The C++ ExprTk Extras are a series of additional examples demonstrating in more detail various aspects of ExprTk and its usage.
The ExprTk Extras implementation is fully compatible with the following C++ compilers:
- GNU Compiler Collection (3.5+)
- Clang/LLVM (1.1+)
- Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Compiler (7.1+)
- Intel® C++ Compiler (8.x+)
- AMD Optimizing C++ Compiler (1.2+)
- PGI C++ (10.x+)
- IBM XL C/C++ (9.x+)
- C++ Builder (XE4+)
# | Description | File |
00 | Binomial coefficient example (n-choose-r) | exprtk_binomial_coefficient.cpp |
01 | Pascal's triangle | exprtk_pascals_triangle.cpp |
02 | Black-Scholes-Merton model benchmark | exprtk_bsm_benchmark.cpp |
03 | Simple calculator | exprtk_calc.cpp |
04 | Collatz conjecture | exprtk_collatz.cpp |
05 | Expression generator | exprtk_exprgen.cpp |
06 | Fizz-Buzz problem | exprtk_fizzbuzz.cpp |
07 | Function call benchmark | exprtk_funcall_benchmark.cpp |
08 | GCD implementation | exprtk_gcd.cpp |
09 | GNUplot single curve example | exprtk_gnuplot.cpp |
10 | GNUplot multi-curve example | exprtk_gnuplot_multi.cpp |
11 | Mandelbrot fractal generator | exprtk_mandelbrot.cpp |
12 | Approximation of E via the Monte-Carlo method | exprtk_montecarlo_e.cpp |
13 | Approximation of Pi via the Monte-Carlo method | exprtk_montecarlo_pi.cpp |
14 | Approximation of Pi via Wiener process | exprtk_wiener_process_pi.cpp |
15 | Ten thousand digits of Pi via spigot algorithm | exprtk_pi_10kdigits.cpp |
16 | Ten thousand digits of E via spigot algorithm | exprtk_e_10kdigits.cpp |
17 | Maximum subarray sum (Kadane's algorithm) | exprtk_max_subarray_sum.cpp |
18 | Nth-root via the bisection method | exprtk_nthroot_bisection.cpp |
19 | ExprTk Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop (REPL) | exprtk_repl.cpp |
20 | Skeleton for string APIs | exprtk_str_funcs.hpp |
21 | Sieve of Eratosthenes | exprtk_prime_sieve.cpp |
22 | Sieve of Eratosthenes (vectorized) | exprtk_prime_sieve_vectorized.cpp |
23 | Primes via the naive method | exprtk_naive_primes.cpp |
24 | Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test | exprtk_miller_rabin_primality_test.cpp |
25 | Sum of prime factors for first N numbers | exprtk_sumofprimes.cpp |
26 | Test expression generator | exprtk_testgen.cpp |
27 | Truth table generator from arbitrary expressions | exprtk_truthtable_gen.cpp |
28 | Vector processing benchmark | exprtk_vector_benchmark.cpp |
29 | Multi-threaded vector processing benchmark | exprtk_vector_benchmark_multithreaded.cpp |
30 | L-Norm of vectors | exprtk_vectornorm.cpp |
31 | Fermat's integer factorization method | exprtk_factorize_fermat.cpp |
32 | Pollard's Rho integer factorization method | exprtk_factorize_pollard.cpp |
33 | Logical deduction riddle | exprtk_riddle.cpp |
34 | Pythagorean triples | exprtk_pythagorean_triples.cpp |
35 | Immutable symbol table example | exprtk_immutable_symbol_table_example.cpp |
36 | CPU instruction primer | exprtk_instruction_primer.cpp |
37 | Vector RTC overhead analysis | exprtk_rtc_overhead.cpp |
38 | Loop RTC timeout | exprtk_loop_timeout_rtc.cpp |
39 | Compilation timeout check | exprtk_compilation_timeout.cpp |
40 | Vectorized binomial option pricing model | exprtk_vectorized_binomial_model.cpp |
41 | Merton Jump diffusion process based option pricing model | exprtk_jump_diffusion_process.cpp |
42 | Monte-Carlo based european option pricing model | exprtk_montecarlo_option_pricing_model.cpp |
43 | American option binomial pricing model | exprtk_american_option_binomial_model.cpp |
44 | Conway's game of life | exprtk_game_of_life.cpp |
45 | Sudoku solver | exprtk_sudoku_solver.cpp |
46 | N-Queens problem | exprtk_nqueens_problem.cpp |
47 | Magic square example | exprtk_magic_square.cpp |
48 | Tower of Hanoi example | exprtk_tower_of_hanoi.cpp |
49 | Maze Generator | exprtk_maze_generator.cpp |
50 | Recursive Fibonacci example | exprtk_recursive_fibonacci.cpp |
51 | Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process | exprtk_ornstein_uhlenbeck_process.cpp |
52 | Normal random variables via the Marsaglia method | exprtk_normal_random_marsaglia_method.cpp |
53 | Trigonometry In Degrees Example | exprtk_degree_trigonometry_example.cpp |
54 | Import packages example | exprtk_import_packages.cpp |
55 | Extract expression dependents | exprtk_extract_dependents.cpp |
56 | Extract Symbol Table function names | exprtk_symtab_functions.cpp |
57 | Group/Set operations (add, create, contains, size, get, erase) | exprtk_groups_examples.cpp |
58 | Vector resize example | exprtk_vector_resize_example.cpp |
59 | Vector resize inline with expression example | exprtk_vector_resize_inline_example.cpp |