The code provided is an actor named Appic_Multiswap
, which contains various functions to facilitate the transfer and swapping of tokens. The actor includes multiple types of token actors such as TokenActor
, ICRC1TokenActor
, and ICRC2TokenActor
, each with its set of functions for token-related operations. Additionally, the actor interacts with a Sonic canister for token swaps and deposits. Here's a detailed breakdown of the provided code:
The actor includes several type definitions such as TransferReceipt
, TokenToNum
, sonicActor
, TxReceipt
, Subaccount
, ICRCAccount
, ICRCTransferArg
, ICRC2TransferArg
, and TokenActorVariable
, along with the definition of variables like userTokensLocked
and txcounter
private func _getTokenActorWithType(tokenId : Text, tokenType : Text) : async TokenActorVariable
- This function retrieves the specific token actor based on the provided
private func _transferFrom(tokenId : Text, tokenType : Text, caller : Principal, value : Nat) : async TransferReceipt
- Transfers tokens from a specific token actor based on the
private func _transfer(tokenId : Text, tokenType : Text, caller : Principal, value : Nat) : async TransferReceipt
- Transfers tokens using a specific token actor based on the
private func swapTokensWithSonic(sellToken : Text, buyToken : Text, to : Principal, swapAmount : Nat) : async TxReceipt
- Initiates token swaps using the Sonic canister based on the specified tokens and amounts.
private func transferTokensToCanister(tokenId : Principal, tokenType : Text, caller : Principal, value : Nat) : async TransferReceipt
- Transfers tokens to the designated canister based on the provided
public func withdrawTokens(tokenType : Text, caller : Principal, tokenID : Principal) : async TransferReceipt
- Allows the withdrawal of tokens based on the specified
, andtokenID
public func Multiswap(sellingTokens : [Principal], buyingTokens : [Principal], sellAmounts : [Nat], buyAmounts : [Nat], midToken : Principal, midTokenType : Text, sellingTokensType : [Text], buyingTokensType : [Text], caller : Principal)
- Facilitates the multi-token swap process considering multiple parameters for selling and buying tokens, along with the intermediary token and the caller's details.
public query func getAllUserTokens(caller : Principal) : async ([Principal], [Nat])
- Retrieves all the tokens held by a specific "caller" along with their respective balances.
The provided code presents a robust implementation for token transfers, swaps, and related operations, catering to different token types and scenarios. Each function is efficiently designed to handle specific token-related tasks and interactions with the Sonic canister.