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✨ Custom Electron Prompt ✨

NPM Version License: MIT Maintenance Website

Custom prompt for Electron made easy with various templates

There are currently 5 types available: Input / Keybind / Counter / Select / MultiInput

There is also an option for a button with user-defined onclick function.

Example of a Simple Prompt from Input Type


  • 1: Install the npm package to your project directory with

    npm install custom-electron-prompt


     yarn add custom-electron-prompt


     bun add custom-electron-prompt
  • 2: Import prompt

    const prompt = require('custom-electron-prompt')
  • 3: Create a prompt

    prompt([options, parentBrowserWindow])

    calling the prompt function returns a Promise

    Promise resolve returns the input or returns null if prompt was canceled

       On error, Prompise reject returns custom error message

Simple Input Example

const prompt = require('./prompt');

    title: 'Prompt example',
    label: 'URL:',
    value: '',
    inputAttrs: {
        type: 'url'
    type: 'input'
.then((r) => {
    if(r === null) {
        console.log('user cancelled');
    } else {
        console.log('result', r);

Special Prompt Types


Create a prompt with possibly multiple keybind selects

Must specify keybindOptions with valid entries in format:

keybindOptions: [
    { value: "copyAccelerator", label: "Copy", default: "Ctrl+C" }
    { value: "pasteAccelerator", label: "Paste", default: "Ctrl+V" }

Return an array made of objects in format

{value: "copyAccelerator", accelerator: "Ctrl+Shift+Insert"}

where accelerator is the input for the value you registered

Code Example
const kb = ($value, $label, $default) => { return { value: $value, label: $label, default: $default } };
   title: "Keybinds",
   label: "Select keybind for each method",
   type: "keybind",
   value: "2", // Doesn't do anything here
   keybindOptions: [
   	{ value: "volumeUp", label: "Increase Volume", default: "Shift+PageUp" },
   	kb("volumeDown", "Decrease Volume", "Shift+PageDown"),
   	kb("playPause", "Play / Pause") // (null || empty string || undefined) == no default
   resizable: true,
   customStylesheet: "dark",
}, win).then(input => {
   if (input)
   	input.forEach(obj => console.log(obj))
   	console.log("Pressed Cancel");


Create a prompt for selecting numeric values, with integrated + and - buttons

You can specify counterOptions with valid entries in format:

counterOptions: {
    minimum: 0, //defaults to null
    maximum: 250, //defaults to null
    multiFire: true //default to false

minimum and maximum of numeric counter, and multifire indicate if continuous input is enabled.

Code Example
   title: "Counter",
   label: "Choose a number:",
   value: "59",
   type: "counter",
   counterOptions: { minimum: -69, maximum: null, multiFire: true },
   resizable: true,
   height: 150,
   width: 300,
   customStylesheet: "dark",
}, win).then(input => console.log(`input == ${input}`)).catch(console.error)


Create a prompt with a dropdown select menu.

Must specify selectOptions with valid entries in one of the following format:

 selectOptions: ["thisReturn0", "thisReturn1", "thisReturn2"]
 selectOptions: {
    0: "thisReturn0",
    1: "thisReturn1",
    2: "imSelected",
    potato: "thisReturnPotato"
Code Example
   title: "Select",
   label: "Choose an option:",
   type: "select",
   value: "2",
   selectOptions: ["thisReturn0", "thisReturn1", "imSelected", "thisReturn3"],
   // 	selectOptions: {0: "thisReturn0", 1: "thisReturn1", 2: "imSelected" , potato: "thisReturnPotato"},
   resizable: true,
   height: 150,
   width: 300,
   customStylesheet: "dark",
}, win).then(input => console.log(`input == ${input}`)).catch(console.error)


Create a prompt with multiple inputs. Select inputs can also be used.

Returns an array with with input in same order that was given to the options, for example: multiInputOptions: [{usernameOptions}, {passwordOptions}] could return ["Jack", "61523"]

Must specify multiInputOptions with valid entries in the following format:

 multiInputOptions: [{myinputoptions1}, {myinputoptions2}]
Code Example
   title: "credentials",
   label: "Login Info:",
   type: "multiInput",
                   type: "email",
                   required: true,
                   placeholder: "email"
                   type: "password",
                   placeholder: "password"
               selectOptions: { na: "North America", eu: "Europe", other: "Other" },
               value: "2"
   resizable: true,
   width: 300,
   height: 225,
}, win).then(input => console.log(`input == ${input}`)).catch(console.error)

With selectOptions:

Without selectOptions: This screenshot also contains a custom button.

Options object (optional)

⚠️ New options :

Key Explanation
frame (optional, boolean) Wether to create prompt with frame. Defaults to true.
customScript (optional, string) The local path of a JS file to run on preload. Defaults to null.
enableRemoteModule (optional, boolean) Wether the prompt window have remote modules activated, Defaults to false.
customStylesheet (optional, string) The local path of a CSS file to customize the style of the prompt window, you can use just "dark" to use the premade dark skin. Defaults to null.
type (optional, string) The type of input field, either 'input' for a standard text input field or 'select' for a dropdown type input or counter for a number counter with buttons. or keybind for an electron accelerator grabber. or multiInput to use more than 1 input in a prompt Defaults to 'input'.
counterOptions (optional, object) minimum and maximum of counter, and if continuous input is enabled. format: {minimum: %int%, maximum: %int%, multiFire: %boolean%. min+max values defaults to null and multiFire defaults to false.
keybindOptions (optional, object)  Required if type=keybind. represent an array of objects in format: {type: %string%, value: %string%, default: %string%}. default has to be a valid accelerator to work
multiInputOptions (optional, object) an Array of objects having options for every input, format: [{inputAttrs:{type:'email'}},{inputAttrs:{type:'password'}}], [object, object] to use it without passing any options simply [{},{},{}], just create x amount of empty objects to add x inputs.
button (optional, object) adds a button after the success(OK) with a custom label, onClick and attributes. Object format: {label: 'myLabel', click: () => alert("click"), attrs: {style: 'background: black'}}, {label: %string%, click: %function%, attrs: %object%}

Original options:

Key Explanation
title (optional, string) The title of the prompt window. Defaults to 'Prompt'.
label (optional, string) The label which appears on the prompt for the input field. Defaults to 'Please input a value:'.
buttonLabels (optional, object) The text for the OK/cancel buttons. Properties are 'ok' and 'cancel'. Defaults to null.
value (optional, string) The default value for the input field. Defaults to null.
type (optional, string) The type of input field, either 'input' for a standard text input field or 'select' for a dropdown type input or 'counter' for a number counter with buttons. Defaults to 'input'.
inputAttrs (optional, object) The attributes of the input field, analagous to the HTML attributes: {type: 'text', required: true} -> <input type="text" required>. Used if the type is 'input'.
selectOptions (optional, object) The items for the select dropdown if using the 'select' type in the format 'value': 'display text', where the value is what will be given to the then block and the display text is what the user will see.
useHtmlLabel (optional, boolean) Whether the label should be interpreted as HTML or not. Defaults to false.
width (optional, integer) The width of the prompt window. Defaults to 370.
minWidth (optional, integer) The minimum allowed width for the prompt window. Default to width if specified or default_width(370).
height (optional, integer) The height of the prompt window. Defaults to 130.
minHeight (optional, integer) The minimum allowed height for the prompt window. Default to height if specified or default_height(160).
resizable (optional, boolean) Whether the prompt window can be resized or not (also sets useContentSize). Defaults to false.
alwaysOnTop (optional, boolean) Whether the window should always stay on top of other windows. Defaults to false
icon (optional, string) The path to an icon image to use in the title bar. Defaults to null and uses electron's icon.
menuBarVisible (optional, boolean) Whether to show the menubar or not. Defaults to false.
skipTaskbar (optional, boolean) Whether to show the prompt window icon in taskbar. Defaults to true.

If not supplied, it uses the defaults listed in the table above.

parentBrowserWindow (optional)

The window in which to display the prompt on. If not supplied, the parent window of the prompt will be null.

customScript (optional)

Create the script with the following template:

module.exports = () => {
    // This function will be called as a preload script
    // So you can use front features like `document.querySelector`

Custom/Extra Button (optional)

Adds an extra/custom button with special functionalities other than success or error. Passing a label will update the button's innerHTML, click should be a funtion which will execute onclick, lastly attrs should contain all the attributes that should be added to the button such as custom styles.

Code Example
await prompt({
            title: 'Login credentials',
            label: 'Credentials',
            value: '',
            inputAttrs: {
                type: 'url'
            type: 'multiInput',
                    label: "username",
                        type: "email",
                        required: true,
                        placeholder: "email"
                    label: "password",
                        type: "password",
                        placeholder: "password"
            // customStylesheet: "dark",
                label: "Autofill",
                click: () =>
                    document.querySelectorAll("#data")[0].value = "[email protected]";
                    document.querySelectorAll("#data")[1].value = "mysecretrecipe";
                    abc: 'xyz'

Disclaimer: this package is a highly modified version of electron-prompt

The author of that package didn't want much contributions or changes, but you are more than welcome to contribute and create new stable prompt features over here :)