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ANSOS: Archipel Node Stateless OS

primalmotion edited this page Jan 12, 2012 · 41 revisions

Archipel Node Stateless OS

Archipel Node Stateless OS (ANSOS) is a Live OS based on oVirt-node. It allows you to boot up a ready-to-use Archipel enabled hypervisor in no time. The image is less than 200NB and contains everything you need. All the data are kept in a network mount of your choice. You only have to give a few kernel parameters when booting up the image, the rest is automatic.

Get the Archipel Node Stateless OS

You can grab the ISO here:

  • Download the Fedora version: @SOON@
  • Downlod the CentOS version: @SOON@

Or you can Build it from source

Preparing your platform


You need an ejabberd server up and running, configured for Archipel.

Network shares

In order to store data, and be able to conserve information across reboot, AN needs a network share. For now, we strongly suggest to use a CIFS based share (NFS has some bugs preventing sqlite to work properly. But you may want to try). So first of all, create a folder on a server named stateless:

mkdir -p /stateless/{config,logs,qemu,lib,scripts}

Then share it, by adding to /etc/samba/smb.conf:

comment = Archipel Stateless Solid storage
path = /stateless
public = yes
writable = yes
browsable = yes

Then restart samba:

/etc/init.d/smb restart

Your share is ready.

Generic Archipel configuration

ANSOS will search for a general config file, by default in /stateless/config/archipel.conf You need to configure it like the following:

xmpp_server                                 = 
archipel_folder_lib                         = /stateless/lib/
archipel_general_uuid                       = cf1c9dca-3e19-4200-9be2-ac1ddbff8997
archipel_folder_data                        = /vm/

xmpp_pubsub_server                          = pubsub.%(xmpp_server)s
archipel_root_admins                        = admin@%(xmpp_server)s
machine_ip                                  = @HOSTNAME@
use_avatar                                  = True
machine_avatar_directory                    = /var/lib/archipel/avatars
libvirt_uri                                 = qemu:///system
migration_uri                               = qemu+ssh://@HOSTNAME@/system
module_loading_policy                       = restrictive
stateless_node                              = False

orgname                                     = Your Company
userid                                      = [email protected]
locality                                    = Paris
url                                         =

hypervisor_xmpp_jid                         = @HOSTNAME@@%(xmpp_server)s
hypervisor_xmpp_password                    = a-password
hypervisor_name                             = auto
hypervisor_database_path                    = %(archipel_folder_lib)s/@HOSTNAME@/hypervisor.sqlite3
hypervisor_default_avatar                   = defaulthypervisor.png
name_generation_file                        = /var/lib/archipel/names.txt
hypervisor_permissions_database_path        = %(archipel_folder_lib)s/@HOSTNAME@/permissions.sqlite3

vm_base_path                                = %(archipel_folder_data)s/drives
vm_default_avatar                           = defaultvm.png
xmpp_password_size                          = 32
maximum_lock_time                           = 1
vm_permissions_database_path                = /permissions.sqlite3
allow_blank_space_in_vm_name                = True
enable_block_device_access                  = True
disable_screenshot                          = False

logging_level                               = debug
log_pubsub_item_expire                      = 3600
log_pubsub_max_items                        = 1000
logging_file_path                           = /stateless/logs/archipel.@[email protected]
logging_max_bytes                           = 5000000
logging_backup_count                        = 5
logging_date_format                         = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
logging_formatter                           = %(levelname)s::%(asctime)s::%(filename)s:%(lineno)s::%(message)s
xmpppy_debug                                = False

action_scheduler                            = True
geolocalization                             = True
hypervisor_health                           = True
hypervisor_network                          = True
hypervisor_vmcasts                          = True
iphone_notification                         = False
oomkiller                                   = True
snapshoting                                 = True
storage                                     = True
virtualmachine_appliance                    = True
vnc                                         = True
xmppserver                                  = True
platformrequest                             = False
vmparking                                   = True

health_database_path                        = %(archipel_folder_lib)s/@HOSTNAME@/statscollection.sqlite3
health_collection_interval                  = 5
max_rows_before_purge                       = 50000
max_cached_rows                             = 200

iso_base_path                               = %(archipel_folder_data)s/iso
use_metadata_preallocation                  = True
qemu_img_bin_path                           = /usr/bin/qemu-img
golden_drives_dir                           = %(archipel_folder_data)s/goldens

localization_mode                           = auto
localization_latitude                       = 0.0
localization_longitude                      = 0.0
localization_service_url                    =
localization_service_request                = /ip_query.php
localization_service_method                 = GET
localization_service_response_root_node     = Response

vmcasting_database_path                     = %(archipel_folder_lib)s/@HOSTNAME@/vmcasting.sqlite3
repository_path                             = %(archipel_folder_data)s/repo
temp_path                                   = %(archipel_folder_data)s/tmp
own_vmcast_name                             = Local VM casts of $HOSTAME
own_vmcast_description                      = This is the own vmcast feed of the hypervisor $HOSTAME
own_vmcast_uuid                             = %(archipel_general_uuid)s
own_vmcast_url                              =
own_vmcast_file_name                        = rss.xml
own_vmcast_lang                             = en-us
own_vmcast_path                             = %(archipel_folder_data)s/vmcasts/
own_vmcast_refresh_interval                 = 60
disks_extensions                            = .qcow2;.qcow;.img;.iso
should_gzip_drives                          = True
ignore_user_gzip_choice                     = False

credentials_key                             = YOUR CRED HERE

database                                    = %(archipel_folder_lib)s/@HOSTNAME@/oom.sqlite3

database                                    = %(archipel_folder_lib)s/@HOSTNAME@/scheduler.sqlite3

use_xmlrpc_api                              = False
xmlrpc_host                                 = %(xmpp_server)s
xmlrpc_port                                 = 4560
xmlrpc_user                                 = admin
xmlrpc_password                             = password
auto_group                                  = False
auto_group_name_virtualmachines             = All Virtual Machines
auto_group_name_hypervisors                 = All Hypervisors
auto_group_filter                           = all

vnc_certificate_file                        = /etc/archipel/vnc.pem
vnc_only_ssl                                = False
vnc_enable_websocket_debug                  = True

libvirt_nw_filters_path                     = /etc/libvirt/nwfilter

All the @HOSTNAME@ occurrences will be replaced by the actual hostname of the hypervisor.

NOTE: The [DEFAULT] section DO NOT translate tokens like @HOSTNAME@. Do not use any token in it.

Specific Archipel configuration

In addition to the general configuration file, you can create as many files as you have hypervisors. It will override the general options value. By default, you must define this file as /stateless/config/archipel.HOSTNAME.conf.

For example, create a file in /stateless/config/archipel.hypervisorA.conf:

hypervisor_xmpp_password    = specific-password

action_scheduler            = False
geolocalization             = False

NOTE: Creating specific configuration files is optional, but encouraged.

The Post Script

The post-script will be executed after ANSOS initialization, just before starting the actual Archipel process. By default, the script will be red from /stateless/scripts/archipel-post-script.

This script should contain at least the the mount command for the data files:

echo "IP.IP.IP.IP" >> /etc/hosts
if [[ ! -n $(mount | grep "$REMOTE_FS") ]]; then
    mount -t cifs -o password=password $REMOTE_FS /vm

It is REQUIRED to mount the data folder to /vm. Note that the ANSOS filesystem is mostly read-only. You cannot create any folder you like in the LiveOS filesystem from this script.

Starting your nodes

Now you have a ready to use platform, boot your virtual machine with the ANSOS iso (from a USB stick, a DVD-ROM, a partition, from PXE, whatever).

You MUST append the following kernel parameters. Configure them as you like:

BOOTIF=eth0 ip=dhcp hostname=YOUR_NODE_NAME ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_ADDRESS=//server/stateless ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_OPTIONS=user=user,password=password

The hypervisor will boot. You will feel some love.

Additional parameters

AN support more kernel parameters to allow you to tune stuff:

  • ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_TYPE: The type of filesystem to mount (Default: cifs)
  • ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_ADDRESS: The address of the remote filesystem (example: //server/stateless)
  • ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_OPTIONS: The mount options (example: user=bob,password=password)
  • ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_MOUNTPOINT: The local mount point (Default: /stateless)
  • ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_PATH: The default stateless folder path (Default: /stateless)
  • ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_LIB_PATH: The default stateless folder path for lib (Default: /stateless/lib)
  • ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_QEMU_PATH: The default stateless folder path for qemu (Default: /stateless/qemu)
  • ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_CONFIG_PATH: The default stateless folder path for config (Default: /stateless/config)
  • ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_CONFIG_PATH_GENERAL: The default stateless folder path for lib (Default: /stateless/config/archipel.conf)
  • ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_CONFIG_PATH_LOCAL: The default stateless folder path for lib (Default: /stateless/config/archipel.$HOSTNAME.conf)
  • ARCHIPEL_SELINUX_MODE: SELinux mode (Default: Permissive)
  • ARCHIPEL_POST_SCRIPT: The post script path (Default: /stateless/scripts/archipel-post-script)

In addition, you can use all the standard oVirt parameters. You should only use what you understand:

  • BOOTIF=link|eth*|<MAC> (appended by pxelinux)
  • storage_init=[usb|scsi[:serial#]|/dev/...]
  • mem_overcommit=<overcommit_ratio>
  • upgrade
  • standalone
  • firstboot
  • ovirt_runtime_mode
  • rescue
  • ip=<client-ip>:<boot-server-ip>:<gw-ip>:<netmask>
  • ip=<client-ip> netmask=<netmask> gateway=<gw-ip>
  • ip=dhcp|off
  • ipv6=dhcp|auto
  • dns=server[,server]
  • ntp=server[,server]
  • vlan=id
  • ssh_pwauth=[0|1]
  • syslog=server[:port]
  • collectd=server[:port]
  • hostname=fqdn
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