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technical Architechture of multiswap

Overview of the Code Structure

The code provided is an actor named Appic_Multiswap, which contains various functions to facilitate the transfer and swapping of tokens. The actor includes multiple types of token actors such as TokenActor, ICRC1TokenActor, and ICRC2TokenActor, each with its set of functions for token-related operations. Additionally, the actor interacts with a Sonic canister for token swaps and deposits. Here's a detailed breakdown of the provided code:

Type Definitions and Variables

The actor includes several type definitions such as TransferReceipt, TokenToNum, sonicActor, TxReceipt, Subaccount, ICRCAccount, ICRCTransferArg, ICRC2TransferArg, and TokenActorVariable, along with the definition of variables like userTokensLocked and txcounter.

Function Declarations

  1. private func _getTokenActorWithType(tokenId : Text, tokenType : Text) : async TokenActorVariable
  • This function retrieves the specific token actor based on the provided tokenId and tokenType.
  1. private func _transferFrom(tokenId : Text, tokenType : Text, caller : Principal, value : Nat) : async TransferReceipt
  • Transfers tokens from a specific token actor based on the tokenId and tokenType provided.
  1. private func _transfer(tokenId : Text, tokenType : Text, caller : Principal, value : Nat) : async TransferReceipt
  • Transfers tokens using a specific token actor based on the tokenId and tokenType provided.
  1. private func swapTokensWithSonic(sellToken : Text, buyToken : Text, to : Principal, swapAmount : Nat) : async TxReceipt
  • Initiates token swaps using the Sonic canister based on the specified tokens and amounts.
  1. private func transferTokensToCanister(tokenId : Principal, tokenType : Text, caller : Principal, value : Nat) : async TransferReceipt
  • Transfers tokens to the designated canister based on the provided tokenId and tokenType.
  1. public func withdrawTokens(tokenType : Text, caller : Principal, tokenID : Principal) : async TransferReceipt
  • Allows the withdrawal of tokens based on the specified tokenType, caller, and tokenID.
  1. public func Multiswap(sellingTokens : [Principal], buyingTokens : [Principal], sellAmounts : [Nat], buyAmounts : [Nat], midToken : Principal, midTokenType : Text, sellingTokensType : [Text], buyingTokensType : [Text], caller : Principal)
  • Facilitates the multi-token swap process considering multiple parameters for selling and buying tokens, along with the intermediary token and the caller's details.
  1. public query func getAllUserTokens(caller : Principal) : async ([Principal], [Nat])
  • Retrieves all the tokens held by a specific "caller" along with their respective balances.


The provided code presents a robust implementation for token transfers, swaps, and related operations, catering to different token types and scenarios. Each function is efficiently designed to handle specific token-related tasks and interactions with the Sonic canister.