some reasons, the Archipel Agent hasn't be able to find its public IP. To fix this, edit /etc/archipel/archipel.conf, and change the value of the token machine_ip = auto to machine_ip = X.X.X.X where X.X.X.X is your hypervisor's public IP. Then restart the agent and then the virtual machines from Archipel GUI. It should work.

Also note that the VNC connections are initiated from your browser using a websocket proxy. This proxy uses a port equals to VNC-port + 1000. So if your VM uses the port 5901, Archipel will connect to the proxy listening to 6901. Obviously, you must be able to connect to these porta from the computer that runs the browser that runs Archipel GUI.

I can take a snapshot but when I try reverting vm doesn't come back

If you are using centos 6.0 in this case (, snapshot through the binary savevm isn't supported with version 0.8.1 of libvirt. Waiting for availability of centos 6.1, you can alternatively use the Continuous Realease repo and you will benefit of libvirt 0.8.7. Have a look here : Follow those 5 steps :

  • yum install centos-release-cr
  • add "priority 1" at the end of /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-CR.repo
  • yum install libvirt
  • check version of libvirt : rpm -qva | grep libvirt
  • service archipel restart

It should work now.

Snapshoting a disk is taking hours

You need to change the cache mode of your drives to "None" in the virtual machine definition. This is mostly due to a bug in some version of Libvirt

The hypervisor is blocked with "trying to recover libvirt connection"

There is some errors while talking to the libvirt: look in /var/log/archipel-startup.log for libvirt errors.

Verify you have installed qemu-kvm for example...

I granted 'all' permissions to hypervisor for a user but they still can't do anything

Restart Archipel agent on the hypervisor. This bug happens sometimes after calling archipel-xxxnode --create commands.

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